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IDA: Implicit Drainage Area
Alan Richardson, Chris Hill, Taylor Perron

This code implements the IDA and hybrid IDA algorithms to solve for drainage
area in parallel. It currently only accepts D8 flow directions, although it
could be extended to include other flow direction schemes.

Note that this is a research code designed to demonstrate the IDA method. It is
not intended for production use. In particular, it is likely that performance
and memory usage could be improved.

The code assigns unit area to every cell. This can be changed by modifying
the 'b' vector. Despite having integer values in the current implementation,
the output is written in floating point format.

PETSc must be installed in order to compile this code, and the PETSC_ARCH
and PETSC_DIR environmental variables must be set, as described in the PETSc
installation instructions. The interfaces of PETSc functions change quite
regularly, so it is important to have the right version installed. This code
was tested with PETSc 3.4.3. If you will be processing very large landscapes
then you may need to configure PETSc with the --with-64-bit-indices option. If
you wish to use one of the HYPRE preconditioners (such as Euclid), then you
must use the --download-hypre option. You should configure PETSc with the
--with-debugging=0 option for best performance. You may also want to pass
additional optimization options for your compiler, such as 
COPTFLAGS="-O3 -march=native" FOPTFLAGS="-O3 -march=native" (for GCC).
The code also requires an MPI library, such as Open MPI.

The code uses features of C99, so a compatible compiler is required.

To compile, run 'make' in the top directory. This will create the executable
bin/ida under the top directory.

There are a number of required and optional parameters when running the code.

Required parameters:
  -in: Path to input flow directions file (8-bit int)
  -N: Number of landscape rows to be computed
  -M: Number of landscape columns to be computed

Optional parameters:
  -out: Path to output drainage area file (64-bit float). If this parameter
    is not used, no output is saved to disk.
  -true: Path to true drainage area file for comparison (64-bit float). The
    difference between the values in this file and the values computed by IDA
    will be reported.
  -initguess: Path to initial guess of drainage area file (64-bit float)
  -npy: Number of processes to divide rows over
  -npx: Number of processes to divide columns over
  -fullN: Number of rows in input landscape. Default: N
  -fullM: Number of columns in input landscape. Default: M
  -firstrow: First row of input landscape to compute. Default: 0
  -firstcol: First column of input landscape to compute. Default: 0
  -initguesscalc: Locally calculate drainage area on each process with
    serial algorithm and use as an initial guess. This cannot be mixed with
  -onlycrossborder: Use hybrid IDA algorithm (recommended). This cannot be
    mixed with -initguesscalc or -initguess.

Selected optional PETSc parameters:
  -ksp_type: solver (e.g. richardson)
  -pc_type: preconditioner (e.g. asm). If you with to use one of HYPRE's
    preconditioners (such as Euclid), then you should use hypre as the
    preconditioner and additionally use the -pc_hypre_type parameter.
  -log_summary: Print information (including performance data) about run.

After running, a short description of the outcome will be displayed, including
a measure of the error (either the norm of the residual if the true answer
was not provided, otherwise the norm and max of the difference between the true
and computed answer), and the number of iterations of the solver.

The runtime of IDA is also displayed. The time provided includes various tasks
which are sometimes not included in runtimes used for comparison, such as
memory allocation and deallocation, and, in the case when an initial guess file
is provided, file I/O.

If you wish to keep the output drainage area, don't forget to specify the -out
option or the output will be discarded!

File formats
All input and output files are raw binary data.

Input flow directions:
  8 bit unsigned integers

  The numbers corresponding to each of the 9 possible flow directions are
  shown below:

  32  64 128

  16  0   1

  8   4   2

  So a cell with the value '1' means that the flow in that cell goes to the
  East, while a value of '32' means that the cell's flow goes to the
  North West. The value '0' implies that the cell is a sink and flow does not
  leave it.

Output drainage area, true drainage area, and initial guess:
  64 bit float ('double')

  Row major order is used.
  The drainage area of cells with no drainage to or from them, such as ocean
  cells, will be the area of the cell itself (1.0, if all cells are given
  unit area).

As an example of running IDA, and a test to ensure that it is running
correctly, a small project is provided. Unpack it using
tar -xjf example.tar.bz2

  dir.bin: flow directions for a 1000 x 1000 cell landscape
  true.bin: the correct answer, for comparison a Bash script to run the example. The script must be modified to 
    specify the path to the IDA executable.

  Make the Bash script executable with the command chmod +x
  Run the Bash script with ./
  It will run IDA several times with different options, and may take some time
  Depending on your configuration of PETSc, some of the runs may fail