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Lab 33: Fitting bounding boxes (optional)

Justin Huang edited this page May 9, 2017 · 1 revision

If you are interested in fitting a better bounding box (rather than use an axis-aligned box), this lab is for you. Fetch has created a package called simple_grasping which includes a shape fitter.

Install simple_grasping if you don't already have it:

sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-simple-grasping

simple_grasping has a function called extractShape, which will fit a bounding box as snugly as possible around a given point cloud.

To do this, you will need to output the ModelCoefficients from SegmentSurface:

void SegmentSurface(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr cloud,
                    pcl::PointIndices::Ptr indices,
                    pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coeff);

This is a relatively simple modification, just remove the local variable and replace it with the passed in coeff argument.

Then, when visualizing the table, use simple_grasping::extractShape instead of GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox.

#include "geometry_msgs/Pose.h"
#include "simple_grasping/shape_extraction.h"
#include "shape_msgs/SolidPrimitive.h"

PointCloudC::Ptr extract_out(new PointCloudC());
shape_msgs::SolidPrimitive shape;
geometry_msgs::Pose table_pose;
simple_grasping::extractShape(*cloud_out, coeff, *extract_out, shape,

extractShape will attempt to match a box and a cylinder to the point cloud. Make sure it is a box before looking at its dimensions:

if (shape.type == shape_msgs::SolidPrimitive::BOX) {
  // scale.x = shape.dimensions[0]
  // scale.y = shape.dimensions[1]
  // scale.z = shape.dimensions[2]

The box height might be shifted up by 1, so shift it back down if the visualization looks wrong. Note that this only works if the table is approximately level:

table_marker.pose.position-z -= table_marker.scale.z

With the uncropped point cloud, the table segmentation visualization now looks like this: image

Currently, this only affects the visualization. The orientation of the table is not used when segmenting the objects above it. However, it could lead to a more accurate bounding box if you choose to use this code to add obstacles to the MoveIt planning scene.

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