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Stronghold is not just a game. It is one of the best and most popular strategy games of all time. I appreciate the depth of strategic thinking Stronghold requires from the player, and even more, the world editor, which allows you to design a map to the greatest level of detail and reflect nature's beauty in it.

Acknowledging the great work many authors have contributed to the Stronghold Community, I created a set of 70 missions to conquer medieval Germany. My aim is to give you a Stronghold experience that reflects the beauty of my home country Germany and the diversity of its castles.

The complexity of this project increased with time. Initially wanting to build 20 missions, I continued to receive more ideas and felt the need to express them in the campaign. Work on this project took me a few years, with breaks included.

The missions have been grouped into five campaigns and feature dozens of real-life maps, including many original German castles that are based on their original footprint/construction plan. The missions also include fictional maps reflecting Germany's scenery.

At 'very hard' settings, most of my missions are tough but feasible. Like in the Middle Ages, you will need to build and defend your castle wisely.


To download all 70 maps, click on the green button 'Code' and then on 'Download ZIP'. Then extract the ZIP file into the following folder: C:\Users[YOUR USER NAME]\Documents\Stronghold\Maps

Our journey through medieval Germany:

english map

1st Campaign - Mission 01 - Escape to the mountains

Mount Watzmann, January 1275. Like a dying tree, the order of the Old German Empire has perished. Within just a few years, the "Rebellious Four" managed with deceit and violence to conquer the imperial armies, dethrone the Emperor, and completely divide the Empire among themselves. As one of the late Emperor's last loyalists, you must go into hiding and are heading south towards the mountains with a few allies. You have now arrived in the area of Mount Watzmann by Lake Königssee, near which there is a small alpine hut of the enemy with cows. Assuming that no one will pursue you in this remote area, you will seize the hut and hope that the move will not have any repercussions. Stock up your supplies once the hut is yours. The wild animals are a serious threat here.


1st Campaign - Mission 02 - The Pass of the Two Towers

A mountain pass in the Alps, March 1275. What was not supposed to happen happened. You were spotted by a patrol of Duke Beauregard who because of his slyness is also called "the Snake". Although you were able to defeat the troop, you must leave your base in haste. You are now arriving at a mountain pass with two old watchtowers. As you are about to reach the summit you spot a patrol of the Snake heading towards you who appears to be fleeing from a pack of wolves. You must retreat immediately, maybe to one of the two towers?


1st Campaign - Mission 03 - The way is blocked

A gorge in the Alps, March 1275. The wolves are not giving you a single quiet minute. After the slaughter at the mountain pass, you are entering a gorge that resounds the howling of the wolves inside. You cannot turn around as you are suspecting that the enemy is tracking you. Put an end to the activities of the wolves and give your tired men some peace. On the hill, there is a small fort whose inhabitants have apparently barred their gate to keep the wolves outside. Maybe you will find some shelter there.


1st Campaign - Mission 04 - The swampy ravine

A gorge in the northern Alps, March 1275. You leave your camp behind and get back onto a northbound route. When you arrive at a bottleneck, you suddenly hear people screaming behind the hillside. You are reckoning that the settlement up there may be under attack by outlaws or Snake troops. You have decided to look into the matter and drive the enemy out of this entire area. Do this before he can send reinforcements as otherwise, you will quickly be outnumbered. Heavy rains have turned the gorge in front of you into a quagmire.


1st Campaign - Mission 05 - A new base

Chiemgau Alps, March 1275. After another exhausting march through the slowly fading winter, you have found a hunter's lodge in suitable terrain. Move your rearguard from the south to your new base. Then collect further stocks and produce light weapons. As your main enemy, Duke Beauregard, is now aware that insurgent activities are occurring down here in the south, you must prepare yourselves to fight back.


1st Campaign - Mission 06 - The two streams

A river in the Alps, May 1275. Peasants of this region are joining you in increasing numbers. Strengthened by their support, you move further northwards. You have been told that on the other side of a nearby river there is a base of outlaws who cooperate with the Snake. You do not hesitate and decide to put a stop to their activities.


1st Campaign - Mission 07 - The tower on the cliff

Alps, April 1275. The camp of the outlaws is not suitable for a longer stay. You move on and find deep in the mountains an area with rugged valleys, in which there is a small base of troops of the Snake, surrounded by a palisade. The base is advantageously situated on a cliff. A long time ago, a bridge crossed the wild river but only ruins are left of it. Go and find a way to the base through the wilderness and conquer the base. Then stay there for a while. The Snake will certainly catch wind of your undertaking, therefore, manufacture light weapons again and hold the fort.


1st Campaign - Mission 08 - Bavarian apples

Lake Chiemsee, June 1275. You require more resources and food supplies. Therefore, you have decided to move into the Bavarian flatlands. The word of your revolt has spread. Some apple farmers support your resistance. They have offered you to stock up your supplies through their apple orchards which are situated behind some marshlands. As you currently have no better option, you accept their offer and march through the night through the Snake's territory to Lake Chiemsee. Entrench yourselves there and clear the thicket to obtain further grasslands. Close by, there is a small village of farmers of the Snake. Therefore, to go unrecognised, you have clothed yourselves in the colours of the Snake - will it help? Certainly, the small group of riders will be of help who have been sent by a good old friend. They should arrive shortly.


1st Campaign - Mission 09 - Saved at the last minute

Near Schongau by the Lech River, September 1275. As the attacks of the Snake at Lake Chiemsee have become too frequent, you are set to get back on the move again. You call a meeting with your advisors and discuss the route. They recommend that you seek shelter in the extensive woodlands of the Black Forest, about a week's march away. You agree and get moving. After a three day's march, you cross the Lech River. Suddenly you notice a heavily armed black rider who follows you and has likely been sent by the Snake. Panicking, your men run back to the river just to hear even more galloping of horses. "Cross the river to the fort!", you shout to your frightened men. If you are allowed to enter, establish a base there and fortify the town, preferably by strengthening its walls. In addition, you should send all available men to dig a ditch as wide as possible.


1st Campaign - Mission 10 - Playing with fire

Lichtenstein Castle, February 1276. Though you struggled to fight off the attacks of the Snake at the fort near Schongau, significant numbers of peasants from the surrounding country keep joining you in support of your cause. Despite your advisors having advised you against it, you feel encouraged to push further north towards the central territory of the Snake. You will take up position in Lichtenstein Castle whose Lord welcomes help as his castle has recently been ravaged by the Snake. However, on the way there you first wish to meet with a monk who has promised to give you insights into the plans of the Snake. The meeting is supposed to take place at a small chapel in the woods. Meanwhile, your main troop will be moving into the castle to get started with the work there. Unfortunately, you do not yet have the architectural skills to rebuild the castle in grand style. But you may use the debris of the castle as building material.


1st Campaign - Mission 11 - A new friend

Sigmaringen, June 1276. Treason! The monk near Lichtenstein deceived you and lured you into a trap. Worse still, the Snake has begun to surround your castle systematically and cut you off from your supplies. You must therefore depart and decide to move further westwards again, towards the Black Forest. The forest is under the reign of Duke De Puce who for his maliciousness is commonly called "The Rat". Part-way, you encounter a group of knights of the Prince of Sigmaringen. They are hastily riding to the almost completed castle of the Prince on a rocky plateau near the Danube River. The Snake, they say, was intending to prevent the completion of the castle by all means. The old truth applies: "I scratch your back, and you scratch my back." You will help the Prince to complete and defend his castle, and he will provide accommodation and teach you architecture and blacksmithing. Pacify this county and ensure a duly filled treasury.


1st Campaign - Mission 12 - Trapped

Schaffhausen, October 1276. You won the Prince of Sigmaringen as a friend and provided valuable assistance to secure his castle. Now that the Snake has directed his attention to other problems, you move further to the west and reach the foothills of the Black Forest in De Puce's territory. The latter has long since been instructed of your revolt. Though De Puce is inferior to the Snake with respect to his military, your onward journey faces risks. You take a break at a Lord's estate near the impressive Rhine Falls. The next morning, you are woken up by loud clamour and are told that your host silently left at night and betrayed you to De Puce. You are trapped. Escaping is impossible as the roaring river behind you blocks the way. In this desperate situation, the fact that the storage space of the castle comprises lots of beer is nothing but a poor consolation. Defend yourselves at all costs, or else, your movement will come to its end here.


1st Campaign - Mission 13 - In the depths of the Black Forest

Lake Schluchsee, October 1276. After a major attack by the Rat, you seize the opportunity at night to flee unnoticed and march hastily into the depths of the Black Forest. After a day's march, your scouts discover an abandoned wooden fort on a mountain near one of the large lakes of the Black Forest. Here, far away from any trading posts, you will set up your camp and immediately begin the manufacturing of further heavy weapons. This should enable you to ensure your military superiority against the Rat. After all, it appears to be advisable to focus on the Rat at this time and avoid further confrontation with the Snake.


1st Campaign - Mission 14 - Inferno

Western slopes of the Black Forest, June 1277. The force of the attacks of the Rat in this remote area has been surprisingly powerful. You, therefore, leave Lake Schluchsee and move northwestwards to find a more suitable place for a fortified base. However, De Puce also seemed to be impressed by your strength. A messenger has arrived stating that De Puce has asked for a truce. De Puce suggests a meeting by the camp on the other side of the river, to discuss details. You hesitantly agree and move towards the meeting point. Suddenly, you smell smoke. A wildfire? Find a way to escape and save your skin!


1st Campaign - Mission 15 - A troublesome neighbour

Chateau de Luetzelbourg/Chateau Rathsamhausen, July 1277. You will not forget that De Puce intended to burn you alive in the fiery flames of the Black Forest. There will be no further negotiations with him. Instead, you march several day's marches northwards and hear of a suitably situated couple of castles built closely together and owned by De Puce, beyond the Rhine river. When you begin the siege of Chateau de Luetzelbourg, the eastern of the two, their garrison is surprised by your presence and fails to defend the castle well. Shortly after, you are able to occupy the castle. Barricade yourselves here and conquer the other (better guarded) castle. Ensure that the constant fire from the other castle ceases. The battle has not yet come to an end when you receive bad news: A large troop of soldiers from adjacent France have gathered in the valley to come to De Puce's aid and take the castle away from you again.


1st Campaign - Mission 16 - In the dead of night

Altleinigen Castle/Pfalz mountains, November 1277. The battles near Luetzelbourg/Rathsamhausen were fierce but you will push on. You have been told that the Rat owns another castle a few days' marches to the north whose Lord is about to commemorate his birthday with a large celebration. You begin marching as you assume that the guards, too, will indulge in the abundance of beer. A few days later, at nightfall, you reach the valley which is still filled with music. Suddenly, a beacon fire is lit on the hill next to you. Have you been watched? Stay at your location for a little while and observe the valley until you can safely move. Then, attack and eliminate the Lord first, sparing the garrison. The drunk men may become easily discouraged and be persuaded to join you. Defend the castle as long as it appears opportune.


1st Campaign - Mission 17 - The old ruin

Altdahn Castle, November 1277. Before you can move on into the core territory of the Rat, you need more troops and weapons, and especially a strong base. You will build a mighty castle as a permanent settlement and accumulate money. A little down in the south near the village of Altdahn, there is an abandoned stronghold which appears to be very suitable. You have now hired some building specialists who will assist you with the erection of your castle. In addition, you have inspected some of the weapons which you captured from previous battles, including maces and leather armour, and will now produce them professionally. Be aware that De Puce will likely show up here soon. It is said that troops of the Snake have also been observed in this area though this region is under De Puce's rule. On the way to the castle, some peasants join your cause to serve you. Will you be able to feed them all?


1st Campaign - Mission 18 - The Kühkopf

South Hesse, March 1278. De Puce has been severely impacted by the recent battles. He has now understood the seriousness of the situation, which is why he will mobilise all forces. In order to seek direct confrontation, you will now move into his core territory with the weapons you manufactured. To this end, you travel north, cross the Rhine river and identify a small estate held by the enemy. The compound is surrounded by a swampy abandoned meander of the Rhine river. The meander is colloquially called "Kühkopf". This river meadow is well suitable due to its natural design to create a base here. Conquer the enemy's post and extend the waterway into a large ditch to defend yourself against the armies of De Puce. Time will likely be short before the next skirmish breaks out. Equip your men with your weapons as quickly as possible. Should you succeed in wearing down De Puce's armies here, nothing will hinder you from marching against De Puce's main castle.


1st Campaign - Mission 19 - Staring death in the face

Ockenheim in Rhine-Hesse, June 1278. The Rat's main army has suffered a humiliating defeat in the swamplands around your fort. Now the time has come to march against the Rat's fortress. However, spies have disclosed to you that the Rat is planning to combat you in the open fields on the way to his castle. You need more men to prepare for this case. Therefore, you send the following message to your provinces: "Storming of the Rat's castle! Meet in seven days at the ruined tower near Ockenheim!" Ockenheim is a small settlement of the enemy in a mostly treeless area, about an hour's march away from the Rat's castle. You leave the Kühkopf on time. As you arrive, you are delighted to see a large number of allies moving towards the ruin. Meet them there and await the Rat's attack from the hill to defeat them resoundingly.


1st Campaign - Mission 20 - The Rat's burrow

Near the township of Bingen, June 1278. The Rat - this rascal! He must somehow have found out about your meeting point. By sending troops clothed in misleading colours, he made you believe they were allies, and you walked into the trap. Thankfully, some of them surrendered after a fierce battle and joined you. This is a narrow victory. You pursue the fleeing and catch sight of the Rat's fortress, Ehrenfels Castle, situated on the other side of the Rhine river. In between, there is a strongly guarded tower, colloquially called the 'Mouse Tower'. As you have almost no troops left, you ask Count Klopp of Rhine-Hesse, who despises the primitive character of De Puce and is not on good terms with him, whether you may use his newly erected castle south of the river. The Count gladly allows it. Bring everything to an end here. But be careful. De Puce has almost been defeated, but he is not alone. Duke Truffe, called "The Pig" due to his chronic obesity, will do his utmost to interfere.


2nd Campaign - Mission 21 - The battle for Frankenstein Castle

Frankenstein Castle, September 1278. After your victory over the Rat, your rising movement has now started dressing in blue, the colours of the faded Old Empire, to emphasise your claim to power. You leave Bingen before further troops of the Pig arrive at the ruins of the Rat's fortress. Marching to the southeast, back into the territory of the Snake, offers new prospects. Near the slopes of the Odenwald Forest, you receive a cry for help from Lord Frankenstein. As he has refused the Snake's recent tolls, the Snake is now besieging his castle. Come to his aid and help him fill his war chest for future battles. Some of your commanders deem the castle to be too exposed and think that you are overestimating your strength. But it would be wrong to withdraw your offer to help Lord Frankenstein now.


2nd Campaign - Mission 22 - The fortress on the mountain

Auerbach Castle, March 1279. After your victory over the Snake at Frankenstein Castle, your next assignment is to conquer the Snake's Auerbach Castle a bit further down south, from where he has been coordinating his destructive attacks against Frankenstein Castle. This is one of the Snake's most strongly secured fortresses. Hence, this task is giving you some feelings of uneasiness. Additionally, the fortress must not just be captured but also held and secured. This is in Lord Frankenstein's utmost interest, and for this purpose, he will hand over to you a significant portion of the savings you helped him accumulate. Once you have occupied the castle, invest the money immediately into a powerful defence garrison. Be also prepared for Duke Truffe who will not stand back.


2nd Campaign - Mission 23 - The township by the Main River

Township of Miltenberg, May 1280. You have brought the western Odenwald Forest under your control. Now you prefer marching towards the east. You leave some troops to secure Auerbach and travel with a small force towards the township of Miltenberg by the Main River. The township has recently been burnt to the ground by the Snake for unknown reasons. The castle has been strongly damaged and the inhabitants have fled into the hinterlands. Set up your camp within the empty castle and rebuild the city by exploiting its ruins. Make yourselves popular with the people, maybe it pays off. Troops of the Snake are still roaming this area (and now outlaws, too), so be prepared. At least there is one good turn of events: Your bow makers have meanwhile learned how to build crossbows. You should manufacture them immediately.


2nd Campaign - Mission 24 - A short-lived rest

Mespelbrunn Castle, March 1281. Now that Miltenberg due to your presence has turned into a prospering settlement again, you travel further to the north. The Count of Mespelbrunn has offered you rest in his castle. But events are taking a bad turn. The enemy must have pursued you, and before nightfall, enemy troops are swarming in the forest, and worse, they have even brought heavy siege machinery with them. Help the Count of Mespelbrunn to defend his castle (and by doing so, save your own life). The Count has some stocks of flammable oil which you can use to defend yourselves. This does, however, not explain the strong stench of oil in the castle.


2nd Campaign - Mission 25 - The Spessart Inn

Spessart Forest, June 1281. The fiasco in Mespelbrunn was a hard blow. Before the beginning of the siege, a traitor had poured pitch into the castle and set it on fire as the battle commenced. As you have now been cut off from your western territories, you have decided to seek refuge in the northern parts of the Spessart Forest and set up a new camp there, sheltered by the forest. But as if you had not yet been disaster-stricken enough, as you are now moving closer to the well-known Spessart Inn, your vanguard shouts back to you, stating that a large troop of the Snake is moving into your direction on the path ahead. What now? Leave the path through the ravine immediately before you are spotted, and use the terrain to defend yourselves.


2nd Campaign - Mission 26 - Lost in the woods

Spessart Forest, June 1281. Bad luck has stricken you repeatedly, and you have suffered severe losses. Your remaining men are exhausted, and worse, you have almost no food left. You hold a disaster meeting and decide to hide in the woods for some time. Near some hot springs you discovered a rugged plateau which seems suitable. All you hope now is not to be found by the enemy. Produce food and weapons. There are almost no trade routes here. Maybe the monks from the nearby eremite monastery can brighten up your mood a little.


2nd Campaign - Mission 27 - The palace in the forest

Eastern Hesse, October 1281. You were detected but managed to bravely stand your ground. You transfer your rich gold surplus to your western provinces and continue your journey with a small troop to the north. Soon, you are told that the Duke of Fulda who is favourable towards you owns an artistically created castle in the forest as his winter residence. As the castle is situated close to a major trade route, the Snake has long cast a covetous eye on it and now ventures to besiege it. You will thwart his plans with force and hold the castle until he has given up his intentions. Move your troops quickly from the south into the castle. Surely, the Duke will express his gratitude.


2nd Campaign - Mission 28 - The black bandits

Mount Vogelsberg, February 1282. The Duke of Fulda is grateful for your aid in defending his castle and has sent a troop of knights that will accept orders from you. You now move further to the north to challenge the Snake for further territories. Soon after, you are told that there is a den of robbers in this area, namely, a strongly guarded tower on the slopes of Mount Vogelsberg. The Vogelsberg has recently erupted and has since not come to rest. Re-establish law and order in this province, but mind the elements.


2nd Campaign - Mission 29 - On the slopes of the volcano

Eastern slopes of Mount Vogelsberg, March 1282. You have burnt out the robbers' den, but this province is not coming to rest. You have arrived in a barren area with some hot springs, where nature is slowly recovering from the inferno caused by the volcano. Suddenly, a few huts come into sight and you witness how their residents are cruelly killed. You manage to eliminate the outlaws, but this act of violence must be avenged. Therefore, you decide to settle in this area to erect a castle. This will not be an easy task as Duke Truffe has begun to claim this territory and set up a watchtower. Therefore, your activities will not remain hidden. As there is almost no wood here, you will need to get it from somewhere else.


2nd Campaign - Mission 30 - The bewitched path

Northern Rhoen mountains, October 1282. With a lot of effort, you managed to seize a part of this region from the Pig's and the Snake's hands. You now move further to the north and enter a rugged area of rocky valleys which holds a joint fortress of the Snake and the Pig. Further in the north, there is a monastery which has been threatened and oppressed by the Lords of the two castles for a considerable period of time and has recently been blocked from all trade. It is slowly running out of food, and only a few smuggling routes for certain goods are still available. It is said that the monastery might be attacked soon, to wipe it off the face of the earth. Rush to the monastery to aid its chief in defending it. However, it is not clear how you can get there. Keep as many of your soldiers alive as possible, especially archers and crossbowmen, you will need them. Finally, ensure that this area is cleansed from all enemies.


2nd Campaign - Mission 31 - Wartburg Castle

Eisenach, June 1283. Your success is drawing ever more attention to itself. The governors of further counties feel increasingly encouraged to resist the three remaining tyrants. The city of Eisenach has begun a revolt against the Snake and the city's troops are now sieging Wartburg Castle, which is owned by the Snake. As the city's governor has little experience in warfare, he has asked you for reinforcements and offers you to command his troops. You accept the offer and move to Wartburg Castle with a company of crossbowmen and pikemen. The Snake has recently stored significant supplies of weapons in the castle. It would be of great importance to obtain these, together with the castle. The castle is strongly guarded. Therefore, your troops are a little afraid, which finds expression in their morale. Once you have captured the castle, create a thriving economy. You have now obtained the knowledge to build ballistae.


2nd Campaign - Mission 32 - The castles of Drei Gleichen

Township of Gotha, March 1284. By capturing Wartburg Castle you have taken an important base from the Snake and now have a considerable arsenal of weapons. You are well placed to seek open confrontation with the Snake in his core territory. Hence, you march further to the east. Not far from the township of Gotha, your way is blocked by three enemy castles which have been built on three adjacent hills. In the dead of night, your troops manage to seize the smallest one of the three, however, the buildings within it almost completely burn down to the ground. At dawn, the flats are teeming with enemy troops that have been ordered to take the castle back. You prefer wiping them out in the fields instead of going through another siege. Once the dust has settled, capture the other castles.


2nd Campaign - Mission 33 - At the gates of Erfurt

City of Erfurt, April 1285. The Drei Gleichen castles have fallen and are yours. The citizens of Erfurt are now seizing the opportunity and revolt against the Snake's rule. But the Snake and the Pig want no further precedential cases. They immediately deploy a large army to siege the city. Unfortunately, you currently have no considerable number of troops to influence the battle in your favour. However, you receive good news from the Bavarian provinces that have so far been dominated by the Snake. Under the leadership of the city of Nuremberg, the provinces have declared themselves independent and declared war against the Snake. The rulers of Nuremberg, Munich and Augsburg heard of the siege of Erfurt and immediately put a group of a hundred riders under your command. As soon as the group arrived, you hastily rode to Erfurt. As the city comes in sight, the siege is already well underway.


2nd Campaign - Mission 34 - The Snake's nest

Kriebstein Castle, May 1285. Erfurt was kept but heavy losses on both sides were the price. In planning to take a deadly stroke against Beauregard, you call for reinforcements and pursue the remnants of Beauregard's troops eastwards to his home castle, Kriebstein Castle, which is situated high on the cliffs over a serpentine river. You fail to catch up with the enemy and see them move into the castle only from a distance. Circumvent the castle and siege it. Use a new siege tool, the trebuchet, to raze the towers and gatehouses to the ground. The conflict with the Snake must come to an end here for good. Ensure that your archers and crossbowmen survive the siege unharmed, should Duke Truffe come to the Snake's aid. In that case, you must defend yourselves from the ruins as you would not survive the open conflict with Truffe in the fields.


3rd Campaign - Mission 35 - A new frontline

Westerwald Forest, November 1285. On the night of the seizure of the castle, you examine the dead and find to your great astonishment that Beauregard is not among them. You understand that he must have defected secretly. Now, he is certainly over the hills and far away, but his power appears to be broken. Therefore, you will cautiously turn against the Pig and siege his eastern provinces. A ruin in the Westerwald Forest, two weeks' marches towards the west, has aroused your interest. Its owners fell a victim to the plague a long time ago and locals rumour that the castle is cursed. However, this does not impress you. Extend the castle into a strong fortress and hold your ground. Make use of your advanced blacksmithing skills and manufacture heavy weapons to confront the Pig's troops. If needed, disperse the Pig's armies with stone-throwing mangonels.


3rd Campaign - Mission 36 - Scorched earth

Marienburg Monastery, September 1286. You repulsed the Pig's attacks and are now going to confuse him with a clever move. You will march far to the southwest through his territory and attack him all of a sudden at a place that he will not foresee. After a week's march southwestwards and crossing the Rhine River, you spot a suitably situated property in the middle of two branches of the Moselle River. It is a monastery guarded by troops of the Pig. In an instant, you capture the property. But the enemy has detected your arrival early and sets the entire property on fire, including the farms, before he flees. Here you are, all alone, in a ruin amidst the enemy's territory. And worse: Around you, there are further enemy bases that have caught wind of your endeavour.


3rd Campaign - Mission 37 - The fat brother

Cochem Castle, July 1287. Your unexpected arrival here in the southwest has made the Pig furious. Therefore, you leave the monastery as it is not suitable enough to resist larger battles, and march northeastwards down the Moselle River valley. You soon approach Cochem Castle which is situated on a massif by the river. You have recently been told that the castle is kept by the nefarious brother of the Pig who has entered into an alliance with local bandits. Seize the castle and occupy it. Aim at making the enemy chiefless by killing the Pig's brother as soon as possible. Scouts have found abandoned siege equipment in the forest that you can use. Once you own the castle, supply alcohol as the local people are used to consuming high amounts of it. For any eventuality, you should collect a stock of pitch.


3rd Campaign - Mission 38 - Burning out the nest

Hunsrück Mountains, April 1288. The word of your powerful action against the bandits in the Moselle River valley, especially the elimination of the Pig's monstrous brother, has gotten around. The remaining groups of bandits flee in fear into the forests of the Hunsrück mountain range and dig themselves in. You have been informed of the location of their main camp. Your main army will secure Cochem, but you have decided to send a group of soldiers on a punitive mission to pull the crooks out of their caves and burn out their nest!


3rd Campaign - Mission 39 - A stronghold in the countryside

Eltz Castle, May 1288. The Pig is in rage over his brother's death. He has sworn to pay you back. You require a well-fortified castle to defend yourselves against the Pig's main army. Eltz Castle appears suitable for this purpose. The castle is currently ruled by one of the Pig's governors and is situated well protected near a river. You cannot conquer this castle without major losses, however, last night your men poured large amounts of the pitch you collected in Cochem onto the area around the castle. Set the settlement on fire. Then turn against the castle and try to sustain as few casualties as possible. You must be prepared for an immediate counterattack of the Pig and, therefore, you need every man. Another problem is that you are short of cash and cannot afford a prolonged siege. Accumulate money once the castle is yours.


3rd Campaign - Mission 40 - Time to bite the dust

Rheinstein Castle, October 1288. Eltz Castle is yours, but Duke Beauregard reappeared out of the blue. How could he gather troops while in exile? You must immediately get to the bottom of things as you are powerless against an alliance of the Snake and the Pig. A spy has told you that Beauregard has found refuge not far from you in a well-guarded castle of the Pig, named Rheinstein. From there, he was planning his activities. Capture the castle and show no mercy.


3rd Campaign - Mission 41 - Bloodshed in the Taunus Mountains

Eppstein Castle, October 1288. Duke Beauregard has finally received his just punishment. In addition, you were able to seize the territories on the left side of the Rhine River from the Pig's hands. You now cross the Rhine River with a large army to bring the Pig's spacious northeastern provinces under your control. In these mostly tree-covered regions, Duke Truffe maintains a number of heavily guarded fortresses. It is vital to capture them before sieging his main castle further to the north by the Rhine River. Eppstein Castle, a strongly secured hill castle with numerous defence walls, is nearest. A strong garrison of the Pig is currently on the way to the fortress. Cut off the garrison's way to the castle before they take up quarters there. Then capture the stronghold, but only destroy it to the degree necessary, as you will still need these walls.


3rd Campaign - Mission 42 - The old Roman fort

Saalburg Castle, March 1289. As the winter is fading, you march on the windy slopes of the Taunus mountain range further to the east towards an old Roman fort, far off any settlements. The fort had long been abandoned, but in the course of the latest conflict, the Pig's troops rebuilt it and set up a permanent camp there. As its position on a mountain crest is strategically advantageous, the fort is relevant to your further plans. Seize it and settle here for as long as it appears expedient.


3rd Campaign - Mission 43 - Minced meat

Taunus mountains, October 1289. Now that you have secured Saalburg Castle, you move further into the Pig's territories to the northeast, with a big army and supported by a troop of knights that have spontaneously joined you. As you pass a clearing in the high Taunus mountains, you realise that you are surrounded: Red and black uniforms are flashing on both sides through the thicket at the forest border. Duke Truffe must have spied on you and called the Wolf his aid. You are in danger of running into a battle on two fronts.


3rd Campaign - Mission 44 - Between a rock and a hard place

Braunfels Castle, October 1289. The ambush in the Taunus mountains destroyed your current plans as your main army was strongly decimated. Together wirh the survivors, you flee a few day's marches northwards into scarcely populated woodlands. The ruins of Braunfels Castle, positioned on a hill, appear to be a suitable refuge to rebuild your army. You are aware that the Wolf has obviously decided to intervene in a meaningful way. What's worse is that he will likely send his new swordsmen battalion against you. You don't have much time. Furthermore, your provinces urgently need weaponry supplies. You will need to look after that, too.


3rd Campaign - Mission 45 - The last bastion

Altena Castle, March 1291. Despite heavy attacks of the enemy you were able to stand your ground in Braunfels and gain new power. The Wolf needed to retreat to fight rebellions in his own territories. This encourages you to rid the northern woodlands from the Pig's presence once and for all. Altena Castle is the Pig's last fortress in this area. Capture it and then move quickly to the Pig's main base. Altena Castle is hard to access. You will need to fight your way through several strongly guarded outer wards. You send messengers into the surrounding territories to acquire more support. Reinforcements should arrive shortly.


3rd Campaign - Mission 46 - Cries at the Loreley

Loreley Cliffs, March 1291. All resistance in the north has been eliminated. Hence you quickly get your troops on the road for a week's march south to siege Duke Truffe's main castle by the Rhine River. His castle is the heavily guarded Rheinfels Castle high up on the cliffs by the river. Of course, Duke Truffe is suspecting your plans. Messengers have informed you that Duke Truffe has gathered his main army to confront you on the way. As you reach the Rhine River by the infamous Loreley cliffs, you spot Duke Truffe's army glistening in the sun on the plateau by the other riverside. The enemy has set up a camp there. An immediate attack against Truffe's troops would equal suicide. Therefore, quickly capture the abandoned farm, dig yourselves in, and raise more troops. Who will make the first move? Certainly, Truffe will not give you a quiet minute.


3rd Campaign - Mission 47 - Roast pork

Rheinfels Castle, March 1291. The battle at the Loreley rocks was fierce and caused you and the Pig many casualties. Towards the end of the fight, the remaining troops of the Pig hastily clear the battlefield. You pursue the fleeing, but you are not strong enough to directly run against the Pig's castle. You will siege it. On a high cliff at the other side of the river is Katz Castle whose Lord gladly makes his castle available to you. Stay here, acquire further troops, and ensure Duke Truffe receives his sentence once and for all. There is only one problem: Katz Castle is very small.


4th Campaign - Mission 48 - The Howling of the Wolf

Brocken, November 1291. Duke Truffe is history. But the capturing of his castle was a difficult task. After granting your men a little break, you allocate them across your provinces and move northwards with a combat patrol to establish a presence in the distant Harz Mountains at the southern border of the Wolf's territories. You settle on a high mountain top called Brocken. Set up a stone castle there. At night, through the howling of the wind, you hear the gruesome howling of the wolves. Is that a bad omen?


4th Campaign - Mission 49 - Surprise attack

Hohnstein Castle, southern Harz Mountains, March 1292. For the first time you occupied some of the Wolf's territory, but Mount Brocken is not suitable for further skirmishes as managing food supplies is too challenging here. Hence you decide to move on and target the Wolf where it hurts him the most: At his arms industry. You are aware that at the southern slopes of the Harz Mountains around Hohnstein Castle the Wolf maintains several mines that supply various armouries in the castle. You have decided to capture the castle in a surprise attack, remove its governor, and use the existing industry for your own purposes. You make a quick departure. The Wolf will certainly not suspect you here as Hohnstein Castle is far south of the route that he would assume. You are prepared to take the guards by surprise.


4th Campaign - Mission 50 - The fen wood

Roßlau, August 1292. How wrong you were! When you reached Hohnstein Castle, you got involved in a heavy battle with troops of the enemy that were hiding in the mines and in the forest. How had the Wolf gotten wind of your plans? You prevailed, but some of your closest companions were kidnapped by the enemy. Now you receive an urgent message from a trusted source: Your men are held captive in Roßlau Castle, a water castle surrounded by swampy fen woods and located around four day's marches towards the east. The Wolf's informant, a high ranking officer, had recently received orders to execute your men and was now on his way to Roßlau, joined by a kill troop. Depart quickly and save your men from certain death! Eliminate the enemy before they reach the castle, and then reduce the castle to rubble!


4th Campaign - Mission 51 - War in the heathlands

Lüne Monastery, August 1292. Your are now within the Wolf's remote eastern provinces. As you are not at all ready to attack his castle, you decide to encircle him step by step. For this purpose you move your troops a few days' marches to the northwest. You are now near Lüne Monastery, a large cloister led by a monk who holds you in high esteem. The compound was once surrounded by a river, however, the river has almost dried up. You receive a message that the monastery is under attack right now by troops of the Wolf and is therefore in urgent need of support. You immediately move your men to the cloister, but when you arrive, it is already on fire. What now? Save what can be saved and ensure that the monastery is rebuilt.


4th Campaign - Mission 52 - Through the back door

Bomlitz in der Heide, February 1293. Lüne has proven to be a good base, and after several fierce battles, you manage to repel the Wolf's troops. However, the enemy was able to kidnap the monastery's leader shortly after the first battle while he was on a hunting ride. After several months you receive a message stating that your friend is still alive and held captive in Hünenburg Castle near Bomlitz village, which is around three days' marches towards the southwest. As your friend's fate is important to you, and given you are of the opinion that it is about time to create further turmoil in the Wolf's provinces, you start marching to Bomlitz. As you arrive, you realise that the fort is well guarded. Is there a chance to bypass the heavily guarded and mined main gate? As soon as you have found a way into the castle, eliminate the enemy and capture the fort for yourself.


4th Campaign - Mission 53 - The swamps of doom

Swamplands in the northern Lüneburg Heath, June 1293. The Wolf has been sending ever stronger army batallions that increasingly damage your fort. It was never your plan to hide behind wooden walls from the Wolf's catapults. You avoid further conflict and move northwards. However, as you pass through some wetlands, heavy rainfalls cause the water levels to rise, and your pathway becomes impassable. Your troops get stuck, and it is impossible to travel further. You are trapped. Of course, it is only a matter of time until the Wolf will find out about your presence here. Under these circumstances, you are like sitting ducks for him. What now? Can you hide in these swamplands at all? To make matters worse, the bugs and the unclean water are causing your men to fall sick. Ghost lights are illuminating your pathway through the thicket. Will you die a horrible death in the mire?


4th Campaign - Mission 54 - Bad luck in Glücksburg Castle

Glücksburg Castle, October 1293. Thankfully, in the surrounding area there was a lot of pitch which allowed you to use it for smuggling. A few months and many deaths by disease later, the swamp has dried up and become passable. Just after you repel another attack of the Wolf's men, you manage to escape. You urgently need a new base and must give your men rest. You must therefore move as far as possible out of the Wolf's sphere of influence. A scout reports that far up north, bordering the Vikings' kingdom, there is an old and marshy ruin of a monastery called 'Glücksburg Castle', which appeasr to be occasionally used by a small group of Vikings. You are aware that the Vikings have formed an alliance with the Wolf, but dealing with them seems to be less of a risk than remaining in the Wolf's territory. You head off for a long trip and hope that the Wolf will not detect you here.


4th Campaign - Mission 55 - Burst dreams

Helgoland Island, March 1294. Of course, the Vikings revealed your presence to the Wolf, and it did not take him long to arrive at your gates. But now your worst nightmare has come true. As you laid down to rest in your keep after the latest skirmish, your guards got drunk in the tavern. Several Vikings must then have accessed your castle, possibly using a rope under the cloud of night and from the lake's side, must have entered your chamber, beaten you unconscious, and kidnapped you. As you wake up with a painful head and blood over your face, you can hear scraps of conversation of the wards around you in a Nordic dialect. You realise that you have been fettered and locked up in a small castle on a rugged island. What for all the world happened? Who could ever find you here? Are your men aware of your position? You are afraid that this may be the end unless a miracle happens.


4th Campaign - Mission 56 - Far off the beaten track

Coast of the North Sea, September 1294. After months of waiting, your men managed to get hold of your position and send a special command to the island to rescue you. However, as a storm destroyed your men's ship, you were unable to depart and had to defend yourselves yet again against the Wolf and rambling mobs of Vikings until you had gathered sufficient resources to build a new ship, and collected food supplies for the journey. You will not return to 'Glücksburg Castle', which was a place of bad luck, but you will head south to the very scarcely populated Noryh Sea shore. You arrive at a broad sandy bneach with dunes behind which there is a small forest. In this region, far from civilisation, you will set up a new base. You need two things: Men and weapons. Where will you get the resources from? It looks like you will need to get engaged in smuggling again.


4th Campaign - Mission 57 - Treacherous peace

Near the mouth of the Weser River, March 1295. You send a charge of weapons to your provinces as they have urgently requested this. Then you head off with the remaining equipment and come across the Wolf's former main castle which he once built there, suitably placed at the Weser River delta. The Emperor's army damaged the castle back then during a siege, and since then it has been abandoned and in a state of decay. You will set up your camp here. The Wolf, you are told, is currently busy with other issues and has neither money nor time to fight you. Set up a base here and fortify the castle into an invulnerable fortress from which you will then coordinate all further sieges in the Wolf's territory. The flat land around you is well suited for a castle ditch. Ensure you dig deep as the Wolf will certainly siege you here as soon as he can.


4th Campaign - Mission 58 - The fateful forest

Teutoburg Forest, March 1296. It took a while until the Wolf attacked your fortress by the Weser River. His immense siege efforts exceeded what you expected, given you were told that he was short of cash. Neverthelesss, you remained victorious in this region. With a formidable army you are now moving southwards on an old Roman road. It leads you through the Wolf's core territory and allows you to surround his main castle from the west. His castle is situated around five days' marches eastwards. You enter Teutoburg Forest in which centuries ago a powerful army met its death. Your vanguard has taken up quarters in Falkenburg Castle. Its Lord passionately supports your rebellion. As your main army is following the windy path in the valley below the castle, the crows begin to scream, and the thunder of horses' hoofs fills the air. Is the curse of this forest lying on you, too?


4th Campaign - Mission 59 - When two people quarrel

Regenstein Castle, September 1296. Your troops were subject to the same fate in the Teutoburg Forest as the old Roman army centuries ago. However, despite heavy casualties, you repeatedly managed to tie up and eliminate large armies of the Wolf here. The word of your success has spread across the territories of the Wolf, and uprisings and rebellions are now capturing his reign like a fungus eating into rotten wood. You have been waiting for this moment. You will exploit the momentary weakness of the Wolf and close the circle around his main castle, the mighty Asseburg Castle. South of this castle there are the foothills of the Harz Mountains which you already passed a while ago. Here, Regenstein Castle sits enthroned on a mountain crest. This strategically important fortress must become yours, to ensure you are well equipped for the last battle. As you arrive, a skirmish has broken out near the castle between rebels and troops of the Wolf. When two people quarrel ...


4th Campaign - Mission 60 - An unholy alliance

On the road to Asseburg Castle, April 1297. Regenstein Castle is yours, and the Wolf has now on all sides been cut off from his collapsing empire. He certainly knows: You are the largest threat to his reign. Therefore, he will do everything in his power to eliminate you once and for all. To this end, he is frantically seeking new alliances. With a well equipped army you begin your march to the Wolf's castle. But the Wolf anticipates your move and sends his main army out against you. As you arrive at a valley, you spot the enemy in the distance. To your surprise, you also see purple coloured shields far off to the left. You realise that these must be troops of the Pope. Has the Wolf formed an alliance with the Pope? Will this cloudy and chilly April day determine the fate of your movement? It appears you are outnumbered. Move your troops quickly into position!


4th Campaign - Mission 61 - The hunt of the Wolf

Asseburg, May 1297. The Wolf's main army has now been wiped out, despite the Pope's intervention. You will have to worry about your new enemy from Rome later because your armed forces are also almost destroyed. Since you suspect that the Wolf's Castle is now almost without protection, you march on to Asseburg. When you arrive you realise your mistake: The castle is heavily guarded and can hardly be taken. Build a fort nearby and obtain resources to enter the siege. The Wolf will certainly gather all remaining troops and send them against you, so be on your guard day and night. You decide to now dress your troops in the royal colour "red", which was previously so shamefully abused by the Pig. As soon as the Wolf is in the grave, nothing stands in the way of your coronation as emperor. Unless Rome stands up against it.


4th Campaign - Mission 62 - Treason in Hohenzollern

Hohenzollern Castle, November 1297. After months of siege, you finally manage to take the castle. But a prisoner tells you that the Wolf secretly left with a troop of riders weeks ago. Immediately you send your inquiries throughout the empire. After two weeks you receive bad news from the south. The Lord of Hohenzollern who has a powerful fortress in Württemberg was now cooperating with the Pope and granted the Wolf asylum. High treason! - at the decisive moment of your movement! This cannot be tolerated. You immediately travel south to put things in order.


4th Campaign - Mission 63 - The last tyrant

Hohenschwangau Castle, February 1298. Hohenzollern Castle was rightfully cleansed of the traitors. But again, to your great astonishment, you realise that the Wolf was not among the prisoners. A messenger comes to you and explains that a heavily armed black squad has been seen on the southern border of the empire, has occupied Hohenschwangau Castle, and devastated the nearby small town. You immediately march south and besiege the castle. You manage to take the right wing of the castle, but the Wolf has barricaded himself in the tower opposite, which has a secret underground entrance. To make matters worse, you are now being shot at from there and cannot defend yourselves because you have lost almost all of your ranged fighters. What have you gotten yourself into here? You urgently need to find the secret access route. Quickly pull your little rear guard to the castle and make sure that the Wolf does not escape anymore!


5th Campaign - Mission 64 - The shameful sons

Salzburg, June 1298. When you saw the Wolf dead at your feet, you believed that the final battle had been fought. But the emerging celebratory mood is dampened when you hear that the powerful city of Salzburg has decided not to recognise you as the future emperor and was about to secede from the empire. You will not tolerate this, even if it was only for the reason that because Salzburg still owes the empire large amounts of money. You therefore gather all available troops from the empire and march east to Salzburg to take Hohensalzburg Fortress, which should put an end to the separation efforts. But when you reach the city, even worse news arrive. The sons of the Wolf, Pig, and Rat, shameful individuals, have gathered together to avenge the death of their fathers and are already on the march to confront you near Salzburg. How much time do you have left?


5th Campaign - Mission 65 - The revenge of the separatists

Burghausen, June 1299. The victory against the Salzburgers and the rebellious sons has strengthened your position of power. But Salzburg is not giving up. A few weeks after calm has returned to Salzburg, you receive bad news: Those from Salzburg who had fled have incited the King of Bohemia against you. Burghausen Castle, a large fortress in your Bavarian provinces, was on the verge of a siege and urgently needed support. You only have a few troops left, but you travel to Burghausen immediately. The Bohemians will also have to learn their lesson! As the arrows start flying, you manage to sneak your troops into the castle just in time. Quickly get the weapons from the armory to everyone available!


5th Campaign - Mission 66 - The intrusive neighbour

Nuremberg, August 1299. The Salzburg uprising as been suppressed. But the King of Bohemia considered the defeat in Burghausen as an affront. He is preparing to send even larger contingents of troops against the cities of your empire. You have just learned that the imperial city of Nuremberg is under siege by a large Bohemian army. When you arrive at the scene with your rapid intervention force, parts of the city are already in flames. Hold the city, defend it, and restore it to its former strength!


5th Campaign - Mission 67 - The battle on Mount Arber

Mount Großer Arber, Bavarian Forest, October 1300. After you have cleared the region around Nuremberg of the enemy, it is time to finally put a stop to the King of Bohemia. You move your army to the imperial border in the southeast. Your enemy is not letting you wait. He has lined up at Mount Großer Arber and gained an advantageous position on the mountain top. With difficulty you push your army through the dry undergrowth. It hasn't rained for weeks. As the enemy comes into view, you realise that you are heavily outnumbered. You feverishly search the area for favourable defensive positions. Not far from you there is a ruined tower, and here and there are abandoned hunters' seats. Suddenly you receive information about an abandoned storage area with stocks of lamp oil, which must have served the no longer existing hill chapel. Can this be used to set up a fire wall in the dry forest? Just do not burn yourselves!


5th Campaign - Mission 68 - Enemies of the Cross

Coburg, October 1300. After the narrow victory in the Bavarian Forest, you begin planning for your election as emperor in Frankfurt. But before you can leave there, you receive bad news again. The Pope has finally decided to deny you the imperial dignity. Therefore, he sent massive contingents of troops to the command of his ally, the Duke of Bohemia, in order to cause chaos in your empire. You immediately send your main troops to the trouble spots, especially to Coburg, where the enemy is already at the gates. Your cavalry reaches the castle just in time. It is too late for the rest of your soldiers. They must take on the enemy at the castle gates, where the latter has set up a wall of fire to shield themselves. Will Coburg fall? When will peace finally return to the empire?


5th Campaign - Mission 69 - Turmoil in Hambach

Hambach Castle, November 1300. After the victory in Coburg you had hoped to finally be able to stand for election as emperor. But far from it! Misfortune rarely comes alone, and especially not when powerful enemies are trying to sabotage your election as emperor. You are surrounded by adversaries and cannot afford to rest now. As if Bohemia in the east and the Pope in the south were not enough of a burden, Catholic France now officially declares war on you, besieges Hambach Castle in the Palatinate, and sets everything there on fire. Be sure to support the lord of the castle and ensure that Hambach goes down in history as a place of a brilliant victory. Then stay there until the enemy loses interest in the conflict.


5th Campaign - Mission 70 - The rebirth of the Empire

Frankfurt, December 1300. After the victory in Hambach you reach Frankfurt, and the celebrations for your election to become the emperor are in full swing. But the ceremony comes to an abrupt end when you receive the news that a fire has broken out in the city. From then on, the bad news pile up. To make matters worse, you now hear that three powerful armies are approaching to prevent your imperial coronation and raze the city to the ground. You already suspect that again, it can only be the Pope, the King of Bohemia, and the French. Save the city and yourselves at all costs and stand your ground in battle. Then expand the city into an imperial city that lives up to its name. Show the beauty of your architecture to the entire empire. And, last but not least: Ensure that your imperial army is adequately equipped so that your empire can continue to prosper in peace for a long time.



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