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LNB: Lifelong Naive Bayes

This repo hosts data and code for the paper "Forward and Backward Knowledge Transfer for Sentiment Classification" in ACML 2019. [Paper]

Below we take previous task evaluation as an example to introduce how to perform our system.


  • Integrated Development Environment: IntelliJ IDEA
  • Language: JAVA (We performed experiments using JAVA 1.8.0.)


  1. Clone or download the project lnb;
  2. Unzip the downloaded project;
  3. Extract folders '.idea' and 'lib' from the compressed file 'third-party-libraries.7z'. (The file 'third-party-libraries.7z' were split into three parts as GitHub has a maximum single-file size limitation.)

Then the project is organizated as follows

├── .idea                 <- IntelliJ’s project specific settings files
├── classes               <- Project compilation results
├── Data
│   ├── DomainToEvaluate  <- Each domain/task sequence (e.g., S1, ..., S10) in evaluation
│   ├── Input             <- Data fed into system
│   ├── Intermediate      <- Training data (if target domain is new domain), test data, and learned knowledge
│   └── Output            <- Sentiment classification resultes
├── lib                   <- Third-party libraries
├── resources             <- Stopwords
├── src                   <- Source code used in this project (core files)
├── LifelongSentimentClassification.iml  <- IntelliJ’s configuration information for modules
├──             <- Guide for user(s) to perform this project.


  1. Build project to create IntelliJ's project folder './bin/', which stores the class files;
  2. Run MainEntry (see './src/main/') to produce sentiment classification results on task sequence S1 for previous task evaluation (The sentiment classification results will be stored in './data/output/SentimentClassificaton/'.);
  3. For other task sequences, please modify the end of line 104 in file (see './src/main/'), e.g., using "shuffle2.txt", where shuffle2 denotes task sequence S2.

If there are any questions, please let me know. Best regards. --- Hao Wang (Email: