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Coding standards

Almantas Karpavičius edited this page May 31, 2020 · 6 revisions

Coding standards

Nullable references & C# 8

We will be using C# 8 and nullable references will be enabled. Therefore, if a reference type is not nullable, don't do a null check. We will have strict compilation rules, that it won't even compile in case it's null.

Solution layout

  • Source code is located at /Src folder
  • Tests are located at /Tests folder
  • Building blocks of solution, that are not infrastructure specific are placed in /SharedKernel/PaintedProsthetics.SharedKernel.cs
  • Prefer to organize files modular (no folders for enums, interfaces, exceptions, unless they are truly unrelated to anything and should be shared like that)

Main components of a project

There are 3 types of projects


Holds core logic for a solution. Divided into components. Each component holds a folder for models, repositories and services.

  • Entity- class with all logic related to managing its' own state without any outside components.
  • ValueObject- class, with all logic for exposing business rules through a few primitives.

Repository- domain services, used for persisting entities. Does not implement persistence itself, just define contracts (interfaces).

Services- business services, used for exposing business logic through easy to use facade. Used for combining multiple repositories + validating relations between different objects.


Implement domain interfaces that need 3rd party intervention. EF, mailing clients and other...


Consumes domain and injects infrastructure. Either website, webservice or mobile client.

Variables & Types

  • Use var in all cases, except where it's unclear what the type is
  • Avoid using dynamic
  • Prefer enum over const for collections of constants
  • One letter variables should be avoid in all cases, except LINQ. For example: people.Where(p => p.Name == "Tom")


  • Name projects with PaintedProsthetics. prefix
  • Namespaces should match the folder they are at, except for root folder
  • Method, type, constant names- Pascal Case. ForExample
  • Private fields: start with underscore, followed by camel Case.`_forExample``
  • Local variables- camel Case. forExample
  • For abreviations, use Pascal Case as well. For example Bmi
  • For models with matching names, but different projects, should not have a suffix. Instead, use namespace alias. For example:
using Domain1 = Domain1.Models;
using Domain2 = Domain2.Models;

var itemDomain1 = new Domain1.Models.Item();
var itemDomain2 = new Domain2.Models.Item(); 


  • Prefer to throw custom exceptions
  • Validate method input against null and throw ArgumentNullException(nameof(arg))
  • Add as much contextual detail as possible to exceptions
  • If exception is intercepted and nothing is done- rethrow it withuto passing caught exception throw
  • If generic exception is caught, but you can give more detail, throw a custom exception with more detail



From top to bottom: nested types, const, properties, fields, constructor, methods.

  • For same category, static goes above
  • Static above non static
  • abstract above static
  • Public above protected, above private
  • Always specify access modifier


  • Constructor should prevent object creation in impossible state
  • Domain class properties should have logic with validation in them
  • Infrastructure class properties should be have data annotations for validation
  • Object to manage its' own state
  • Depend on abstraction, whenever possible


  • Constants must be in scope that they are relevant. If used by:
    • one method- method scope as private
    • multiple methods- class scope as private
    • multiple classes- project scope in separate file as public
    • multiple projects- PaintedPorsthetics.SharedKernel as public
    • Don't place constants in a single file named constants (ever)
    • No magic numbers. Replace them with constants


Comments should be kept at minimum. Since code itself says what it does, comment should answer question why code does something. Asking this is uncommon, so should be comments.

Use comments when:

  • Unclear business logic
  • Code cannot express what is happening
  • Explaining a workaround
  • Creating interfaces, classes, structs and other types
  • On methods and their input/output, where it's unclear
  • For controller methods (to generate documentation via swagger)
  • Use <see cref="ClassName"> for specifying related class or variable name
  • Use xml docs (type / 3 times)
  • Use <inheritdoc/> for inheriting parent comments


For simple validation, we will use DataAnnotations. If we need complex validation, FluentValidation will be used.


What should be tested?

  • Everything must be either unit tested or integration-testested (or both)
  • This includes high level infrastructure as well
  • For controller methods we might apply standards tests as well
  • For clients, we might use automation tools like Selenium

Test project

  • Test projects are named with .Tests suffix

Test suite

  • Create a test suite per class or function. Based on target under test, add Tests suffix to the test suite. For example Foo and FooTests
  • Test both success and failure scenarios
  • Test edge cases

Test case

  • Preferably, tests should have 3 steps: arrange, act assert (min: act, assert)
  • Test name should include the 3 steps: what is called, with what parameters (if any), what is the expectation. For example: Stop_ClosesDbConnection
  • Use Given to specify arguments passed in test that matter. For example: Sum_Given_TwoIntegers_Returns_SumOfIntegers
  • Use When to specify preconditions. for example: Stop_When_NotRunning_DoesNotThrow()
  • Test implementation and not abstraction
  • Use [Fact] when testing logic that has the same outcome regardless of input
  • Use [Theory] when testing logic that depends on input
  • If you have multiple similar facts, consider consolidating that to one theory and multiple parameters

Testing libraries

  • Don't use native assertion library. Use FluentAssertions
  • For creating test input, use AutoFixture, AutoData, AutoMoq
  • In many cases with multiple asserts, we do not want to fail after the first assertion failed. In those cases, use AssertionScope. For example:
using(new AssertionScope())


  • Used for manual testing WebApi
  • For every controller method, there should be a Postman request
  • Split postan suites by sub-domain
  • Try to provide description for each request