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Troubleshooting CIF

Gabriel Iovino edited this page Jan 13, 2016 · 9 revisions

Troubleshooting CIF

Basic troubleshooting steps

What can I do to if my CIF server isn't working as I expect?

  1. Reboot the CIF server
  2. Run the cif ping command with debug
$ cif -p -d
[2016-01-13T03:32:38,391Z][INFO][main:261]: starting up client...
[2016-01-13T03:32:38,392Z][INFO][main:272]: pinging: https://localhost...
[2016-01-13T03:32:38,392Z][DEBUG][CIF::SDK::Client:203]: generating ping...
[2016-01-13T03:32:38,392Z][DEBUG][CIF::SDK::Client:165]: uri created: https://localhost/ping?
[2016-01-13T03:32:38,392Z][DEBUG][CIF::SDK::Client:166]: making request...
[2016-01-13T03:32:38,877Z][INFO][CIF::SDK::Client:170]: status: 200
[2016-01-13T03:32:38,877Z][DEBUG][CIF::SDK::Client:173]: decoding content..
roundtrip: 0.485375 ms
[2016-01-13T03:32:44,223Z][INFO][main:393]: done...
  1. Make a cif query with debug
$ cif -q -d
[2016-01-13T02:58:21,076Z][INFO][main:261]: starting up client...
[2016-01-13T02:58:21,076Z][INFO][main:296]: running search...
[2016-01-13T02:58:21,076Z][DEBUG][CIF::SDK::Client:165]: uri created: https://localhost/observables?
[2016-01-13T02:58:21,076Z][DEBUG][CIF::SDK::Client:166]: making request...
[2016-01-13T02:58:21,745Z][INFO][CIF::SDK::Client:170]: status: 200
[2016-01-13T02:58:21,745Z][DEBUG][CIF::SDK::Client:173]: decoding content..
[2016-01-13T02:58:21,745Z][INFO][main:356]: search returned, formatting..
tlp  |group   |reporttime          |observable |cc|asn|confidence|tags  |description|rdata|provider      |altid_tlp|altid
amber|everyone|2015-12-21T20:01:16Z||  |   |25        |search|           |     |root@localhost|         |     
amber|everyone|2015-12-21T20:01:18Z||  |   |25        |search|           |     |root@localhost|         |     

[2016-01-13T02:58:21,757Z][INFO][main:393]: done...
  1. Read through all the CIF logs:
$ tail /var/log/cif-router.log 
[2016-01-13T03:00:48,136Z][12139][INFO]: staring up..
[2016-01-13T03:00:48,258Z][12141][INFO]: started, waiting for messages..

$ tail /var/log/cif-smrt.log
[2016-01-13T03:00:52,979Z][12325][INFO]: staring up...
[2016-01-13T03:00:52,996Z][12329][INFO]: delaying start for: 4min then running every 60min there after...
[2016-01-13T03:00:52,997Z][12329][INFO]: to run immediately, set: --randomstart 0 or --testmode
[2016-01-13T03:00:52,997Z][12329][INFO]: to see the list of options, use -h

$ tail /var/log/cif-starman.log
[2016-01-13T03:00:52,233Z][12295][INFO]: starting CIF::REST
[2016-01-13T03:00:52,238Z][12297][INFO]: starting CIF::REST
[2016-01-13T03:00:52,255Z][12299][INFO]: starting CIF::REST

$ tail /var/log/cif-worker.log
[2016-01-13T03:00:50,256Z][12188][INFO]: sending ping...
[2016-01-13T03:00:50,313Z][12195][INFO]: staring worker..
[2016-01-13T03:00:50,315Z][12196][INFO]: staring worker..
[2016-01-13T03:00:50,337Z][12192][INFO]: starting...
  1. Verify apache is working
$ curl -ik https://localhost/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 13:05:53 GMT
Server: Apache
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Length: 671
Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8

  1. Read through the Apache logs
$ sudo tail /var/log/apache2/error.log
$ sudo tail /var/log/apache2/ssl_access.log
  1. Verify ElasticSearch is working
$ curl -i 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 283

"cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
"status" : "yellow",
"timed_out" : false,
"number_of_nodes" : 1,
"number_of_data_nodes" : 1,
"active_primary_shards" : 155,
"active_shards" : 155,
"relocating_shards" : 0,
"initializing_shards" : 0,
"unassigned_shards" : 155
  1. Read through the ElasticSearch logs
$ tail /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.log
  1. restart cif to look for errors
$ sudo service cif-services restart
* Stopping cif-router                                                            [ OK ] 
* Starting cif-router                                                            [ OK ] 
* Stopping cif-worker                                                            [ OK ] 
* Starting cif-worker                                                            [ OK ] 
* Stopping cif-starman                                                           [ OK ] 
* Starting cif-starman                                                           [ OK ] 
* Stopping cif-smrt                                                              [ OK ] 
* Starting cif-smrt                                                              [ OK ] 
  1. Verify the host has enough free disk space
$ df -h
Filesystem                       Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev                             7.9G  4.0K  7.9G   1% /dev
tmpfs                            1.6G  444K  1.6G   1% /run
/dev/mapper/cifv2--rc6--vg-root  230G   14G  205G   7% /
none                             4.0K     0  4.0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
none                             5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
none                             7.9G     0  7.9G   0% /run/shm
none                             100M     0  100M   0% /run/user
/dev/sda1                        236M   69M  155M  31% /boot
  1. Verify the host has enough free memory
$ free -m
               total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         16047      12496       3551          0        158       2947
-/+ buffers/cache:       9389       6657
Swap:        16383         62      16321

Enable debug logging across all CIF services

  1. Add '-d' to CIF_DEBUGGING in /etc/default/cif
$ cat /etc/default/cif
# Directory where the binary distribution resides


if [ -d /opt/cif/lib/perl5 ]; then
  export PERL5LIB=/opt/cif/lib/perl5

# Run as this user ID and group ID

# data directory

# configuration directory

# add -d to turn on debugging
  1. Restart all CIF services
$ sudo service cif-services restart
* Stopping cif-router                                                            [ OK ] 
* Starting cif-router                                                            [ OK ] 
* Stopping cif-worker                                                            [ OK ] 
* Starting cif-worker                                                            [ OK ] 
* Stopping cif-starman                                                           [ OK ] 
* Starting cif-starman                                                           [ OK ] 
* Stopping cif-smrt                                                              [ OK ] 
* Starting cif-smrt                                                              [ OK ] 
  1. Make a cif query with debug
$ cif -q -d
[2016-01-13T02:58:21,076Z][INFO][main:261]: starting up client...
[2016-01-13T02:58:21,076Z][INFO][main:296]: running search...
[2016-01-13T02:58:21,076Z][DEBUG][CIF::SDK::Client:165]: uri created: https://localhost/observables?
[2016-01-13T02:58:21,076Z][DEBUG][CIF::SDK::Client:166]: making request...
[2016-01-13T02:58:21,745Z][INFO][CIF::SDK::Client:170]: status: 200
[2016-01-13T02:58:21,745Z][DEBUG][CIF::SDK::Client:173]: decoding content..
[2016-01-13T02:58:21,745Z][INFO][main:356]: search returned, formatting..
tlp  |group   |reporttime          |observable |cc|asn|confidence|tags  |description|rdata|provider      |altid_tlp|altid
amber|everyone|2015-12-21T20:01:16Z||  |   |25        |search|           |     |root@localhost|         |     
amber|everyone|2015-12-21T20:01:18Z||  |   |25        |search|           |     |root@localhost|         |     
  1. Read through the apache logs
$ sudo tail /var/log/apache2/ssl_access.log
::1 - - [13/Jan/2016:03:38:23 -1000] "GET /observables? HTTP/1.1" 200 5685 "-" "cif-sdk-perl/2.00_30"

$ sudo tail /var/log/apache2/ssl_access.log
  1. Read through the CIF logs
$ tail /var/log/cif-router.log 
$ tail /var/log/cif-smrt.log
$ tail /var/log/cif-starman.log
$ tail /var/log/cif-worker.log
  1. Once done troubleshooting, be sure to turn off CIF debugging and restart all the CIF services; the logging is verbose and will use up a lot of disk space.
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