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313 lines (287 loc) · 16.6 KB


The PubMed database at NCBI includes 30 million citations from biomedical and life sciences journals. The abstracts and article metadata are easy to search using the rentrez package, but parsing the PubMed XML can be challenging. The tidypubmed package uses the xml2 package to parse abstracts, MeSH terms, keywords, authors and citation details into tidy datasets.


Use devtools to install the package.


Search PubMed and download the results. The two functions are wrappers for entrez_search and entrez_fetch in rentrez and will also parse the results into a xml_nodeset with PMID names.

res <- pubmed_search("aquilegia[TITLE]")
#  107 results found
aq <- pubmed_fetch(res)
#  Created xml_nodeset with 107 articles

The package includes five functions to parse the article nodes.

R function Description
pubmed_table Citation metadata
pubmed_abstract Abstract paragraphs
pubmed_authors Authors
pubmed_keywords Keywords
pubmed_mesh MeSH terms

Parse the authors, year, title, journal and other metadata into a table with one row per PMID.

x <- pubmed_table(aq)
#  # A tibble: 107 x 15
#        pmid authors    year title   journal volume issue pages pubmodel ppub  epub  pubtype country doi   pii  
#       <int> <chr>     <int> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr>    <chr> <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <chr> <chr>
#   1  3.21e7 Meaders …  2020 Develo… Annals… <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  Print-E… 2020… 2020… Journa… England 10.1… 5739…
#   2  3.19e7 Zhou ZL,…  2019 Cell n… Plant … 41     5     307-… Electro… 2019… 2019… Journa… China   10.1… S246…
#   3  3.18e7 Aköz G, …  2019 The Aq… Genome… 20     1     256   Electro… 2019… 2019… Journa… England 10.1… 10.1…
#   4  3.17e7 Sharma B…  2019 Homolo… Fronti… 10     <NA>  1218  Electro… 2019  2019… Journa… Switze… 10.3… <NA> 
#   5  3.15e7 Sharma B…  2019 Develo… Genes   10     10    <NA>  Electro… 2019… 2019… Journa… Switze… 10.3… gene…
#   6  3.14e7 Ballerin…  2019 Compar… BMC ge… 20     1     668   Electro… 2019… 2019… Compar… England 10.1… 10.1…
#   7  3.08e7 Li MR, W…  2019 Rapid … Genome… 11     3     919-… Print    2019… <NA>  Journa… England 10.1… 5355…
#   8  3.07e7 Groh JS,…  2019 On the… AoB PL… 11     1     ply0… Electro… 2019… 2018… Journa… England 10.1… ply0…
#   9  3.03e7 Filiault…  2018 The Aq… eLife   7      <NA>  <NA>  Electro… 2018… 2018… Journa… England 10.7… 36426
#  10  3.01e7 Min Y, B…  2019 Homolo… The Ne… 221    2     1090… Print-E… 2019… 2018… Journa… England 10.1… <NA> 
#  # … with 97 more rows
count(x, journal, country, sort=TRUE)
#  # A tibble: 55 x 3
#     journal                                               country           n
#     <chr>                                                 <chr>         <int>
#   1 Evolution; international journal of organic evolution United States    10
#   2 Acta poloniae pharmaceutica                           Poland            7
#   3 American journal of botany                            United States     6
#   4 Plant disease                                         United States     6
#   5 The New phytologist                                   England           5
#   6 Annals of botany                                      England           4
#   7 Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin                    Japan             4
#   8 PloS one                                              United States     4
#   9 Molecular ecology                                     England           3
#  10 Biochemical Society transactions                      England           2
#  # … with 45 more rows

Parse the abstracts and combine the label and paragraph into a single row per article.

x <- pubmed_abstract(aq)
#  # A tibble: 140 x 4
#         pmid paragraph abstract                                                                  label         
#        <int>     <int> <chr>                                                                     <chr>         
#   1 32068783         1 The ranunculid model system Aquilegia is notable for the presence of a f… BACKGROUND AN…
#   2 32068783         2 We used histological techniques to describe the development of the Aquil… METHODS       
#   3 32068783         3 Our developmental study has revealed novel features of staminode develop… KEY RESULTS   
#   4 32068783         4 These findings suggest a model in which the novel staminode identity pro… CONCLUSIONS   
#   5 31934675         1 Variations of nectar spur length allow pollinators to utilize resources … <NA>          
#   6 31779695         1 Whole-genome duplications (WGDs) have dominated the evolutionary history… BACKGROUND    
#   7 31779695         2 Within-genome synteny confirms that columbines are ancient tetraploids, … RESULTS       
#   8 31779695         3 Novel analyses of synteny sharing together with the well-preserved struc… CONCLUSIONS   
#   9 31681357         1 Homologs of the transcription factor LEAFY (LFY) and the F-box family me… <NA>          
#  10 31546687         1 Reproductive success in plants is dependent on many factors but the prec… <NA>          
#  # … with 130 more rows
mutate(x, text=ifelse(, abstract, paste0(label, ": ", abstract))) %>%
  group_by(pmid) %>%
  summarize(abstract=paste(text, collapse=" ")) %>%
#  # A tibble: 96 x 2
#         pmid abstract                                                                                          
#        <int> <chr>                                                                                             
#   1 32068783 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The ranunculid model system Aquilegia is notable for the presence of a fifth…
#   2 31934675 Variations of nectar spur length allow pollinators to utilize resources in novel ways, leading to…
#   3 31779695 BACKGROUND: Whole-genome duplications (WGDs) have dominated the evolutionary history of plants. O…
#   4 31681357 Homologs of the transcription factor LEAFY (LFY) and the F-box family member UNUSUAL FLORAL ORGAN…
#   5 31546687 Reproductive success in plants is dependent on many factors but the precise timing of flowering i…
#   6 31438840 BACKGROUND: Petal nectar spurs, which facilitate pollination through animal attraction and pollen…
#   7 30861746 Eryngium amethystinum (amethyst sea holly) is a herbaceous plant commonly grown as an ornamental …
#   8 30812597 Aquilegia flabellata Sieb. and Zucc. (columbine) is a perennial garden species belonging to the f…
#   9 30793209 Elucidating the mechanisms underlying the genetic divergence between closely related species is c…
#  10 30764246 Aquilegia flabellata (Ranunculaceae), fan columbine, is a perennial herbaceous plant with brillia…
#  # … with 86 more rows

Optionally, use the tokenizers package to split abstract paragraphs into sentences.

pubmed_abstract(aq, sentence=TRUE)
#  # A tibble: 946 x 5
#         pmid paragraph sentence abstract                                                          label        
#        <int>     <int>    <int> <chr>                                                             <chr>        
#   1 32068783         1        1 The ranunculid model system Aquilegia is notable for the presenc… BACKGROUND A…
#   2 32068783         1        2 Previous studies have found that the genetic basis for the ident… BACKGROUND A…
#   3 32068783         2        1 We used histological techniques to describe the development of t… METHODS      
#   4 32068783         2        2 These results have been compared to four other Aquilegia species… METHODS      
#   5 32068783         2        3 As a complement, RNA-seq has been conducted at two developmental… METHODS      
#   6 32068783         3        1 Our developmental study has revealed novel features of staminode… KEY RESULTS  
#   7 32068783         3        2 In addition, patterns of abaxial/adaxial differentiation are obs… KEY RESULTS  
#   8 32068783         3        3 The comparative transcriptomics are consistent with the observed… KEY RESULTS  
#   9 32068783         4        1 These findings suggest a model in which the novel staminode iden… CONCLUSIONS  
#  10 32068783         4        2 While the ecological function of Aquilegia staminodes remains to… CONCLUSIONS  
#  # … with 936 more rows

List the authors and first affiliation and then replace five or more names with et al. The untidy author string is also included in the pubmed_table above.

x <- pubmed_authors(aq)
#  # A tibble: 406 x 7
#         pmid     n last    first    initials orcid affiliation                                                 
#        <int> <int> <chr>   <chr>    <chr>    <chr> <chr>                                                       
#   1 32068783     1 Meaders Clara    C        <NA>  Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard …
#   2 32068783     2 Min     Ya       Y        <NA>  Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard …
#   3 32068783     3 Freedb… Katheri… KJ       <NA>  Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard …
#   4 32068783     4 Kramer  Elena    E        <NA>  Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard …
#   5 31934675     1 Zhou    Zhi-Li   ZL       <NA>  Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research at Kunming, Kunming I…
#   6 31934675     2 Duan    Yuan-Wen YW       <NA>  Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research at Kunming, Kunming I…
#   7 31934675     3 Luo     Yan      Y        <NA>  Gardening and Horticulture Department, Xishuangbanna Tropic…
#   8 31934675     4 Yang    Yong-Pi… YP       <NA>  Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research at Kunming, Kunming I…
#   9 31934675     5 Zhang   Zhi-Qia… ZQ       <NA>  Laboratory of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yunnan Univ…
#  10 31779695     1 Aköz    Gökçe    G        <NA>  Gregor Mendel Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vien…
#  # … with 396 more rows
mutate(x, name=ifelse(lead(n) == 5, "et al", paste(last, initials))) %>%
  filter(n < 5) %>%
  group_by(pmid) %>%
  summarize(authors=paste(name, collapse=", "))
#  # A tibble: 107 x 2
#         pmid authors                                        
#        <int> <chr>                                          
#   1  5918541 Constantine GH, Vitek MR, Sheth K, et al       
#   2  8146145 Hodges SA, Arnold ML                           
#   3  9511461 Bylka W, Matławska I                           
#   4  9511462 Bylka W, Matławska I                           
#   5 10383672 Routley MB, Mavraganis K, Eckert CG            
#   6 10438199 Yoshimitsu H, Nishidas M, Hashimoto F, Nohara T
#   7 10991895 Griffin SR, Mavraganis K, Eckert CG            
#   8 11170673 Chen SB, Gao GY, Leung HW, et al               
#   9 11171154 Longman AJ, Michaelson LV, Sayanova O, et al   
#  10 11607343 Grant V                                        
#  # … with 97 more rows

Check the keywords.

x <- pubmed_keywords(aq)
#  # A tibble: 144 x 4
#         pmid     n majortopic keyword                
#        <int> <int> <chr>      <chr>                  
#   1 32068783     1 N          Aquilegia              
#   2 32068783     2 N          floral organ identity  
#   3 32068783     3 N          novelty                
#   4 32068783     4 N          staminode              
#   5 31934675     1 N          Aquilegia rockii       
#   6 31934675     2 N          Cell number            
#   7 31934675     3 N          Columbine              
#   8 31934675     4 N          Floral polymorphism    
#   9 31934675     5 N          Intraspecific variation
#  10 31934675     6 N          Nectar spur            
#  # … with 134 more rows

Count the MeSH terms.

x <- pubmed_mesh(aq)
#  # A tibble: 937 x 6
#         pmid     n descriptor                qualifier            majortopic mesh                           
#        <int> <int> <chr>                     <chr>                <chr>      <chr>                          
#   1 31438840     1 Aquilegia                 genetics             Y          Aquilegia/genetics*            
#   2 31438840     1 Aquilegia                 growth & development Y          Aquilegia/growth & development*
#   3 31438840     2 Flowers                   genetics             Y          Flowers/genetics*              
#   4 31438840     2 Flowers                   growth & development Y          Flowers/growth & development*  
#   5 31438840     3 Gene Expression Profiling <NA>                 Y          Gene Expression Profiling*     
#   6 31438840     4 Genes, Plant              genetics             Y          Genes, Plant/genetics*         
#   7 31438840     5 Plant Nectar              metabolism           Y          Plant Nectar/metabolism*       
#   8 30793209     1 Adaptation, Biological    <NA>                 N          Adaptation, Biological         
#   9 30793209     2 Aquilegia                 genetics             Y          Aquilegia/genetics*            
#  10 30793209     3 Biological Evolution      <NA>                 Y          Biological Evolution*          
#  # … with 927 more rows
mutate(x, mesh=gsub("\\*", "", mesh)) %>%
  count(mesh, sort=TRUE)
#  # A tibble: 470 x 2
#     mesh                                  n
#     <chr>                             <int>
#   1 Aquilegia/genetics                   29
#   2 Animals                              12
#   3 Plant Extracts/pharmacology          12
#   4 Aquilegia/chemistry                  11
#   5 Flowers/genetics                     11
#   6 Gene Expression Regulation, Plant    11
#   7 Aquilegia                             9
#   8 Aquilegia/growth & development        9
#   9 Aquilegia/metabolism                  9
#  10 Evolution, Molecular                  9
#  # … with 460 more rows

There are an number of additional nodes that can be parsed in the PubMed XML. Use cat(as.character) to view a single article (truncated below).

# cat(as.character(aq[1]))
#  <PubmedArticle>
#    <MedlineCitation Status="Publisher" Owner="NLM">
#      <PMID Version="1">32068783</PMID>
#      <DateRevised>
#        <Year>2020</Year>
#        <Month>02</Month>
#        <Day>18</Day>
#      </DateRevised>
#      <Article PubModel="Print-Electronic">
#        <Journal>
#          <ISSN IssnType="Electronic">1095-8290</ISSN>
#          <JournalIssue CitedMedium="Internet">
#            <PubDate>
#              <Year>2020</Year>
#              <Month>Feb</Month>
#              <Day>18</Day>
#            </PubDate>
#          </JournalIssue>
#          <Title>Annals of botany</Title>
#          <ISOAbbreviation>Ann. Bot.</ISOAbbreviation>
#        </Journal>
#        <ArticleTitle>Developmental and molecular characterization of novel staminodes in Aquilegia.</ArticleTitle>
#        <ELocationID EIdType=

Parse a specific node using the helper function xml_tidy_text and an xpath expression.

xml_tidy_text(aq, "//Chemical/NameOfSubstance", "chemical")
#  # A tibble: 220 x 3
#         pmid     n chemical            
#        <int> <int> <chr>               
#   1 31438840     1 Plant Nectar        
#   2 30145791     1 Plant Nectar        
#   3 30047083     1 DNA, Bacterial      
#   4 30047083     2 DNA, Ribosomal      
#   5 30047083     3 Fatty Acids         
#   6 30047083     4 Peptidoglycan       
#   7 30047083     5 Phospholipids       
#   8 30047083     6 Pigments, Biological
#   9 30047083     7 RNA, Ribosomal, 16S 
#  10 30047083     8 Vitamin K 2         
#  # … with 210 more rows

xml_tidy_text(aq, "//Reference//ArticleId[@IdType='pubmed']", "cited")
#  # A tibble: 1,022 x 3
#         pmid     n cited   
#        <int> <int> <chr>   
#   1 31934675     1 16284709
#   2 31934675     2 26800256
#   3 31934675     3 20497348
#   4 31934675     4 25063469
#   5 31934675     5 18223038
#   6 31934675     6 26779209
#   7 31934675     7 17526522
#   8 31934675     8 21790812
#   9 31934675     9 19910308
#  10 31934675    10 22388286
#  # … with 1,012 more rows