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Stealth-UX is a dark visual suite that transforms your GalliumOS 3.1 desktop environment.

Need help? Here's the Reddit Communtity Thread


  1. Clone this repo:

     git clone ~/stealth-ux/
  2. Install:

     sudo bash ~/stealth-ux/

Note: Your current ~/.bashrc will backed up as ~/.bashrc.obs_backup

How to mod stealth-ux (Optional):

Skip to Configure Section

Copy these corresponding files from greybird-compact dir: /usr/share/themes/Greybird-compact/xfwm4:

  • title-1-active.xpm
  • top-left-active.xpm
  • top-right-active.xpm

(think of .xpm as ASCII masks, layered on top of .png files with the same name)

By using greybird-compact masks, you can change the height of the menu bar in any GTK theme

Next, symlink the appropriate files:

  • symlinked title-1-active.xpm to title-2-active.xpm through title-5-active.xpm,
  • symlinked top-left-active.xpm to top-left-inactive.xpm, etc
  • symlinked top-right-active.xpm to top-right-inactive.xpm, etc

Then install imagemagick:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Then convert UX images for the menu bar:

sudo convert close-active.png -alpha on -resize 70% close-active.png

// running this function replaces current close-active.png with a modified close-active.png that's 70% of the original size, final variable is the new file name (I made it the same as the original)

Run convert on all title bar buttons:

  • close-active
  • close-inactive
  • close-prelight
  • close-pressed
  • hide-active
  • hide-inactive...etc
  • maximize-active
  • maximize-inactive...etc

Reference for XFCE icons

// Bash command

for name in `find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.xpm"`; do convert "$name" -alpha on -scale 200% $name; done
for name in `find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.png"`; do convert "$name" -alpha on -resize 200% $name; done

1. In the folder /usr/share/themes create a new theme 'mytheme' by copying the theme 'Mint-X'
2. Install imagemagick (sudo apt-get install imagemagick) to get the linux command convert
3. Go to folder /usr/share/themes/mytheme/xfwm4
4. Modify title* and top* files with convert command as suggested by sixsixfive with scale 200%
5. Modify close*, hide* and maximize* files with convert command with scale 150%
6. Modify file /usr/share/themes/mytheme/xfwm4/themerc with following options :
7. Go to Parameters --> Window manager (I am not sure about the english name as I am using french version) and change the theme to 'mytheme'; I also changed the font of the title to 20.
8. Change the color of the close* images to red using Gimp.


After installation is done, follow the steps below to configure the desktop settings.

Appearance Settings

  1. Go into the Start Menu or Left-Alt + M

  2. Search and open "Appearance" (Settings > Appearance)

  3. Under the Style Tab, find and select "Dracula"

Icons Settings

  1. In the same window, under the Icons Tab, find and select "Papirus-Dark"

  2. Close the Appearance Settings

  3. Go into the Start Menu, and open the File Manager

  4. Go to Edit → Preferences.... Click on Side Pane tab. Under Side Pane, look for Icon Size and set to Very Small.


  1. Go into Start Menu and open Settings Manager → Panel → Items tab. Select Notification Area item and click on Edit currently selected item button. Under Appearance set the following options:
  • Set Maximum icon size (px) to 24
  • Uncheck Show frame


Change folder colour:

  1. Open your terminal and install papirus-folders

     wget -qO- | sh
  2. Run this command to change folders color to white

    papirus-folders -C white --theme Papirus-Dark
  3. Close File Manager windows and reopen to see the colour changes

You can replace white with any of these colours:

Name Preview Name Preview
black folder-black user-black-home folder-black-download blue folder-blue user-blue-home folder-blue-download
bluegrey folder-bluegrey user-bluegrey-home folder-bluegrey-download breeze folder-breeze user-breeze-home folder-breeze-download
brown folder-brown user-brown-home folder-brown-download cyan folder-cyan user-cyan-home folder-cyan-download
deeporange folder-deeporange user-deeporange-home folder-deeporange-download green folder-green user-green-home folder-green-download
grey folder-grey user-grey-home folder-grey-download indigo folder-indigo user-indigo-home folder-indigo-download
magenta folder-magenta user-magenta-home folder-magenta-download nordic folder-nordic user-nordic-home folder-nordic-download
orange folder-orange user-orange-home folder-orange-download palebrown folder-palebrown user-palebrown-home folder-palebrown-download
paleorange folder-paleorange user-paleorange-home folder-paleorange-download pink folder-pink user-pink-home folder-pink-download
red folder-red user-red-home folder-red-download teal folder-teal user-teal-home folder-teal-download
violet folder-violet user-violet-home folder-violet-download white folder-white user-white-home folder-white-download
yaru folder-yaru user-yaru-home folder-yaru-download yellow folder-yellow user-yellow-home folder-yellow-download

Windows Manager Settings

Change the style of the window bars:

  1. Go into Start Menu, search for and open "Window Manager" (under "Settings")

  2. Choose between "no-border" or "Dracula" or "dracula-compact".

no-border removes the Title Bar for a sleek look

Dracula offers a flat dark look

Tips for no-border:

  • Alt + Left Click to move windows around
  • Alt + SpaceBar to bring up the menu options for a window
  • Under the Window Manager, click the Keyboard Tab, and set the following shortcut keys:
    • Close Window: Alt + Q
    • Tile window to left: Alt + [
    • Tile window to right: Alt + ]
    • Maximize window: Alt + =
    • Minimize window: Alt + -

Terminal Settings

  1. Open your terminal

  2. Right click > Preferences > Colors Tab

  3. Click "Load Presets..."

  4. Select "Dracula"

  5. Close Preferences

  6. Open and edit ~/.bashrc file

  7. You'll see an environment variable (all caps) in there that looks like:

  8. Change the value of OSH_THEME to powerline: OSH_THEME="powerline"

  9. Save and exit .bashrc

  10. Reload .bashrc:

    source ~/.bashrc
  11. Close and reopen your terminal to see changes

  12. Right-click your terminal > Preferences

  13. Under Appearance Tab > Uncheck "Use System Font" > and select a Powerline font such as "Source Code Pro for Powerline"

  14. Everything should look good now!

Bonus Settings

Complete the entire look with a few more steps:


  1. Open Chromium

  2. Go to: chrome://settings/

  3. Find "Themes" under "Appearance" > Click "Use GTK+"

Main Taskbar

  1. Right-click taskbar

  2. Panel > Panel Preferences...

  3. Go to Appearance Tab

  4. Select None under Style:

  5. Reduce Alpha to 0

  6. Go to Items and edit as you please, here's a suggestion:

Panel Preferences

Hide the windows toolbar

  1. Open "File Manager"

  2. Ctrl + M


  1. Create theme folder:

     mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/themes/start
  2. Change directories:

     cd ~/.vim/pack/themes/start
  3. Clone the target repo:

     git clone dracula
  4. Create config file:

     touch ~/.vimrc
  5. Add the following to ~/.vimrc

     packadd! dracula
     syntax enable
     colorscheme dracula

VIM Javascript Plugin

Javascript VIM

  1. Run the following command

       git clone ~/.vim/pack/vim-javascript/start/vim-javascript
  2. Close and reopen VIM to see changes


  1. Right-click desktop > Desktop Settings...

  2. Select stealth_ux_wallpaper.jpg inside ~/stealth_ux