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Envinronmental Quotes Generator

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another”. – Mahatma Gandhi

Preview of my Quote App now online!

Project Synopsis

"Sundarbans, (is) the world’s largest contiguous mangrove forest" -Pete Schwarzstein.

The background image is an outline of a mangrove forest.This article from the national geographic outlines how climate change is affecting this natural wonder. The forest like many others in the world are rapidly being destroyed either by development or by the increasingly warming climate. Often those with the most to lose are the poorer inhabitants as they rely on these forests for not only their subsistence but also income. Millions of people rely on this mangrove forest for their livelihood and now it is disappearing.

With the current political climate heavily focused on climate change and action, I decided to collate quotes I have come across, relating to the environment to raise awareness. The app randomly picks a quoteand background. Users can then share the quotes on twitter or tumblr.

I plan to submit this to World Environment Day 2020 as an open source project where they can share with other users who in turn could use the project to create a list of their own quotes and share with their friends.

Folder Structure

├── public
└── src
    ├── api
    ├── components
    │   ├── Button
    │   ├── QuoteText
    │   └── Social_Media
    ├── helpers
    ├── images
    └── scss
        └── base


  1. api

The api folder is where you will find quoteCollection.js. This is where you can edit and add to the list of quotes. They will then automatically be generated for you at random.

  1. components

These are all my react components button,quoteText,SocialMedia. They are reusable and take the props element from the QuoteBox.js parent element. Not that I am also using PropTypes with react to make sure the correct type of props types are being passed to the children.

  1. helpers

These are the helper functions that help randomise the text and background that is then imported into QuoteBox.js.

  1. scss

I am using css modules and css-bem method however the project is not currently big enough to exhibit full bem structure.

The base folder contains all my base styling

  1. images

Here you will find the svg image that overlays the gradient background

  1. eslint and prettier

For cleaner code I have configured these based on Airbnb eslint styling to insure my code stays clean and readable. eslint

  1. jest

For testing I am using jest.

Tech Stack

Client Side Server side
HTML5 Current no server side
Lint staged

Please check the package json for more specific dependencies


I'll be happy to hear your feedback and if you have any quotes you would like to add to the app feel free to message me


This project exists thanks to:

Biliana Valeva

Oliver Weber

Free Code Camp



Environmental Quotes Generator (eq-generator)






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