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Cranial Suture Growth Model

This is a repository for the Data-driven cranial suture growth model enables predicting phenotypes of craniosynostosis.

The data folder contains the trained suture growth parameters (sutureGrowthModel) and regional weights at each anchor (weights) described in the manuscript. The folder also contains other necessary files to generate grwoth prediction synthesis, including the average bone segmenration maps and mask image(averageBoneSegmentationSphericalImage and SphericalMaskImage), and the average shape image and anatomical landmarks at birth (InitialShapeImage and InitialLandmarks).

This repository also provides example scripts to generate synthetic normative cranial bone surface meshes, and to simulate single suture craniosynostosis.


Using the code

Quick summary

Input: prediction_type that indicates which phenotype to simulate: takes one of the following value: 'normal', 'metopic' for metopic craniosynostosis, 'sagittal' for sagittal craniosynostosis, 'left coroanl' for left coronal craniosynostosis or 'right coronal' for right coronal craniosynostosis.

Output: VTK PolyData for the growth development from birth to 10 years of age, discretized in 5 days intervals.

Code example

import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk
import vtk
import Tools

## prediction_type takes one of the following value: 'normal', 'metopic', 'sagittal', 'left coroanl' or 'right coronal'.
prediction_type = 'normal' 

### load data
# average segmentation, intital image and mask used for transformation
anchors_per_suture = 3
base_anchor_count = 12
bones = sitk.ReadImage('data/averageBoneSegmentationSphericalImage.mha')
age0 = sitk.ReadImage('data/InitialShapeImage.mha')
mask = sitk.ReadImage('data/SphericalMaskImage.mha')

# put images in numpy data structure and sample pizels
sample = 6 # subsampling factor
mask_image = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(mask)[::6, ::6]
input_image = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(age0)[::6, ::6]
bone_image = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(bones)[::6, ::6]

# get indices of mask to limit aligned image
mask_indices = np.argwhere(mask_image == 0)
indices = np.argwhere(mask_image == 1)

# mask out background
input_image[mask_indices[:, 0], mask_indices[:, 1]] = 0
bone_image[mask_indices[:, 0], mask_indices[:, 1]] = 0

# labels of bone regions in the segmentation image that contain sutures in the calvaria
suture_labels = np.array([(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 5), (3, 6), (4, 7)])

# get anchors vectors and weights
anchors, sutures  = Tools.getAnchors(suture_labels, bone_image, anchors_per_suture, extremes=True)
_, vectors, normals = Tools.getIJKVectors(anchors, input_image, sutures, anchors.shape[0], suture_labels.shape[0])

base_anchors = Tools.getCranialBaseAnchors(mask_image, base_anchor_count)

base_anchors, base_normals, base_parallel = Tools.getCranialBaseVectorsAndParallel(anchors, input_image, mask_image, base_anchor_count, anchors_per_suture)

anchors = np.concatenate((np.concatenate((anchors, base_anchors), axis=0), base_anchors), axis = 0)
vectors = np.concatenate((np.concatenate((vectors, base_parallel), axis=0), base_normals), axis = 0)
centers = input_image[anchors[:, 0], anchors[:, 1], :]

weights = np.load('data/weights.npy')

#### predict growth
scale_parameters = np.load('data/sutureGrowthModel.npy')
scale_parameters = Tools.shutDownSuturalGrowth(scale_parameters, prediction_type)
increments = int(3625.25/5)
transformed_points_structure = Tools.predictShapeDevelopment(
    input_image, increments, anchors, centers, weights, scale_parameters, vectors, base_anchor_count

## visualize weights

sampled_mask = sitk.GetImageFromArray(mask_image, isVector=True)
sampled_mask.SetOrigin((-1., -1.))
sampled_mask.SetSpacing((sample * age0.GetSpacing()[0], sample * age0.GetSpacing()[0]))

for i in range(transformed_points_structure.shape[0]):
    print('Generating shape {:03d}/{:03d}'.format(i, transformed_points_structure.shape[0]), end = '\r')
    image = sitk.GetImageFromArray(transformed_points_structure[i], isVector=True)
    image.SetOrigin((-1., -1.))
    image.SetSpacing((sample * age0.GetSpacing()[0], sample * age0.GetSpacing()[0]))

    original_mesh = Tools.ConstructCranialSurfaceMeshFromSphericalMaps(
        image, sampled_mask, intensityImageDict={}, subsamplingFactor=2 / sample, verbose=False
    writer = vtk.vtkXMLPolyDataWriter()
    writer.SetFileName("shapeAtAge{:.3f}Years.vtp".format(i/increments * 10))

The workflow

  • The Tools.getAnchors function calculates the anchors a at each suture, based on the average bone segmentation map.
  • The Tools.getIJKVectors function calculates the suture growth vectors u_a at the sutures that is tangential to the cranial surface and perpendicular to the sutures.
  • The Tools.getCranialBaseAnchors function calculates the anchors a at the base of the cranium.
  • The Tools.getCranialBaseVectorsAndParallel function calculates the growth vectors u_a y_a at the cranial base.
  • The Tools.shutDownSuturalGrowth function shut down the growth rate at specific sutures based on the phenotype to simulate.
  • The Tools.predictShapeDevelopment function simulates the growth from birth to 10 years of age.

If you have any questions, please email Jiawei Liu at


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