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CUBA Navigation & Routing sample

This project is intended for demonstration of basic concepts of URL Routing feature:

  1. How to register a route for screen
  2. How to reflect some state to URL
  3. How to handle URL params changing

Basic usage

This section contains small code snippets describing how new features can be used.

Registering a route for screen

To register a route for screen add @Route annotation to controller:

public class MyScreen extends Screen {

Reflecting state to URL

To reflect a state the UrlRouting component should be used. It has two main methods:

  • pushState(Screen screen) - changes URL according the given screen and creates new entry in browser history
  • replaceState(Screen screen) - replaces URL according the given screen, but does not create new entry in browser history


public class MyScreen extends Screen {

    private UrlRouting urlRouting;
    private void changeUrl() {
        Map<String, String> params = ParamsMap.of(
                "param1", "value1",
                "param2", "value2");

        urlRouting.replaceState(this, params);

URL will be changed to:


Handling URL params changing

Params changing can be handled with subscription for UrlParamsChangedEvent in screen controller:

public class MyScreen extends Screen {

    protected void onUrlParamsChanged(UrlParamsChangedEvent event) {
        Map<String, String> params = event.getParams();
        // do something

It enables to preload some data or change screen controls state before screen is shown (for example, when a screen is navigated with some params).

Open the following link when the sample is running to show hotels available for booking with rating greater than "4":





Please use for discussion, support, and reporting problems corresponding to this sample.


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