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218 lines (161 loc) · 7.03 KB

File metadata and controls

218 lines (161 loc) · 7.03 KB



This is a simple Node.JS API for accessing PSN data.

This is heavily based on work by and gumer-psn.

Note: v0.1.x is a completely new API that is incompatible with 0.0.x. Please take care when writing your dependancies.


You can install it with the package manager

	npm install PSNjs

Or clone the repository and install the dependencies

	git clone
	cd PSNjs/
	npm install

##API Setup

var PSNjs = require('PSNjs');

var psn = new PSNjs({
	// PSN email and password
	email: "PSNEMAIL",
	password: "PSNPASSWORD",
	// debug printing
	debug: true,
	// optionally store session tokens in a file to speed up future connection
	authfile: ".psnAuth"

// get the above user's trophies
psn.getUserTrophies(function(error, data) {
	// check for an error
	if (error)
		console.log("Error fetching trophies: " + error);

	// success! print out trophy data
	console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));

###Other Init variables

	email: "PSNEMAIL", // your email
	password: "PSNPASSWORD", // your password
	debug: true, // enable debug logging?
	requestDebug: false, // enable the request library's debug output?
	autoconnect: false, // make a PSN request immediately (make sure you use onReady if you do this)
	authfile: ".psnAuth", // optionally store PSN session tokens in this file
	onReady: function() {
		// this function will be called when the API is ready (mainly used when autoconnect is true)

##Custom Save and Load Callbacks

If you don't want to use the authfile option, you can manually write save/load functions. For example, using Redis or something instead of the filesystem.

var psn = new PSNjs({
	// PSN email and password
	email: "PSNEMAIL",
	password: "PSNPASSWORD"

// load example (data should be a Base64 string)
psn.Load("SAVED DATA", function(error) {
	if (error)
		console.log("Error loading data: " + error);

	// load successful!

// save example
psn.OnSave(function(data, callback) {
	// save data
	// data will be a Base64 string, function() {
		// all done!
		// always call the callback so the API knows you're done saving!
		//  handle your own error reporting and debugging


getProfile(username, callback)

Get a PSN user's profile

  • username - PSN username to request
  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object


Get current user's message groups

  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object

getMessageContent(messageGroupId, messageUid, messageKind, callback)

Get data from a specific message. All this data can be found in getMessageGroups

  • messageGroupId - Group ID requested message belongs to
  • messageUid - Message ID to fetch
  • messageKind - Kind of message (as int)
  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object

getLatestActivity(feed, filters, page, callback)

Get the signed-in user's activity feed

  • feed - type of feed, either "feed" or "news" (optional, defaults to "news")
  • filters - array of strings to filter by (optional, defaults to no filters)
    • Use an empty array (or leave out argument) for all types
  • page - Page of feed to load (default: 0)
  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object

likeActivity(storyId, dislike, callback)

Like an activity from the activity feed

  • storyId - The ID of the activity we want to like
  • dislike - (optional) set to true to dislike instead of like
  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object

dislikeActivity(storyId, callback)

Dislike an activity from the activity feed

  • storyId - The ID of the activity we want to dislike
  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object


Get notifications of currently authenticated user

  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object

addFriend(username, callback)

Add a friend to PSN (must have received a friend request from the user)

  • username - Username to add
  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object

removeFriend(username, callback)

Remove a friend from PSN

  • username Username to remove
  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object

sendFriendRequest(username, message, callback)

Send a friend request to a user

  • username - Username to add
  • message - Message to send to user
  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object

getFriends(offset, limit, friendType, callback)

Get the user's friend list

  • offset - (optional) Index to start friend list
  • limit - (optional) Maximum limit of friends to fetch
  • friendType - (optional) Type of friends to filter by (accepts friend, requesting or requested)
  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object


Generate a friend URL you can give to people to add you as a friend.

  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object

getUserTrophies(offset, limit, username, callback)

Fetch trophy data for the logged in user (and optionally compare to another user)

  • offset - (optional) Starting index of trophy data
  • limit - (optional) Maximum number of titles to fetch
  • username - (optional) PSN ID to compare trophies with
  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object

getTrophyGroups(npCommunicationId, username, callback)

Get list of trophy groups for a title (eg. base game + DLC packs)

  • npCommunicationId - Title ID
  • Username - (optional) Username to compare trophies to
  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object

getTrophies(npCommunicationId, trophyGroupId, username, callback)

Get a title's trophies (supplying a trophy group), optionally comparing to another user.

  • npCommunicationId - Title ID
  • trophyGroupId - Trophy Group ID (from getTrophyGroups)
  • Username - (optional) Username to compare trophies to
  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object

getTrophy(npCommunicationId, trophyGroupId, trophyId, username, callback)

Get data on a specific trophy in a title with supplied trophyId. Optionally compare to a username.

  • npCommunicationId - Title ID
  • trophyGroupId - Trophy Group ID (from getTrophyGroups)
  • trophyId - Trophy ID
  • Username - (optional) Username to compare trophies to
  • callback - Callback function with error (false if no error) and returned data object