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ZJU OOP-2023 assignment. A (de)serialization utils, supporting binary/XML format.

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A simple library to serialize multiple types of data. The design of the interface is inspired by Boost library.

Requirements (Important)

Linux / WSL with g++ version >= 10.3.0
Compile options: -fconcepts, -std=c++2a
Or you can use the CMake and make to build the project.
CMakeLists.txt for CMake has been configured in the environment mentioned above.

Supported Types

  • Primary types:
    • std::is_arithmetic (int, char, ...)
    • std::string
    • STL containers (std::pair, std::vector, std::list, std::set, std::map)
    • Smart pointers (std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr)
      NOTE: std::weak_ptr is not supported as intended. Obey the C++ standard rules!
  • Class / structs. Usage of smart pointers are encouraged: more infos, less verbose, and less errors.



(May varies from platform to platform, you may need some tweaks.)

mkdir build
cd ./build
mkdir bin
cmake ..

Single Variable

Including containers and smart pointers.

  • For datas with const size, just call serialize functions directly.
  • For a pointer, please specify the size (in bytes) in args.

Class/Struct Serialization

  • Use a template method serializer to enable the serialization / deserialization.
  • See examples followed for more details.

Quick Start with Examples

  • Raw array, xml:
     int cc[5] = {2,4,6,8,10};
     int dd[5];
     XmlSerde::serialize(SizedPair((int*)&cc, 5), "sized_pair", "test.xml");
     XmlSerde::deserialize(SizedPair((int*)&dd, 5), "sized_pair", "test.xml");
    Result XML:
     		<raw val="2"/>
     		<raw val="4"/>
     		<raw val="6"/>
     		<raw val="8"/>
     		<raw val="10"/>
  • Single var, output as a binary file:
     string sa = "112233";
     string sb;
     BinSerde::serialize(sa, "");
     BinSerde::deserialize(sb, "");
     assert(sa == sb);
  • Vector nested container, output as a binary file:
     vector<vector<string>> vva{vector<string>{"Girimi", "Mahiru", "Nana7mi", "Azusa"},
         vector<string>{"21", "22", "23", "24"}};
     vector<vector<string>> vvb;
     BinSerde::serialize(vva, "");
     BinSerde::deserialize(vvb, "");
     assert(vva == vvb);
  • Class with a nested container, output as a XML file, where strings are encoded in Base64:
     class Test // All-in-one test class!
     	Test(int a, int b) : a(a), b(b) { fill_test_data(); } // only construct complex containers before serialization
     	Test() = default;
     	template <typename A>
     	void serde(A& ar)
     		ar& NVP(a); // ! If you don't need the XML serialization, you can even omit the NVP()
     		//Can even: ar &a &b &c &d;
     		ar& NAMED_NVP(InternetOverdose, b); // custom name
     		ar& NVP(complex1);
     		ar& NVP(complex2);
     		ar& NVP(pair_cb);
     		ar& NVP(smartptr);
     	void fill_test_data()
     		a = 6657;
     		b = 13579.02468;
     		complex1.emplace_back(map<string, string>{});
     		complex1.back().insert({ "Nana7mi", "-JinShi- *&^#$#<>!" });
     		complex2.push_back(set<int>{114, 514, 114, 514});
     		smartptr.reset(new int{1982});
     	bool operator==(Test rhs) const {
     		return (a == rhs.a) && (b == rhs.b) && (complex1 == rhs.complex1) &&
     			(complex2 == rhs.complex2) && (pair_cb == rhs.pair_cb);
     	vector<map<string, string>> complex1;
     	list<set<int>> complex2;
     	pair<char, bool> pair_cb{'g', true};
     	shared_ptr<int> smartptr;
     	int a{ 1 };
     	double b{ 2.0 };
     Test to_be_serialized;
     XmlSerde::serialize(to_be_serialized, "my_class", "", SERDE_B64);
     Test recovered;
     XmlSerde::deserialize(recovered, "my_class", "", SERDE_B64);
    Result XML:
     		<a val="6657"/>
     		<InternetOverdose val="13579.02468"/>
     				<item val="114"/>
     				<item val="514"/>
     				<item val="114"/>
     				<item val="514"/>
     			<first val="103"/>
     			<second val="true"/>
     		<smartptr val="1982"/>

Technical Details and Advanced Usage

Some Thoughts

Will not separate impelmentations & definitions for templates.
The reason is, these templates often instantiates in another file, and the linker will fail when searching in another file.
To solve this,

  • Manually instantiate them in header (Non-practical)
  • Create a .cpp file including implementations, and include it at the last of a header file. (Weird)
  • Keep them in the same header file. Let it go.
    The simplest, the best (IMO).

Supported Basic Types



We will try to reserve(size) space for a container if possible.

Raw Array

We strongly encourage you to use STL container std::array instead. But if you really need the raw array, you can use SizedPair to wrap it.
This also works for multidimensional arrays or dynamic sized array.
Remember to cast the array to the most basic underlying type(e.g. int[10][20][30] -> int *, with size=10*20*30=6000).


Class serialization needs can be of different scales: just a few integers of a tiny class, or a whole class including every items in member containers.
For different needs, we provide following ways to satisfy them:

  • Raw binary data shallow copy (platform dependent)

    • May not be portable: type size varies between platforms!
    • Just serialize it as an array: wrap it with SizedPair.
  • For deep serialization / custom needs:

    • Using special template method serde to implement serdeable trait, and
    • Only 1 method is enough: for both serialization & deserialization!
    • Automatically called if find (thanks to SFINAE mechanism).
    • Declaration is simple: you can use operator & to select fields you want to serialize.
    • That is to say, it is a declarative way!
    • You can use NVP() or NAMED_NVP() to wrap a value, which gives the info of var name to XML (de)serialization.
    • nested structs/types are supported!
      (see examples for more details)

Format(Only Binary Mode)

We have some meta datas to store, and multiple objects to track. So here's the format manual. Number in brackets indicates the size of the segment (in bytes).
Global: |Header|Field1|Field2|...|FieldN|

  • Header part:

    The MagicNum segment : always equals to 0x21452505. Used to check if the file is valid, and indicates the platform endian property.
    The version segment allows us to read old data, when the format is changed in future versions.
    The Flags segment stores the flags specified by users or automatically set.

  • Field Part:
    Flexible length, can be of 2 types:

    • type1(compound type):

      If and only if the Field stores a STL container, or a array introduced by a pointer.
      NOTE: You may noticed that the Field segment is defined recursively. So it supports nested structures!

    • type2(simple type):

      The real data. Nothing more.


We use different flags to decide the representation of datas. You can use bitwise or | to specify multiple flags.

  • S_XML : to XML file if set, otherwise to binary
  • S_B64 : Base64 encoding NOTE:
    S_XML with S_B64 will only apply Base64 encoding to std::string (itself or sth. contains it);
    Otherwise the whole file will be stored in Base64 pure text format.



ZJU OOP-2023 assignment. A (de)serialization utils, supporting binary/XML format.







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