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Kosmas committed May 16, 2013
1 parent 330139b commit 845f9ac
Showing 1 changed file with 61 additions and 61 deletions.
122 changes: 61 additions & 61 deletions features/allow_rescue.feature
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
#Feature: Allow Cucumber to rescue exceptions
# Background: A controller that raises an exception
# Given I have created a new Rails 3 app "rails-3-app" and installed cucumber-rails
# And I write to "app/controllers/posts_controller.rb" with:
# """
# class PostsController < ApplicationController
# def index
# raise "There is an error in index"
# end
# end
# """
# And I write to "config/routes.rb" with:
# """
# Rails3App::Application.routes.draw do
# resources :posts
# end
# """
# Scenario: Allow rescue
# Given I write to "features/posts.feature" with:
# """
# Feature: posts
# @allow-rescue
# Scenario: See posts
# When I look at the posts
# """
# And I write to "features/step_definitions/posts_steps.rb" with:
# """
# When /^I look at the posts$/ do
# visit '/posts'
# end
# """
# And I run `bundle exec rake db:migrate`
# And I run `bundle exec cucumber`
# Then it should pass with:
# """
# 1 scenario (1 passed)
# 1 step (1 passed)
# """
# Scenario: Don't allow rescue
# Given I write to "features/posts.feature" with:
# """
# Feature: posts
# Scenario: See them
# When I look at the posts
# """
# And I write to "features/step_definitions/posts_steps.rb" with:
# """
# When /^I look at the posts$/ do
# visit '/posts'
# end
# """
# And I run `bundle exec rake db:migrate`
# And I run `bundle exec cucumber`
# Then it should fail with:
# """
# 1 scenario (1 failed)
# 1 step (1 failed)
# """
Feature: Allow Cucumber to rescue exceptions

Background: A controller that raises an exception
Given I have created a new Rails app "rails-3-app" and installed cucumber-rails
And I write to "app/controllers/posts_controller.rb" with:
class PostsController < ApplicationController
def index
raise "There is an error in index"
And I write to "config/routes.rb" with:
Rails3App::Application.routes.draw do
resources :posts

Scenario: Allow rescue
Given I write to "features/posts.feature" with:
Feature: posts
Scenario: See posts
When I look at the posts
And I write to "features/step_definitions/posts_steps.rb" with:
When /^I look at the posts$/ do
visit '/posts'
And I run `bundle exec rake db:migrate`
And I run `bundle exec cucumber`
Then it should pass with:
1 scenario (1 passed)
1 step (1 passed)

Scenario: Don't allow rescue
Given I write to "features/posts.feature" with:
Feature: posts
Scenario: See them
When I look at the posts
And I write to "features/step_definitions/posts_steps.rb" with:
When /^I look at the posts$/ do
visit '/posts'
And I run `bundle exec rake db:migrate`
And I run `bundle exec cucumber`
Then it should fail with:
1 scenario (1 failed)
1 step (1 failed)

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