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Kong is an open-source API Gateway and Microservices Management Layer, delivering high performance and reliability.


This chart bootstraps all the components needed to run Kong on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


  • Kubernetes 1.13.2+ APIs enabled.
  • PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure if persistence is needed for Kong datastore.
  • visit my github about how to use nfs as a pv provider

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name kong-ingress: First: you must get the chart of kong-ingress; Second: edit the values.yaml for yourself,as default don't use kong-admin API with https,(nodeport 32344), proxy http (nodeport 32380) https (nodeport 32343)

$ git clone 
$ helm install -n kong-ingress --tiller-namespace [namesapce]  -f k8s-kong/values.yaml k8s-kong/

In 0.4.0,strip_path default is true,if you have some service need the uri path,you can extend ingress with KongIngress to set it false.

$ kubectl create -f k8s-kong/kongingress-strip-path.yaml

This a Demo

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the kong-ingress deployment:

$ helm delete kong-ingress
$ kubectl get pvc | grep kong-ingress-postgresql | awk '{print $1}'| xargs kubectl delete pvc 

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


Konga is a UI for kong, but i dont't add it in this chart,because it deploy have a probelom, so i deploy konga on a Physical machine


General Configuration Parameters

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Kong chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
image.repository Kong image kong
image.tag Kong image version 1.1
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets Image pull secrets null
replicaCount Kong instance count 1
admin.useTLS Secure Admin traffic true
admin.servicePort TCP port on which the Kong admin service is exposed 8444
admin.containerPort TCP port on which Kong app listens for admin traffic 8444
admin.nodePort Node port when service type is NodePort
admin.hostPort Host port to use for admin traffic
admin.type k8s service type, Options: NodePort, ClusterIP, LoadBalancer NodePort
admin.loadBalancerIP Will reuse an existing ingress static IP for the admin service null
admin.loadBalancerSourceRanges Limit admin access to CIDRs if set and service type is LoadBalancer []
admin.ingress.enabled Enable ingress resource creation (works with proxy.type=ClusterIP) false
admin.ingress.tls Name of secret resource, containing TLS secret
admin.ingress.hosts List of ingress hosts. []
admin.ingress.path Ingress path. /
admin.ingress.annotations Ingress annotations. See documentation for your ingress controller for details {}
proxy.http.enabled Enables http on the proxy true
proxy.http.servicePort Service port to use for http 80
proxy.http.containerPort Container port to use for http 8000
proxy.http.nodePort Node port to use for http 32080
proxy.http.hostPort Host port to use for http
proxy.tls.enabled Enables TLS on the proxy true
proxy.tls.containerPort Container port to use for TLS 8443
proxy.tls.servicePort Service port to use for TLS 8443
proxy.tls.nodePort Node port to use for TLS 32443
proxy.tls.hostPort Host port to use for TLS
proxy.type k8s service type. Options: NodePort, ClusterIP, LoadBalancer NodePort
proxy.loadBalancerSourceRanges Limit proxy access to CIDRs if set and service type is LoadBalancer []
proxy.loadBalancerIP To reuse an existing ingress static IP for the admin service
proxy.externalIPs IPs for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for the proxy []
proxy.ingress.enabled Enable ingress resource creation (works with proxy.type=ClusterIP) false
proxy.ingress.tls Name of secret resource, containing TLS secret
proxy.ingress.hosts List of ingress hosts. []
proxy.ingress.path Ingress path. /
proxy.ingress.annotations Ingress annotations. See documentation for your ingress controller for details {}
env Additional Kong configurations
runMigrations Run Kong migrations job true
readinessProbe Kong readiness probe
livenessProbe Kong liveness probe
affinity Node/pod affinities
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
podAnnotations Annotations to add to each pod {}
resources Pod resource requests & limits {}
tolerations List of node taints to tolerate []

Admin/Proxy listener override

If you specify env.admin_listen or env.proxy_listen, this chart will use the value provided by you as opposed to constructing a listen variable from fields like proxy.http.containerPort and proxy.http.enabled. This allows you to be more prescriptive when defining listen directives.

Note: Overriding env.proxy_listen and env.admin_listen will potentially cause admin.containerPort, proxy.http.containerPort and proxy.tls.containerPort to become out of sync, and therefore must be updated accordingly.

I.E. updatating to env.proxy_listen:, ssl will need proxy.http.containerPort: 4444 and proxy.tls.containerPort: 4443 to be set in order for the service definition to work properly.

Kong-specific parameters

Kong has a choice of either Postgres or Cassandra as a backend datatstore. This chart allows you to choose either of them with the env.database parameter. Postgres is chosen by default.

Additionally, this chart allows you to use your own database or spin up a new instance by using the postgres.enabled or cassandra.enabled parameters. Enabling both will create both databases in your cluster, but only one will be used by Kong based on the env.database parameter. Postgres is enabled by default.

Parameter Description Default
cassandra.enabled Spin up a new cassandra cluster for Kong false
postgresql.enabled Spin up a new postgres instance for Kong true
waitImage.repository Image used to wait for database to become ready busybox
waitImage.tag Tag for image used to wait for database to become ready latest
env.database Choose either postgres or cassandra postgres
env.pg_user Postgres username kong
env.pg_database Postgres database name kong
env.pg_password Postgres database password (required if you are using your own database) kong
env.pg_host Postgres database host (required if you are using your own database) ``
env.pg_port Postgres database port 5432
env.cassandra_contact_points Cassandra contact points (required if you are using your own database) ``
env.cassandra_port Cassandra query port 9042
env.cassandra_keyspace Cassandra keyspace kong
env.cassandra_repl_factor Replication factor for the Kong keyspace 2

Kong Ingress Controller

Kong Ingress Controller's primary purpose is to satisfy Ingress resources created in your Kubernetes cluster. It uses CRDs for more fine grained control over routing and for Kong specific configuration. To deploy the ingress controller together with kong run the following command:

default ingress is enabled.

Note: Kong Ingress controller doesn't support custom SSL certificates on Admin port. We will be removing this limitation in the future.

Kong ingress controller relies on several Custom Resource Definition objects to declare the the Kong configurations and synchronize the configuration with the Kong admin API. Each of this new objects declared in Kubernetes have a one-to-one relation with a Kong resource. The custom resources are:

  • KongConsumer
  • KongCredential
  • KongPlugin
  • KongIngress

You can can learn about kong ingress custom resource definitions here:

Parameter Description Default
enabled Deploy the ingress controller, rbac and crd false
replicaCount Number of desired ingress controllers 1
image.repository Docker image with the ingress controller
image.tag Version of the ingress controller 0.4.0
readinessProbe Kong ingress controllers readiness probe
livenessProbe Kong ingress controllers liveness probe
ingressClass The ingress-class value for controller nginx



K8s Kong Kong-ingress-controlor







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