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sindresorhus edited this page Apr 17, 2012 · 17 revisions


We're happy to accept contributions in the form of new frameworks, bug fixes, issues, etc.

Before submitting a pull request for a new framework:

  • Read App Specification thoroughly
  • Make sure it hasn't already been submitted or declined
  • Develop in a topic branch (not master or labs!) and submit against the labs branch
  • Test in the supported browsers
  • Check that it works the same as the other apps
    Temporary: Until we get the other apps up to speed, use this as a reference to check against

Bugs and other changes should be submitted against master.

Browser Compatibility

  • Chrome: current - 1 version
  • Firefox: current - 1 version
  • Opera: current - 1 version
  • Internet Explorer 8+
  • Safari 5.0+
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