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Lucida - a tool for structural document comparison

Lucida is a web-based tool that displays the difference in structure between two documents. A running instance can be accessed at

The system is organised as a number of modules, each contained in a separate subdirectory:

  • analysis - provides a service that detects structure of documents and differences betweens structures.
  • coordinator - provides a web service that controls communication between the interface and the analysis service.
  • interface - a browser-based interface to the system.
  • model - a shared library providing classes to represent the data model of the system (specifically, textual and formatting information about paragraphs).
  • protocol - a shared library providing utility functions for marshelling and unmarshelling document and change representations for communication between the interface, the coordinator, and the analysis service.
  • training - a Spark application to train the model used by the analysis service.

Additionally, the data directory provides labelled training data and the results directory includes some statistics on the accuracy of the model. The project directory is a standard SBT project information directory.


To run the application in development mode (with automated reloading of the interface and coordinator components), you need to run three SBT tasks: interface/run, coordinator/run and analysis/run. This will run the service listening on port 3000.


Docker packaging is specified for the coordinator (which will include the interface files) and analysis service, so a running system can be put together by running:

  • sbt interface/compile
  • sbt coordinator/docker:publishLocal
  • sbt analysis/docker:publishLocal
  • PLAY_APPLICATION_SECRET=secret docker-compose --file=deploy-local.yml up

This will comile the application, package the coordinator and analysis servers as docker images (called coordinator-component and analysis-component, respectively) and run these services, with the coordinator listening on port 9000 of the local machine.

Note that the last line sets the PLAY_APPLICATION_SECRET environment variable, which the Play framework uses for various HTTP security features (like session and CSRF protection). I don't think this application makes use of any of these features, but PLAY_APPLICATION_SECRET must be set for any Play application to run in deploy mode (and you should probably set it to something actually secret, rather than the word 'secret', in case some security feature I've forgotten about is actually depending on it).


All files in this repository, with the exception of the labelled training data in the data directory (which come from the ParsCit project) are the work of Tim Fisken. This repository also links to Intel's IMLLIB repository, using git's submodule facility; this was not written by Tim Fisken (credits are included in the linked repository).


A system for comparing document structures






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