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Merge pull request #3533 from cjnolet/fea-08-sparse-setting
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[REVIEW] Compressed Sparse __setitem__
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asi1024 committed Sep 17, 2020
1 parent e9d7ef3 commit 69e88ca
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Showing 4 changed files with 695 additions and 24 deletions.
234 changes: 214 additions & 20 deletions cupyx/scipy/sparse/
Expand Up @@ -94,25 +94,29 @@ def _get_csr_submatrix_minor_axis(Ax, Aj, Ap, start, stop):

def _csr_row_index(Ax, Aj, Ap, rows):
"""Populate indices and data arrays from the given row index
Ax (cupy.ndarray): data array from input sparse matrix
Aj (cupy.ndarray): indices array from input sparse matrix
Ap (cupy.ndarray): indptr array from input sparse matrix
rows (cupy.ndarray): index array of rows to populate
Bx (cupy.ndarray): data array of output sparse matrix
Bj (cupy.ndarray): indices array of output sparse matrix
Bp (cupy.ndarray): indptr array for output sparse matrix
row_nnz = cupy.diff(Ap)
Bp = cupy.empty(rows.size + 1, dtype=Ap.dtype)
Bp[0] = 0
cupy.cumsum(row_nnz[rows], out=Bp[1:])
nnz = int(Bp[-1])

out_rows = _csr_indptr_to_coo_rows(nnz, Bp)

Bj, Bx = _csr_row_index_ker(out_rows, rows, Ap, Aj, Ax, Bp)
return Bx, Bj, Bp

def _csr_indptr_to_coo_rows(nnz, Bp):
out_rows = cupy.empty(nnz, dtype=numpy.int32)

# Build a COO row array from output CSR indptr.
Expand All @@ -123,13 +127,149 @@ def _csr_row_index(Ax, Aj, Ap, rows):
handle,, nnz, Bp.size-1,,

Bj, Bx = _csr_row_index_ker(out_rows, rows, Ap, Aj, Ax, Bp)
return Bx, Bj, Bp
return out_rows

def _select_last_indices(i, j, x, idx_dtype):
"""Find the unique indices for each row and keep only the last"""
i = cupy.asarray(i, dtype=idx_dtype)
j = cupy.asarray(j, dtype=idx_dtype)

stacked = cupy.stack([j, i])
order = cupy.lexsort(stacked).astype(idx_dtype)

indptr_inserts = i[order]
indices_inserts = j[order]
data_inserts = x[order]

mask = cupy.ones(indptr_inserts.size, dtype='bool')
_unique_mask_kern(indptr_inserts, indices_inserts, order, mask,

return indptr_inserts[mask], indices_inserts[mask], data_inserts[mask]

_insert_many_populate_arrays = core.ElementwiseKernel(
'''raw I insert_indices, raw T insert_values, raw I insertion_indptr,
raw I Ap, raw I Aj, raw T Ax, raw I Bp''',
'raw I Bj, raw T Bx', '''
const I input_row_start = Ap[i];
const I input_row_end = Ap[i+1];
const I input_count = input_row_end - input_row_start;
const I insert_row_start = insertion_indptr[i];
const I insert_row_end = insertion_indptr[i+1];
const I insert_count = insert_row_end - insert_row_start;
I input_offset = 0;
I insert_offset = 0;
I output_n = Bp[i];
I cur_existing_index = -1;
T cur_existing_value = -1;
I cur_insert_index = -1;
T cur_insert_value = -1;
if(input_offset < input_count) {
cur_existing_index = Aj[input_row_start+input_offset];
cur_existing_value = Ax[input_row_start+input_offset];
if(insert_offset < insert_count) {
cur_insert_index = insert_indices[insert_row_start+insert_offset];
cur_insert_value = insert_values[insert_row_start+insert_offset];
for(I jj = 0; jj < input_count + insert_count; jj++) {
// if we have both available, use the lowest one.
if(input_offset < input_count &&
insert_offset < insert_count) {
if(cur_existing_index < cur_insert_index) {
Bj[output_n] = cur_existing_index;
Bx[output_n] = cur_existing_value;
if(input_offset < input_count) {
cur_existing_index = Aj[input_row_start+input_offset];
cur_existing_value = Ax[input_row_start+input_offset];
} else {
Bj[output_n] = cur_insert_index;
Bx[output_n] = cur_insert_value;
if(insert_offset < insert_count) {
cur_insert_index =
cur_insert_value =
} else if(input_offset < input_count) {
Bj[output_n] = cur_existing_index;
Bx[output_n] = cur_existing_value;
if(input_offset < input_count) {
cur_existing_index = Aj[input_row_start+input_offset];
cur_existing_value = Ax[input_row_start+input_offset];
} else {
Bj[output_n] = cur_insert_index;
Bx[output_n] = cur_insert_value;
if(insert_offset < insert_count) {
cur_insert_index =
cur_insert_value =
''', 'csr_copy_existing_indices_kern', no_return=True)

# Create a filter mask based on the lowest value of order
_unique_mask_kern = core.ElementwiseKernel(
'''raw I rows, raw I cols, raw I order''',
'''raw bool mask''',
I cur_row = rows[i];
I next_row = rows[i+1];
I cur_col = cols[i];
I next_col = cols[i+1];
I cur_order = order[i];
I next_order = order[i+1];
if(cur_row == next_row && cur_col == next_col) {
if(cur_order < next_order)
mask[i] = false;
mask[i+1] = false;
""", no_return=True

def _csr_sample_values(n_row, n_col,
Ap, Aj, Ax,
Bi, Bj):
Bi, Bj, not_found_val=0):
"""Populate data array for a set of rows and columns
n_row : total number of rows in input array
Expand All @@ -146,28 +286,31 @@ def _csr_sample_values(n_row, n_col,
Bi[Bi < 0] += n_row
Bj[Bj < 0] += n_col

Bx = cupy.empty(Bi.size, dtype=Ax.dtype)
_csr_sample_values_kern(n_row, n_col,
Ap, Aj, Ax,
Bi, Bj, Bx, size=Bi.size)

return Bx
return _csr_sample_values_kern(n_row, n_col,
Ap, Aj, Ax,
Bi, Bj,

_csr_sample_values_kern = core.ElementwiseKernel(
'''I n_row, I n_col, raw I Ap, raw I Aj, raw T Ax, raw I Bi, raw I Bj''',
'''I n_row, I n_col, raw I Ap, raw I Aj, raw T Ax,
raw I Bi, raw I Bj, I not_found_val''',
'raw T Bx', '''
const I j = Bi[i]; // sample row
const I k = Bj[i]; // sample column
const I row_start = Ap[j];
const I row_end = Ap[j+1];
T x = 0;
bool val_found = false;
for(I jj = row_start; jj < row_end; jj++) {
if (Aj[jj] == k)
if (Aj[jj] == k) {
x += Ax[jj];
val_found = true;
Bx[i] = x;
''', 'csr_sample_values_kern', no_return=True)
Bx[i] = val_found ? x : not_found_val;
''', 'csr_sample_values_kern')

class IndexMixin(object):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,6 +370,57 @@ def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.__class__(cupy.atleast_2d(row).shape, dtype=self.dtype)
return self._get_arrayXarray(row, col)

def __setitem__(self, key, x):
row, col = self._parse_indices(key)

if isinstance(row, _int_scalar_types) and\
isinstance(col, _int_scalar_types):
x = cupy.asarray(x, dtype=self.dtype)
if x.size != 1:
raise ValueError('Trying to assign a sequence to an item')
self._set_intXint(row, col, x.flat[0])

if isinstance(row, slice):
row = cupy.arange(*row.indices(self.shape[0]))[:, None]
row = cupy.atleast_1d(row)

if isinstance(col, slice):
col = cupy.arange(*col.indices(self.shape[1]))[None, :]
if row.ndim == 1:
row = row[:, None]
col = cupy.atleast_1d(col)

i, j = cupy.broadcast_arrays(row, col)
if i.shape != j.shape:
raise IndexError('number of row and column indices differ')

if isspmatrix(x):
if i.ndim == 1:
# Inner indexing, so treat them like row vectors.
i = i[None]
j = j[None]
broadcast_row = x.shape[0] == 1 and i.shape[0] != 1
broadcast_col = x.shape[1] == 1 and i.shape[1] != 1
if not ((broadcast_row or x.shape[0] == i.shape[0]) and
(broadcast_col or x.shape[1] == i.shape[1])):
raise ValueError('shape mismatch in assignment')
if x.size == 0:
x = x.tocoo(copy=True)
self._set_arrayXarray_sparse(i, j, x)
# Make x and i into the same shape
x = cupy.asarray(x, dtype=self.dtype)
x, _ = cupy.broadcast_arrays(x, i)
if x.size == 0:
x = x.reshape(i.shape)
self._set_arrayXarray(i, j, x)

def _is_scalar(self, index):
if isinstance(index, (cupy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)) and \
index.ndim == 0 and index.size == 1:
Expand All @@ -237,15 +431,15 @@ def _parse_indices(self, key):
M, N = self.shape
row, col = _unpack_index(key)

# Scipy calls sputils.isintlike() rather than
# isinstance(x, _int_scalar_types). Comparing directly to int
# here to minimize the impact of nested exception catching

if self._is_scalar(row):
row = row.item()
if self._is_scalar(col):
col = col.item()

# Scipy calls sputils.isintlike() rather than
# isinstance(x, _int_scalar_types). Comparing directly to int
# here to minimize the impact of nested exception catching

if isinstance(row, _int_scalar_types):
row = _normalize_index(row, M, 'row')
elif not isinstance(row, slice):
Expand Down

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