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Testing environment

Required Software

  • npm
  • Firebase CLI (install with the following command: npm install -g firebase-tools)


  1. Clone the repo to your local machine
  2. Add the test_database and keys directories provided by Curious Learning to the top level of the project
  3. Open a terminal instance and navigate to followthelearners
  4. Firebase CLI requires Node v8.0.0 or higher to run. run node -v to confirm, and update if necessary
  5. Update the firebase emulator path: export FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST="localhost:8080"

NOTE: you must execute this command in each new terminal instance/window, or add this to your bashrc or .zprofile. Otherwise the app will hit production servers!

  1. Run the command firebase emulators:start --load=./test_datbase
  2. Follow any instructions for configuring the emulators. Make sure "Firestore Emulator" and "Cloud Functions Emulator" are enabled!
  3. Navigate to the address configured for the emulator suite (most likely "localhost:4000/") in a web browser to ensure the emulator is running and the database has been imported
  4. To run follow the learners on a localhost while connected to the firebase emulator suite, open a new terminal instance and run node index.js (make sure the FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST path is set!)

NOTE: you must have both the Firebase Emulators and index.js running in separate node instances if you want to locally emulate the project.

  1. Navigate to localhost:3000 in a web browser to view the project
  2. To save any changes to the database during testing, open a new instance of the terminal and run firebase emulators:export ./test_databse and when prompted to override the existing database, press y.


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