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Personal website & blog for EJ Fox

Netlify Status

Currently powered by:

  • Netlify for web hosting
  • Cloudinary for image hosting
  • Vue/Nuxt for the site
  • Tachyons for layout and styling
  • Markdown for text formatting


To do

  • Convert scraping actions on public data to GitHub actions
  • Add way for people to submit anonymous feedback / tips
  • Add mechanism for automatically archiving linked URLs a la Gwern


To get book library for goodreads to the books page:

  • Go to this page and click "Export Library"
  • Wait for library in email
  • Copy the goodreads CSV to the data folder
  • Run npx csvtojson static/data/goodreads_library_export.csv > static/data/goodreads_library_export.json to convert the CSV into json

To scrape highlights:

scrape-highlights > static/data/book_highlights.json

Markdown Blog Posts

# To convert all JSON blog posts to markdown:
processmd content/blog/posts/*.json --outputDir content/blog/md/ --convertMode source
# or
npm run blog:to-md

# To copy over all PUBLISHED markdown files in Dropbox writing folder to `md` folder in `~/content/blog/`
cp ~/Dropbox/Writing/PUBLISHED/*.md content/blog/md/
# or
npm run dropbox-import

# To convert all markdown posts to JSON files and copy them to the content directory
processmd content/blog/md/* --outputDir content/blog/posts/
# or
npm run blog:md-to-json

How to make a new photo post

Make sure the following environment variables are set in your .env file:


As of Jan 2021, all 3 of these values can be found by logging into

If starting in Lightroom, you want to go through each photo and make sure it has a caption. You can add the caption in the Metadata section on the right side of the screen when in Library mode. These captions will automatically be displayed when processed with the script. This is basically the only way to get text into photo blog posts.

Once you have gathered all of the photos you would like to publish, select them all and export them to a folder. Take note of the path of this folder with a tool like pwd, as we will need to pass it to our script.

In the root of this website, you want to run

node folder-to-blogpost.js ~/PATH/TO/IMAGES/ post-slug

If no post-slug is provided, the slug of the folder will be used. This generates a file in ~/website/content/photos/SLUG.json - these files are automatically detected and shown as photoblog posts.

This will also take every photo and process it by uploading the image to Cloudinary, and then writing the public uploaded Clouindary URL as well as the relevant EXIF data (most importantly captions) and writes it to a JSON file. That JSON file will be moved to content/photos/ so it can be displayed as a post on the photoblog, which checks for all .json files located in that directory.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install # Or yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
npm run build
npm start

# generate static project
npm run generate

# generate static project and publish to keybase
npm run keybase

# pull in markdown from dropbox and generate static project and publish everywhere
npm run publish

# convert goodreads csv into json
npx csvtojson static/data/goodreads_library_export.csv > static/data/goodreads_library_export.json

# convert projects csv into json
npx csvtojson static/data/projects.csv > static/data/projects.json


Website & blog for EJ Fox







No releases published


No packages published


  • HTML 97.9%
  • Vue 1.4%
  • Other 0.7%