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A linebot that tracks your money

If you want to be rich, you need to be accountable for your money first.


It's an user friendly linebot based on finite state machine.

Its goal is to help you to track your money easily.

Hence, it got lots of buttons to stop you from tiredly typing your transaction information.

Add me to start your journey !

Qr code

Line id : @275yfsdf

Main menu

Click 查詢 to ckeck your transaction history, or click 記帳 to record a new transaction.


When you click 記帳, it'll show you a menu for you to choose which kind of transaction you want to record (expense or income).

Next, you can choose a specific type of your transaction, 食、衣、住、行、育、樂 in expense, 薪資、獎金、投資、零用錢 in income.

Then type in the transaction value and some description.


When you click 查詢, it'll show you a menu to pick which kind of history you want to look.

There are three types of history you can look up, which are single day, this week, and this month.

If you choose single day, it'll show you a menu for you to pick which day's information you want to look up.

If you choose to see week or month information, there are 4 kinds of information you can choose.

  • 收入結構 -> It'll show you a pie chart of income structure.

  • 支出結構 -> It'll show you a pie chart of expense structure.

  • 收支比例 -> It'll show you a pie chart of ratio of expense and income.

  • 各項金額 -> It'll show you a bar chart of every kind of transaction.

FSM graph

fsm graph

Project Setup


  • Python 3.6
  • Pipenv
  • Facebook Page and App
  • HTTPS Server

Install Dependency

pip3 install pipenv

pipenv --three

pipenv install

pipenv shell

Secret Data

You should generate a .env file to set Environment Variables refer to our .env.sample. LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET and LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN MUST be set to proper values. Otherwise, you might not be able to run your code.

Run Locally

You can either setup https server or using ngrok as a proxy.

a. Ngrok installation

or you can use Homebrew (MAC)

brew cask install ngrok

ngrok would be used in the following instruction

ngrok http 8000

After that, ngrok would generate a https URL.

Run the sever


b. Servo

Or You can use servo to expose local servers to the internet.

Finite State Machine



The initial state is set to user.

Every time user state is triggered to advance to another state, it will go_back to user state after the bot replies corresponding message.

  • user
    • Input: "go to state1"

      • Reply: "I'm entering state1"
    • Input: "go to state2"

      • Reply: "I'm entering state2"


Setting to deploy webhooks on Heroku.

Heroku CLI installation

or you can use Homebrew (MAC)

brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku

or you can use Snap (Ubuntu 16+)

sudo snap install --classic heroku

Connect to Heroku

  1. Register Heroku:

  2. Create Heroku project from website

  3. CLI Login

    heroku login

Upload project to Heroku

  1. Add local project to Heroku project

    heroku git:remote -a {HEROKU_APP_NAME}

  2. Upload project

    git add .
    git commit -m "Add code"
    git push -f heroku master
  3. Set Environment - Line Messaging API Secret Keys

    heroku config:set LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET=your_line_channel_secret
    heroku config:set LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN=your_line_channel_access_token
  4. Your Project is now running on Heroku!

    url: {HEROKU_APP_NAME}

    debug command: heroku logs --tail --app {HEROKU_APP_NAME}

  5. If fail with pygraphviz install errors

    run commands below can solve the problems

    heroku buildpacks:set heroku/python
    heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku-community/apt



Pipenv ❤️ @chihsuan

TOC-Project-2019 ❤️ @winonecheng

Flask Architecture ❤️ @Sirius207

Line line-bot-sdk-python


A Linbot based on Finite State Machine






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