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Merge pull request #62 from curvefi/feat-burner-claim-script
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Fee claim and burn script
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iamdefinitelyahuman committed Dec 2, 2020
2 parents 285add2 + a8f2d5c commit 87d4b30
Showing 1 changed file with 117 additions and 0 deletions.
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
import time
from brownie import Contract, ZERO_ADDRESS, accounts
from import GasNowScalingStrategy

# This script is used to claim fees from all pool contracts
# and "burn" them, converting to 3CRV and sending it to the
# fee distributor to be claimed by veCRV holders. All of the
# transactions within the script may be executed by any account
# at any time.

# the account you wish to perform transactions from
CALLER = accounts.add()

gas_strategy = GasNowScalingStrategy(initial_speed="standard", max_speed="fast")

# fee coins, organized by the fee burner they are handled with
# LP Burner - for withdrawing LP tokens
# this burner is called first, as it forwards into other burners
"0x075b1bb99792c9E1041bA13afEf80C91a1e70fB3", # sbtcCRV

# BTC burner, convers to USDC and sends to underlying burner
"0xeb4c2781e4eba804ce9a9803c67d0893436bb27d", # renBTC
"0x2260fac5e5542a773aa44fbcfedf7c193bc2c599", # wBTC
"0xfe18be6b3bd88a2d2a7f928d00292e7a9963cfc6", # sBTC
"0x0316EB71485b0Ab14103307bf65a021042c6d380", # hBTC
"0x8dAEBADE922dF735c38C80C7eBD708Af50815fAa", # tBTC

# cToken burner, unwraps and sends to underlying burner
"0x39aa39c021dfbae8fac545936693ac917d5e7563", # cDAI
"0x5d3a536E4D6DbD6114cc1Ead35777bAB948E3643", # cUSDC

# yToken burner, unwraps and sends to underlying burner
"0xC2cB1040220768554cf699b0d863A3cd4324ce32", # y/yDAI
"0x26EA744E5B887E5205727f55dFBE8685e3b21951", # y/yUSDC
"0xE6354ed5bC4b393a5Aad09f21c46E101e692d447", # y/yUSDT
"0x16de59092dAE5CcF4A1E6439D611fd0653f0Bd01", # busd/yDAI
"0xd6aD7a6750A7593E092a9B218d66C0A814a3436e", # busd/yUSDC
"0x83f798e925BcD4017Eb265844FDDAbb448f1707D", # busd/yUSDT
"0x99d1Fa417f94dcD62BfE781a1213c092a47041Bc", # pax/yDAI
"0x9777d7E2b60bB01759D0E2f8be2095df444cb07E", # pax/yUSDC
"0x1bE5d71F2dA660BFdee8012dDc58D024448A0A59", # pax/yUSDT
"0x04bC0Ab673d88aE9dbC9DA2380cB6B79C4BCa9aE", # yTUSD
"0x73a052500105205d34Daf004eAb301916DA8190f", # yBUSD

# meta-burner, for assets that can be directly swapped to 3CRV
"0x056fd409e1d7a124bd7017459dfea2f387b6d5cd", # GUSD
"0xdf574c24545e5ffecb9a659c229253d4111d87e1", # HUSD
"0x1c48f86ae57291f7686349f12601910bd8d470bb", # USDK
"0x0E2EC54fC0B509F445631Bf4b91AB8168230C752", # LinkUSD
"0xe2f2a5C287993345a840Db3B0845fbC70f5935a5", # MUSD
"0x196f4727526eA7FB1e17b2071B3d8eAA38486988", # RSV
"0x5bc25f649fc4e26069ddf4cf4010f9f706c23831", # DUSD

# USDN burner
"0x674C6Ad92Fd080e4004b2312b45f796a192D27a0", # USDN

# underlying burner
# called last, as other burners forward to it
"0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F", # DAI
"0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48", # USDC
"0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7", # USDT
"0x8e870d67f660d95d5be530380d0ec0bd388289e1", # PAX
"0x57ab1ec28d129707052df4df418d58a2d46d5f51", # sUSD

def main(acct=CALLER):
lp_tripool = Contract("0x6c3F90f043a72FA612cbac8115EE7e52BDe6E490")
distributor = Contract("0xA464e6DCda8AC41e03616F95f4BC98a13b8922Dc")
proxy = Contract("0xeCb456EA5365865EbAb8a2661B0c503410e9B347")
btc_burner = Contract("0x00702BbDEaD24C40647f235F15971dB0867F6bdB")
underlying_burner = Contract("0x874210cF3dC563B98c137927e7C951491A2e9AF3")

initial_balance = lp_tripool.balanceOf(distributor)

# get list of active pools
provider = Contract("0x0000000022D53366457F9d5E68Ec105046FC4383")
registry = Contract(provider.get_registry())
pool_list = [Contract(registry.pool_list(i)) for i in range(registry.pool_count())]

# withdraw pool fees to pool proxy
for i in range(0, len(pool_list), 20):
pools = pool_list[i:i+20]
pools += [ZERO_ADDRESS] * (20-len(pools))
proxy.withdraw_many(pools, {'from': acct, 'gas_price': gas_strategy})

# call burners to convert fee tokens to 3CRV
burn_start = 0
to_burn = []
for i in range(len(COINS)):
to_burn_padded = to_burn + [ZERO_ADDRESS] * (20-len(to_burn))

# estimate gas to decide when to burn - some of the burners are gas guzzlers
if i == len(COINS) - 1 or proxy.burn_many.estimate_gas(to_burn_padded, {'from': acct}) > 2000000:
tx = proxy.burn_many(to_burn_padded, {'from': acct, 'gas_price': gas_strategy})
to_burn = []
if not burn_start:
# record the timestamp of the first tx - need to
# know how long to wait to finalize synth swaps
burn_start = tx.timestamp

# wait on synths to finalize
time.sleep(burn_start + 180 - time.time())

# call `execute` on burners
# for btc burner, this converts sUSD to USDC and sends to the underlying burner
btc_burner.execute({'from': acct, 'gas_price': gas_strategy})
# for underlying burner, this deposits USDC/USDT/DAI into 3CRV and sends to the distributor
underlying_burner.execute({'from': acct, 'gas_price': gas_strategy})

# finally, call to burn 3CRV - this also triggers a token checkpoint
proxy.burn(lp_tripool, {'from': acct, 'gas_price': gas_strategy})

final = lp_tripool.balanceOf(distributor)
print(f"Success! Total 3CRV fowarded to distributor: {final-initial_balance/1e18:.4f}")

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