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Tidal Wetlands Capstone

Yushi Chen, Sean Andrew Chen, Chang Du, Andrew Hill, Haoming Yang

This repository contains the code and data for the capstone project of Tidal Wetlands Capstone.

Tidal flooding is one of New York City’s most dangerous future problems. With decades separating the present and the inevitable flooding, the city has an opportunity to bolster its resiliency infrastructure, which can include hard infrastructure, soft infrastructure, and rezoning for resiliency. Our project evaluates the economic, social, and environmental costs and benefits of converting vacant lots and bought-out land into building soft infrastructure (in this case, salt marshes) to diminish the effects of future tidal flooding in New York City. These costs and benefits will be presented through an interactive data visualization tool that our sponsor, the Department of Parks and Recreation, can utilize to inform their future conversion decision processes.

What is NYC Coastal Flooding Planner?

The WebGIS tools provide visualization and analysis function for various different sources of data related to coastal marsh, which includes SLAMM model results, Social vulnerability index, pluto landuse data and census tract demorgraphic data. It integrated large amount of pre-processed data and quick function such as query data by drawing, dynamic data-driven dashboards, time and probability sliders and animation.

How to open the tools?

To access the tool, you do not need to download anything. Just open this github page:

To download the code and open the tool on local, just clone the whole repo and use Browser to open the index.html file

How the NYC Coastal Flooding Planner tool is built?

The layout framwork of the tool is built by using dojo

the Map and function inside the map are built by using Arcgis Javascript API.

We used ArcGIS online portal to host all of our data, which have already been cleaned.

The charts in the dashboard are built by d3.js and chart.js

The tool website is generated using github page.

What are the advantage of NYC Coastal Flooding Planner in helping our spsonser compared with spatial anlysis software Arcmap/QGIS/Other WebGIS application?

Feature NYC Coastal Flooding Planner Arcmap Other WebGIS apps
Difficulty Easy Hard Easy
Efficiency ★★★★★ ★★
Synthesized Visualization ✔︎ ✖︎ ✖︎
Time & feature filter convenience Easy & Quick None Seldom have
Integrated Dataset ✔︎ ✖︎ ✖︎
Spatial filtering Easy & Quick Slow & prone to error Seldom have
Dynamic Query by drawing ✔︎ ✖︎ ✖︎
Animation Beautiful & Smooth Crude Rare


This repository contains codes and data for the capstone project of tidal wetland






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