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Zeebe NodeJS Client

js-standard-style Build Status

Use NodeJs with Zeebe.


  1. NodeJS >= 8.11
  2. Build Tools:

On Linux:

  • GCC
  • make
  • python 2.7

By default, all of these will be installed on most of the linux system.

On Windows:

- Visual C++ build Tools
- python 2.7

You can install all of these using:

`npm install --global --production --add-python-to-path windows-build-tools`.

To know more about this tool visit [this link](

💡 [Windows Vista / 7 only] requires .NET Framework 4.5.1

On macOS:

- xcode & xcode commandline Tools,
- python 2.7

By default, python is installed on macOS.
You should install xcode from App app store.


npm install -s zbc-node


yarn add zbc-node

Potential issues

💡 If you see the following issue during npm install

ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _ffi_call_unix64: does not use RBP or RSP based frame

You might want to run npm install with:

LDFLAGS="-Wl,-no_compact_unwind" npm install -s zbc-node

Get Started

This Get Started guide has two parts. First we need to take care of the Basics and then we can start with our NodeJS Clients.


In order to use the NodeJS client you will need a running Zeebe Broker. Also we will need to create a workflow that we want to use with our client. If you have both you can skip this section and start directly with NodeJS.

Make sure you have the Zeebe Broker running.

You can also follow the full install guide in the Zeebe docs.

a) Docker
docker run -p 51015:51015 camunda/zeebe:latest
b) Distribution

In order to run the Distribution, you will need JDK 1.8+.

You can always download the latest Zeebe release from the Github release page.

Unzip / tar the distribution and start the broker by using

cd zeebe/bin

Windows users can double-click on the broker.bat file in the bin folder.

Create a simple process model (e.g. using Zeebe Modeler)

Model a process in Zeebe Modeler that looks like this:

Order Process

Make sure that the Service Task "Collect Money" has the Task Type "payment-service", the Serice Task "Fetch Items" the Task Type "inventory-service", and the Task "Ship Parcel" has Type "shipment-service". Also add Input Parameter $.orderId:$.orderId and Output Parameter $.totalPrice:$.totaPrice

If you dont want to model this using the zeebe Modeler, you can also just download the BPMN file that we use in this Guide here.


In this section we actually gonna use NodeJS to work with Zeebe. It will show you all the basic functionality that you will need.

Create a Topic & Workflow

First create a new folder and init a NodeJS project:

mkdir zeebe-js-getstarted
cd zeebe-js-getstarted
npm init -y

Now add the Zeebe NodeJS client dependecy:

npm install -s zbc-node

Next, create a file, e.g. deployWorkflow.js and insert the following code:

const { Client } = require('zbc-node')

const zbClient = new Client({bootstrapAddr: ''})

// Create a new topic "get started" with one partition and replicationFactor 1
zbClient.createTopic('get-started', 1, 1)

// Create our order workflow that we modeled above
const createWorkflowResult = zbClient.createWorkflow('get-started', 'order-process.bpmn')
console.log('Result', createWorkflowResult)

You can test your code by saving the file and running:

node ./deployWorkflow.js

In your Terminal you should see something like this:

Result { error: '', data: {} }

Create a Job Worker

Next create a new file, e.g. paymentService.js and insert the following code:

const { Client } = require('zbc-node')

const zbClient = new Client({bootstrapAddr: ''})
zbClient.jobWorker('get-started', 'payment-service', {}, (jobKey, payload) => {

  console.log("The payload", payload)

  // Let's complete the job with some new payload
  const paymentPayload = {'totalPrice':50000}
  zbClient.completeJob(jobKey, paymentPayload)

  // With fail job, you can fail the job.
  // zbClient.failJob(jobKey)

You can test your code by saving the file and running:

node ./paymentService.js

Leave this application running in the background because we want to see that our worker actually completes Jobs when creating instances in the next section.

Create Instances

Next create a new file, e.g. receiveOrders.js and insert the following code:

const { Client } = require('zbc-node')

const zbClient = new Client({bootstrapAddr: ''})

const payload = {'orderId':'12345'}
const createInstanceResult = zbClient.createWorkflowInstance('get-started', 'order-process', zbClient.LatestVersion, payload)


You successfully started your workflow instance using NodeJS and implemented your first Job Worker.


Currently following features are implemented:

Create Topic

var myClient = new Client({bootstrapAddr: ""});
// Create a topic with topicName, partitionCount, replicationFactor
myClient.createTopic("my-topic", 1, 1);

Create Workflow

var myClient = new Client({bootstrapAddr: ""});
// Create a Workflow for given BPMN Process
myClient.createWorkflow("my-topic", "myProcess.bpmn");

Create Workflow Instance

var myClient = new Client({bootstrapAddr: ""});
// Create a Workflow Instance for the BPMN Process 'myProcess' using the latest version (-1) and passing empty payload.
myClient.createWorkflowInstance("my-topic", "myProcess", -1, {});

Create Job Worker

var myClient = new Client({bootstrapAddr: ""});
myClient.jobWorker("my-topic", "jobTypeXYZ", function(jobKey, payload) {
  // do something with the job

Complete Job

var myClient = new Client({bootstrapAddr: ""});
// Complete Job with given Job Key and passing empty payload.
myClient.completeJob(jobKey, {});

Fail Job

var myClient = new Client({bootstrapAddr: ""});
// Fail Job with given Job Key.


NodeJS client for zeebe







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