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Alphanumeric Viewer

Martin Molina edited this page Jul 29, 2020 · 2 revisions

The alphanumeric viewer presents dynamic data used by the aerial robot. This interface is presented in a window terminal and it is is appropriate to monitor information related to sensors and motion control. The interface uses two different screens: one for sensor data and another one for navigation data.

The first screen (see example below) is presented by clicking the key "S". This screen presents the type of drone configuration (drone111 in the example) and information about sensors (e.g., battery charge, data from IMU, etc.) with their corresponding unit measures. Green color is used for positive or zero values are red color for negative values. If the aerial robot does not uses a particular sensor, this data is not presented in the screen. For instance, in this example there not values for altitude (sea level) and temperature.

The second screen (see example below) shows data related to motion control. This screen is displayed by clicking the key "N". The screen presents the information grouped in four blocks: measurements (data directly measured from sensors), localization (information generated by state estimators using, for example, EFK fusion), references (data used by motion controllers as references expressing the desired movements), and actuator commands (commands sent to actuators).

To launch the alphanumeric viewer (for example, for the robot namespace drone7), the command is:

 $ roslaunch alphanumeric_viewer alphanumeric_viewer.launch --wait drone_id_namespace:=drone7
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