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Bugs Fixes

Eric Jiang edited this page Nov 11, 2019 · 8 revisions

List of Common Bug Fixes:

Before reading through this, make sure your virtual environment is activated. Then, pip install -r requirements.txt

Migrating Alembic Databases

  1. Make sure you're in the '../COVE/backend' directory.

  2. Error with when running "alembic revision --autogenerate"

   from config import Config
   ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'config'

To fix, set PYTHONPATH environment variable to '/path/to/COVE/backend' and restart terminal.

  1. Can't locate old revision, and '../COVE/backend/alembic/versions' is empty.
  FAILED: Can't locate revision identified by '3e085383334b'

To fix, go to your database and clear out the 'alembic_version' table.

Errors when running python run

from flask_script import Manager
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flask_script'

Make sure you're in the right virtual environment. Deactivate all conda environments or whatever you use, and restart it. If same error, make sure you did pip install -r requirements.txt.

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