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# jsonZip

The jsonZip library is a clojure library to traverse an in-memory json-object (a nexted hash-map/vector) using the Huet zipper. In memory json-objects can be generated using the clojure.contrib.json library. Functions from the library can be used to modify this datastructure and extract the root of the modified tree.

(defn jsonZipper [jsonRoot] ...)
Creates a jsonZipper which can be modified (processed) the functions from (such as up, down, left, right, insert, remove, ...) . The jsonRoot should represent a clojure map that represents a json-structure.

(defn jsonRoot [node] ...)
Extract the root of a jsonZipper and transform the resulting zipperTree to an in-memory json object.

The nested map is not directly edittable as you can not insert children via the Edit/Replace functionality. The zipperTree resolves this by splitting each map in a set of basic elements, while all compound elements (maps and vectors) are stored in a vector with key :jsonChildren. Vectors are stored as a map with only one key { :jsonChildren  [...] }
The (original) keys and path-strings are stored in the metadata as :json/key  and :json/path. Internally the next two routines are used to transform between these two representations.

(defn jsonToZippertree [root] ...)
Transform an in-memory json structure (a nested hash-map/vector) to a tree that can be editted via the Zipper toolset. 

(defn zippertreeToJson  [node]  ..)
Translate a vinzi.jsonzipperTree back to a hash-map (an in-memory json structure). You can used clojure.contrib.json to store the in-memory map to a file. when you extract the root from a jsonZipper you still need to apply this function to turn it into a in-memory json object.

Furthermore the library contains a few helper functions to extract the path to a node and extract the key-data of tree-elements (key-data is stored as meta-data:

(defn insertItem  [loc pathList key json]  ...)
(defn replaceItem  [loc pathList key json]  ...)
(defn removeItem  [loc pathList key] ...)

The parameters for these functions are:
 - loc:  A jsonZipper  (at an arbitrary location)
 - pathList: A vector describing a path from root to the parent of the key that needs to be modified, ie. ["/" "file"] is the path to the element "file" at top level and [] represents the root element (everything in the zipper)
 - key: the key of the that needs to be processed. This will become the key of the child, or in case of an insertion of a simple elelement in a map the key used to store it.
 -json: a json representation of the object that needs to be inserted or replaced.
The return value is a modified zipper (located at the point where the last mutation was applied). In case of an error it returns nil (no silent continuation).
NOTE: insertItem assumes that the element to be inserted exists, while replace-path assumes the element to be non-existent

This free open-source software is provided as is without any waranties. Please test it in your problem domain. If you note any problems, please report the issue via Github repository.

Copyright (C) 2010 Vinzi

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


A clojure library to apply het Huet-zipper to json files.






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