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binarybox edited this page Sep 7, 2017 · 7 revisions


The QuestionView class is used to provide information about every question, provided the user is allowed to see the question. The class is also used to answer questions.

Method Detais


Header: user id (for permissions), course id (from url), ordered position of module in coures (from url), ordered position of question in module (from url)


"title": string "Question title (currently from module)"
"body": string "Question text"
"feedback": string "Feedback for user after correct answer"
"last": boolean "True/False"
"module": string "the corresponding module for the question"
"last_module": boolean "True/False"
"learning_text": string "The modules learning text"
"course": string "the corresponding course"
"progress": [[string]] "contains the title of all questions of this course"


Response: 400 if unauthorized // only allowed for user if it is the first in this course or if the user answered the questions before correct


Header: user id (for permissions), course id (from url), ordered position of module in coures (from url), ordered position of question in module (from url)


"answers":depends on the question type 


"solved": boolean true/false;
"next": string "question/module/quiz for the next element"
### potentially more in a future implementation

Response: 200 (correct answer, try saved), 400 unauthorized, 500+ serializer error


Response: 400 if unauthorized // only allowed for user if it is the first in this course or if the user answered the questions before correct

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