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Document data import and processing
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tszolar authored and jirutka committed Jul 14, 2016
1 parent 3a23ef5 commit 0897c5b
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219 changes: 219 additions & 0 deletions docs/data-import-and-processing.adoc
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= Data import and processing
Tibor Szolár <>

This document describes how Sirius imports the source data, converts them and synchronizes them into the database.

== Import overview

=== Import process

The main goal of the import process is to consume, convert and process external timetable data and produce calendar events.
Events in Sirius should provide an accurate representation of the teaching and related events happening during the semester.

A complete import process performs the following actions (in this order):

. <<Import of parallels>> – fetch parallels from KOSapi and store them locally into `parallels` and `timetable_slots` tables.
. <<Import of students for a parallel>> – fetch student list for each parallel in the `parallels` table and store it in the database.
. <<Event planning>> – plan stored timetable slots into events according to semester parameters.
. <<People assignment>> – batch copy of teacher and student lists from `parallels` to `events`.
. <<Import of exams>> – fetch exams from KOSapi and convert them into events.
. <<Import of exam attendees>> – fetch attendee list for stored exam events.
. <<Import of course events>> – fetch course events from KOSapi and convert them into events.
. <<Import of course event attendees>> – fetch course event attendees for stored course events.
. <<Import of teacher timetable slots>> – fetch teacher timetable slots from KOSapi and converts them into events.
. <<Events renumbering>> – calculate sequence numbers for related events.
. <<ElasticSearch indexes update>> – update search indexes in ElasticSearch with the latest data.

Each of these actions corresponds to a Rake task under the namespace `sirius:events` and can be run separately.

NOTE: If the tasks are not run in this order or some are skipped, the import may be incomplete.

=== External sources

All external data is currently imported from[KOSapi] v3.
This includes:

*[parallels and timetable slots] and[students for a parallel],

*[exams] and[exam attendees],

*[course events] and[course event attendees],

*[teacher timetables].

NOTE: Semester related data are not automatically imported.
This is because semester data in KOS are incomplete and unreliable.
All semester parameters have to be entered into Sirius manually.

== Semester configuration

To perform event import and planning, you need to configure semester parameters.
This is currently done manually in `faculty_semesters` and `semester_periods` database tables.
Semester configuration in Sirius is always scoped to a single faculty, because semester parameters can differ a lot between faculties.
This is also the reason why they are called _faculty semesters_ and not just semesters.

During the import process, each <<Import process, import action>> described above is performed for each faculty semesters in `faculty_semesters` table with import enabled.
This is controlled by `update_parallels` and `update_other` attributes in `faculty_semesters` table.
If they are set to `false` will be ignored during import and planning.
It is still visible in the semesters API.

`update_parallels` enables <<Import of parallels>>, <<Import of students for a parallel>>, <<Event planning>> and <<People assignment>> actions.
`update_other` enables the rest.
This means that you can have `update_other` turned on and `update_parallels` disabled, but not the other way around.

== Synchronization

The external data can be changed or deleted any time, so the synchronization process has to account for that.
KOS(api) does not provide any diffs or changesets, so we need to perform a full synchronization every time an update is required.
Synchronization happens multiple times a day to provide up-to-date data.

The synchronization consists of two main phases.
In the first phase, Sirius fetches source data from KOSapi and generates _events_.
Then it tries to match the generated events with the existing ones in the database.
If a match is found and the data is the same, there is no need to update anything.
If there is a match and the event data differs, existing event in the database is updated.
In case there is no match at all, a new event is created.

Event matching strives to be stable, i.e. it aims to update existing events instead of erasing and generating new events.
For data sources which have one-to-one mapping with resulting events (e.g. exams, course events) this is easy: The source entity ID (for example an exam ID) is saved in the generated event and in the consecutive runs a match is performed against it.

On the other hand for source entities which can generate multiple events or none at all (e.g. timetable slots), things are a bit complicated.
To achieve a stable matching, the source entity IDs is combined with sequence ID.
First we number all events generated from a single source entity sequentially starting from 1 (sorted by their starting time).
Then a matching event is looked up in the database using a tuple `(source_entity_id, sequence_id)`.
Finally a check is performed for additional events with `sequence_id` higher than highest generated `sequence_id` in a group.
These events are marked as deleted as they were not generated in the current dataset.

=== Deleted events

The case described above handles removal of extra events that are no longer generated, because some event or planning parameters changed.
But what about entities that were completely removed in KOS?
They do not appear in import, thus there is no matching performed at all.
The described approach above doesn’t help.
When events are synchronized, all event IDs that were processed (created, updated or unchanged) during the current import run are temporarily stored.
After event synchronization is complete, the database is queried for events with IDs that were not included in the processed set.
Returned events are no longer generated and are marked as deleted, because their source entity was removed.

== Multi-faculty support

Sirius can import and store timetable data for multiple faculties.
Currently the import is performed for FIT and FEL, but other faculties can be easily added by configuring access to another instance of KOSapi.

== Event sources and types

Sirius currently provides events of the following types:

* lecture
* tutorial
* laboratory
* assessment
* exam
* course event
* teacher timetable slot

Lectures, tutorials and laboratories are imported from parallels and timetable slots, assessments and exams from KOSapi exams, course events from KOSapi course events and teacher timetable slots from KOSapi teacher timetables.

== Import actions details

=== Import of parallels

All parallels for currently processed semester are imported from KOSapi into `parallels` and `timetable_slots` tables.
Teachers, rooms and courses that are loaded together with parallels from KOSapi in this action are saved to database tables `people`, `rooms` and `courses`.

This action is performed by link:../app/interactors/import_updated_parallels.rb[`ImportUpdatedParallels`] class and can be called by the rake task `sirius:events:import`.

=== Import of students for a parallel

This is probably the slowest action in the import.
It fetches student lists from KOSapi for all parallels in `parallels` table for the currently processed faculty semester.
It takes a long time, because it has to perform at least one HTTP request for every parallel in a semester.
Loaded students are then saved in `parallels` and `people` tables.

This action is performed by link:../app/interactors/import_students.rb[`ImportStudents`] class and can be called by the rake task `sirius:events:import_students`.

=== Event planning

This action takes the data from `parallels` and `timetable_slots` for active semesters and converts them to events according to semester parameters from `faculty_semesters` and `semester_periods`, and schedule exceptions from `schedule_exceptions`.
Lecture, tutorial and laboratory event types are produced by this action.

Planning is always performed for a single timetable slot at a time and is composed of the following steps:

. Event generation – converts a single timetable slot to multiple events according to `semester_periods` and `faculty_semesters`.
. Event numbering – numbers generated events sequentially from 1 to the number of generated events sorted by starting time. These numbers are for internal use only, it makes no sense to expose them externally via API.
. Schedule exception application – modifies generated events according to rules from `schedule_exceptions`.
. Event synchronization – inserts new or update existing events in the database.
. Extra events cleanup – mark events assigned to the processed timetable slot that were not generated by the current run as deleted.

For the details how the synchronization and clean-up is done, see <<Synchronization>>.

This action is performed by link:../lib/sirius/event_planner.rb[`EventPlanner`] class and can be called by the rake task `sirius:events:plan`.

=== People assignment

A simple action that copies (in SQL) students and teachers from `parallels` to generated `events`.
Additionally it applies schedule exceptions affecting teacher or student lists.

This action is performed by link:../app/interactors/assign_people.rb[`AssignPeople`] class and can be called by the rake task `sirius:events:assign_people`.

=== Import of exams

This action fetches exams from KOSapi and converts them into `assessment` and `exam` event types.
It does not download exam attendees (students).

This action is performed by link:../app/interactors/import_exams.rb[`ImportExams`] class and can be called by the rake task `sirius:events:import_exams`.

=== Import of exam attendees

This is complementary action to <<Import of exams>>.
It fetches attendee list from KOSapi for every exam or assessment event in a semester.
Retrieved attendees are then stored to corresponding event.

This action is performed by link:../app/interactors/import_exam_students.rb[`ImportExamStudents`] class and can be called by the rake task `sirius:events:import_exam_students`.

=== Import of course events

This action behaves very similarly to <<Import of exams>>, except it fetches course events instead of exams and produces events of type `course_event`.

This action is performed by link:../app/interactors/import_course_events.rb[`ImportCourseEvents`] class and can be called by the rake task `sirius:events:import_course_events`.

=== Import of course event attendees

Similarly to <<Import of exam students>>, course events attendees are retrieved and saved in a separate action as well.

This action is performed by link:../app/interactors/import_course_event_students.rb[`ImportCourseEventStudents`] class and can be called by the rake task `sirius:events:import_course_event_students`.

=== Import of teacher timetable slots

Fetches teacher timetable slots from KOSapi and plans them similarly to regular timetable slots.
The only difference is that teacher timetable slots are not affected by any schedule exceptions.

This action is performed by link:../lib/actors/teacher_timetable_slot_import.rb[`TeacherTimetableSlotImport`] class and can be called by the rake task `sirius:events:import_teacher_timetable_slots`.

=== Events renumbering

Events are grouped into logical groups relevant to their event type (all course exams, all lectures for a parallel, ...), ordered by a start date and sequentially numbered starting from 1.
Unlike sequential numbering generated during <<Event planning>>, this numbering is designated for end users.
This also updates events entered manually.

This action is performed by link:../app/interactors/renumber_events.rb[`RenumberEvents`] class and can be called by the rake task `sirius:events:renumber`.

=== ElasticSearch indexes update

Resets ElasticSearch indexes used for search API.

This action can be called by the rake task `sirius:events:reindex`.

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