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cxd4 edited this page Apr 10, 2016 · 2 revisions


owl_area is this application's custom name for the saved owl statue restore point.


  • zs $filepath -- -- Prints the current area code from the file data.
  • zs $filepath -- (uint16_t) -- Interprets the extra string parameter as a whole number (any base), stores the resulting integer to the relevant bits (if said integer falls within the range of values representable by a sign-extended halfword in MIPS), and marks the currently selected flash RAM section as an owl-statue-saved game file.


Set to where in the world of Termina Link resumes game play, when an owl-statue-saved game file is loaded. There are only ten usable owl statues, so only the ten input values in the following table (looking at the "in" column for the 4-digit input) can guarantee expected results.

in scene_no Owl Statue Location
0000 68B0 Great Bay Coast
0001 6A60 Zora Cape
0002 B230 Snowhead
0003 9A80 Mountain Village
0004 D890 South Clock Town
0005 3E40 Milk Road
0006 8640 Woodfall
0007 84A0 Southern Swamp
0008 2040 Ikana Canyon
0009 AA30 Stone Tower

By all means, values beyond 0x0009 can be given for the owl statue restore point, but wherever it is that Link consequentially winds up at once the owl-saved game file is loaded, it certainly won't be next to an owl statue.

Note that the usage of option, with the optional parameter specified, marks the game as an owl-saved game file. Be sure to take a close look at the file format before carelessly using this option, or the game might find the file corrupt. Use the -@ (unsigned int) option as documented in the general editing commands section to pinpoint this utility's flash RAM file offset to the correct section: NOT -@ 0 or -@ 1 for File 1 or File 2 but -@ 2 or -@ 4 for the owl-relevant section of File 1 or File 2.

Relevant Bits

file[0x000E:0x000F]15..0 file[0x0023]7..0 # Boolean flag marking as an owl statue save

Derived Cheat Codes

GameShark ROM Version
JAP (1.0)
JAP (1.1)
USA (preview)
EUR (1.0)
EUR (1.1)
EUR (debug)