We first create CNF generators for "building block" functions (see cnf_base.py
), then generate CNF for ciphers based on cipher definitions.
We use cryptominisat's Python wrapper to perform tests on the generated CNFs
: "Building block" functions<cipher>.py
: Cipher generating classtest_<...>.py
: For unit testing<cipher>.tv
: Test vectors for cipher
- At the top of your script, add
from <cipher> import *
cipher = <cipher>(<params>)
next_free_variable, result = cipher.setup()
contains the CNF representing the cipherresult.in_vars
contain the input variables. By default, res.in_vars = [key vars, plaintext vars]result.out_vars
contain the output variables. By default, res.out_vars = [ciphertext vars]
from feal import *
feal = FEAL_NX(32)
nfv, res = feal.setup()
from pycryptosat import Solver
s = Solver()
<Extract key and plaintext variables from res.in_vars>
<Extract ciphertext variables from res.out_vars>
ass = <Assign T/F to variables in key and plaintext variables>
sat, soln = s.solve(ass)
<Read off T/F for ciphertext by looking at soln[variable]>
from pycryptosat import Solver
s = Solver()
<Extract key and plaintext variables from res.in_vars>
<Extract ciphertext variables from res.out_vars>
ass = <Assign T/F to variables in plaintext and ciphertext variables>
sat, soln = s.solve(ass)
<Read off T/F for key by looking at soln[variable]>
A Fiestel-based cipher first published in 1987 by Akihiro Shimizu and Shoji Miyaguchi from NTT
Wikipedia | Official page | Specifications | Test vectors (N = 32 rounds)