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a collectd tail plugin which groups metrics (e.g. hostname) by regular expression

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The groupingtail collectd plugin is very similar to the built in collectd tail plugin execept that instead of reporting on single predefined stats, it can break down stats by grouping them based on values in the log itself. For example, if a value in the log is a hostname, then this plugin can report on metrics for each hostname sepretley without having to predefine the hostnames. In addition it can take its input from syslog udp streams not just files.

The configuration is a series of <File "/path/to/file">...</Flie> elements contained in the plugin definition as follows:

Import "pretaweb.collectd.groupingtail.plugin"
<Module "pretaweb.collectd.groupingtail.plugin">

    <File "/path/to/my/log/file">
        # file configuration goes here

    <File "/path/to/my/log/file2">
        # file configuration goes here



Each File element takes the log path as the first attribute. The log can also be a url in the form of syslog://host:port. Inside the element are the following configuration items:

  • Instance - this is the metric name to use in collectd
  • GroupBy - Expression to extract the grouping value in each logline. The is a regular expression and the first group match becomes the value used. For example if the log line contained 1234 and your expression was ^\S+ (\S+) then the grouping value would be (Please note that collectd configuration syntax requires strings to be escaped - eg \ is represented by \\)
  • GroupName - If your GroupBy regex uses named groups, this is the name to use for your grouping group. If not specified the first regex group will be used.
  • Series of <Match>..</Match> elements - These define the metrics you want to measure

Example file definition

<File "/path/to/my/log/file">

    Instance "my_stats"
    GroupBy "^\\S+ (\\S+) "

        Instance "requests"
        Regex "."
        DSType "CounterInc"
        Type "counter"

        Instance "tx"
        Regex "^\\S+ \\S+ ([0-9]+)"
        DSType "CounterSumInt"
        Type "counter"


The match elements contains the following configuration items:

  • Instance - this is the metric name to use in collectd
  • Regex - the regular expression to use for the metric. If the DSType below requries a value it will be the first group match in the expression or the group named by GroupName
  • GroupName - if specified use this named group from Regex for the value.
  • DSType - the collectd dataset type - currently supported is CounterInc and CounterSumInt
  • Type - the data type in collectd

The resulting metric Instance name is constructed with the following syntac:


Groupingtail should return values if they are collected within a collectd cycle. Grouping tail keeps a list of recently used group values (currenly hard coded to a maximum 64 group values) So if no logline is captured then then an appropriately value is returned for that group for each match metric.

_... `collectd tail plugin`:


a collectd tail plugin which groups metrics (e.g. hostname) by regular expression






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