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Generate resume using data representation objects in Python


  • python >= 3.10
  • pandoc
  • wkhtmltopdf
  • poppler-utils
  • fonts-roboto (or install the Roboto font family to your system)


Install package resumake from PyPI:

python3 -m pip install resumake


  • create .py file
  • import all from resumake.components:
    from resumake.components import *
  • create author variable and assign it an Author object
  • fill Author object parameters with info (see resume/
  • run resumake.builder following examples below

Output of python3 -m resumake.builder -h:

usage: resumake.builder [-h] [-s SCHEMA] [-o OUTPUT] [-t HTML] [-c CSS]
                        [-m SIZE]

Generate a resume from a given Python file containing data representation

positional arguments:
  RESUME                path to the Python file containing the resume data

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SCHEMA, --schema SCHEMA
                        order of sections to display in the resume
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        path to the output directory
  -t HTML, --template HTML
                        path to the HTML template file
  -c CSS, --css CSS     path to the CSS template file
  -m SIZE, --margin SIZE
                        top margin size


  • see default help message

    python3 -m resumake.builder -h
  • generate resume from to current directory

    python3 -m resumake.builder
  • generate resume from to build/ directory

    python3 -m resumake.builder -o ./build
  • generate resume from to build/ directory using custom html and css templates

    python3 -m resumake.builder -o ./build -t custom.html -c custom.css
  • generate resume from with custom section order and omitting a default section (projects)

    python3 -m resumake.builder -s "education, experience, skills"

Using GitHub Actions

Automatically generate your resume and publish it as a website

  • fork this repo
  • navigate to your fork
  • edit .github/workflows/update-resume.yml according to the TODO comments inside the file
  • rename resume/ to have your GitHub username instead of cybardev
  • modify the renamed Python file to include your resume info
  • push changes to your fork


  • check Actions tab of your fork for workflow run details
  • configure custom domain (if desired) from Settings > Pages
  • to change order of sections or show/hide sections in resume, edit .github/workflows/update-resume.yml according to the TODO comment inside the file

Using Docker Container


  • docker
    • Docker Engine, at least; Docker Desktop optional


docker pull cybardev/resumake


  • make a resume directory at a suitable location
  • place resume .py script file in the resume directory
  • run the containerized application from within the resume directory as such:
    docker run --rm -v $PWD:/app/resume cybardev/resumake [args] <>
    • replace <> with the name of your resume .py script
    • for available [args], see main Usage and Examples sections above, or run it with the -h flag
      • NOTE: the -o flag shouldn't be used for the containerized application as it controls where the files are generated inside the container, not on your computer (move them manually after generation)
      • for template files, place them alongside the .py resume script and refer to them by their basename
  • resume .md, .pdf, and .png files will be generated adjacent to the .py file

PS: Since the command is so tedious to type, I suggest setting up a shell alias or function for ease of use. Make sure to replace $PWD with absolute path to the resume directory.

Sample Output

Source: resume/
