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Jon Jagger edited this page Sep 20, 2021 · 33 revisions

Work-In-Queue, by repository, in no particular order, with a rough size indication.

  • Small means ~ 2 hour
  • Medium means ~ 2 days
  • Large means ~ 2 weeks
  • Very Large means ~ 2 months


  • move reporter repo to cyber-dojo-tools org. Small


  • upgrade to the latest CodeMirror. Large
  • provide more information in out-of-sync test dialog box. Small.
  • extend diff to show micro-events. Eg, file new/rename/delete, change of current file. Medium
  • use white traffic-light for the opening files, and always show red/amber/green predict checkboxes when prediction is on. Medium
  • instead of [output] tab have [stdout,stderr,status=1] tab with stdout in blue (if present), stderr in red (if present). Small.
  • allow some files (eg test files) to be marked read-only in manifest? size=?


  • extend the API to receive micro-events. Eg, file new/rename/delete, change of current file. Medium
  • migrate katas held in v0/v1 format to v2 format. Medium


  • move diff for v2 kata into saver for speed increase (v2 stores in git format). Medium


  • fix refresh so animal avatar icons on the left are always in view. Size=?
  • allow multiple groups on a single dashboard (tabs?). Medium.

runner + web

  • move traffic-light colour calculation from a Ruby lambda (inside the docker image) to a Javascript function (running in the browser) which is a visible/editable file, like Need care with this; the Javascript could be badly formed, can you do an 'eval' in Javascript and catch the exceptions like the Ruby wrapper inside runner does? Very Large


  • upgrade language-test-framework images that are failing the latest-release test. Small, but lots of them
  • add version number of language compiler/interpreter to display_name in all manifest.json files. Small, but lots of them


  • create separate utility to create a start-point image?
  • aim to move to minikube cluster to run a local server and drop commander?
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