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cyber•Congress: Helping species to evolve

@21xhipster, @litvintech, @helb-albau

Version 1


The blockchain technology opened the opportunity for developments which was impossible before. By this agreement, we define cyber•Congress as a sovereign self-funded community of scientists, developers, engineers and craftsmen who create the foundation for the new kind of existence.


Helping species to evolve


  • Build strong scientific foundation behind cybereconomy
  • Provide abundant access to information on transactions for all species
  • Build incentivization system for open-source communities of creators
  • Make decentralized consensus infrastructure usable, scalable, performant and cheap
  • Develop hardware interfaces and software protocols for ubiquitous, private and uncensored communications
  • Integration of post-quantum cryptography
  • Develop open technologies for self-sustainable living
  • Find an open approach for creation self-aware, self-replicating, economically independent robots
  • Create mainstream tools for biological engineering, body augmentations
  • Integrate into cybereconomy humans, robots, animals, plants and other thinking creations
  • Demolish state borders across the earth
  • Find an open approach for creation of incentivized /decentralized general AI
  • Switch governments' business model from violent taxes to non-violent UBI
  • Create technologies for accessible space exploration and transportation
  • Create technologies for the transfer of human consciousness to a completely electronic and digital environment
  • Significantly extend living capabilities for species up to but not limited to 10k years
  • Create the foundation for thermoregulation and terraforming of the Earth and nearby planets
  • Build the foundation for the emergence of unified spacetime ownership registry
  • Participating in development of Metaverse


We believe that our principles should be aligned with our values thus helping us achieve our goals:

  • Security. We don't work with fiat and paper hassle, but with digital signatures only
  • Anonymity and privacy. If someone chooses to stay anonymous or private, it is her right to do so
  • Open source software. Everything we run in production should be open source
  • Open source hardware. Every piece of hardware production should be repeatable using open source
  • Transparency. Transactional transparency is fundamental to community building
  • Informational freedom. No local laws can prohibit the flow of information
  • Economic freedom. Nobody has the right to prevent or block transactions
  • Free will. We reject corporate slavery bullshit such as conflict of interest or NDA
  • Capital, not salary. Helping to switch from slavery salary to capital based passive income
  • Engineering is marketing. We better spend our resources on engineering
  • Physical liberty. All limitations for physical liberty can be economic, not authoritative
  • Automation. Everything that can be automated must be automated
  • Intelligence. An entity can be treated as intelligent if she can control her private keys and sign transactions
  • Decentralization. Everything that can be decentralized shall be decentralized
  • Always on edge. We try to offer alternatives to outdated technologies such as emails.


We are going to advance and deploy the following technologies available at the moment:

  • SAI: digital signatures, neural cryptography, game theory, deep learning, digital DNA
  • GAI: consensus computers, zero-knowledge proofs, game theory
  • Prediction markets: decentralized oracles / prediction schemes, such as Augur or Gnosis
  • Autonomous robotics: learning, self-replicating, economically independent robots, such as Robonomics Network
  • 3D printing: SLA, DLP, FDM, SLS, SLM, EBM and beyond
  • Computer brain interfaces and digitalization of mind: OpenBCI, machine learning algorithms
  • VR/AR: OSVR, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Microsoft Hololens, Google Tango, HEP
  • Mesh networks: SDR, Skycoin, single-board computers, lightning networks, game theory
  • Location protocols: FOAM protocol and beacons technology
  • Sustainable energy: solar, wind, geothermal, thermonuclear fusion
  • Сontemporary computing: quantum, ternary and neuromorphic chips, ASICs, TPUs, memory convergence
  • Biological engineering: DNA sequencing => biological circuits => CRISPR => incubation & learning
  • Space exploration: BFR and alternatives, satellites/cubesats


cyber•Congress is founded by the following cryptographic entities using genesis account:

Foundation timestamp is a timestamp of a last transaction from every signature account to multisig that contain IPFS hash of this document as a payload + hash of last git commit.

There following accounts of cyber•Congress are official:

All decisions must be proved by transactions from congress accounts. Signature accounts which control multisigs are also can be considered official. All other accounts must be registered in this document for the time being.

We are starting from the simplest but resilient form of decentralization: simple 2of3 multisig. We value decentralization and agree that we will do our best to throw more brains into the pot. More brains support more income. Also, we understand that decentralization always comes at expenses. We struggle to find organic growth balance between this kind of income and expenses. We understand that flat voting system does not scale to more than 7 members. Thus if there will be demand for further growth, we will make this decision based on in-depth research in the field.

Member communicates between themselves and teams only using provably secure communication channels. At the moment we use Keybase. If some team want to use more convenient channel he can do that.

cyber•Congress can hire. Our goal is number of employees = number of members * X there X is 7.

cyber•Congress form communities around our ideas through investments into different tokens. All drops to community are computed proportionally to valuation of assets under control.

Adding members

Currently, cyber•Congress can be expanded only to the odd number of members.

If someone wants to become a member he can. If one member wants to quit the congress he can. Congress can decide to quit member. In any case, he creates the proposal here. The Congress can fill the place from the proposals.

Removing members

If one member is leaving she receive one time drop calculated using the following formula: total valuation of assets under control / number of member * 50% Other due 50% must be split evenly between teams and the the community. Drop must be executed in 30 days after initiation.

Liquidation procedure

Congress can liquidate itself. If this event happens the following stuff happens:

  • software go to public domain
  • hardware obtain personal freedom
  • non-transferable tokens waiting for being transferable
  • non-fungible items must be auctioned
  • 50% of transferable tokens dropped to members, 25% dropped to teams, 25% to the community either in the form of drop or burn.

Processing incoming drops

If some community decides to drop to cyber•Congress he must understand the following processing rules of such drops:

  • 60% are dumped in favor of our communities and remain under control of cyber•Congress. cyber•Congress can choose to fully keep dropped tokens.
  • 20% dropped to members
  • 20% dropped to teams


If some team feel independent power she can create new organization and fork for free. Congress members benefit such behavior and are ready in case the team is self sustainable to transfer repositories.


  • Asset management: control of keys, investment decisions, forecasting
  • Community building: continuous development of our portal
  • Deliver pipeline: improve our development pipeline
  • Internal projects: live as proposals in issues until merging into master branch of congress, becoming a standalone repo or being closed
  • Project management: one project = one repo = at least one owner. Every project has independent minor 0.x.0 or 0.0.x release pipeline like chaingear
  • Products delivery: some repo together form a product and its environment. Products releases are major releases across all projects like x.0.0
  • Roadmap evolution: keeping the roadmap fresh
  • Payroll execution: every sprint there should be transactions according to the forecast
  • Team incentivization: develop options for major releases
  • Team building: every project or product can have a team
  • Release perfection: quality control through publicly signed major releases
  • Running sprints: planning of 2-week sprint on Monday, demo/retrospective and closing sprints on Friday
  • Invent blocks: Every seventh sprint is a block, like Phangan, but better
  • Knowledge sharing/transfer and mentoring for team members
  • Help team members to switch from salary based income to capital based

This list of function is exclusive. If someone wants to add something try to guess what you need to do.


Current product priority is the following:

  • cyber•Search

If the one want to add something to this list, she must create a proposal with some research here


We have the Library. Please enjoy and join us in the pursuit of our goals.


This agreement is living. If some changes happen, they must be reflected accordingly.


The agreement is valid for cyberspace