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411 api & html (#12)
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* Update (#9)

Correction user-agent manquant pour le download du torrent

* T411 html & api (#11)

* Choix de la méthode de recherche t411

Choix entre recherches via api ou via html

* Choix de la méthode de recherche t411

Choix entre recherches via api ou via html
  • Loading branch information
cyberden committed Feb 21, 2017
1 parent a603626 commit 355ca50
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Showing 3 changed files with 393 additions and 66 deletions.
299 changes: 233 additions & 66 deletions couchpotato/core/media/_base/providers/torrent/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from couchpotato.core.helpers.variable import tryInt
from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog
from couchpotato.core.helpers.encoding import simplifyString, tryUrlencode
Expand All @@ -6,95 +7,261 @@
import json
import re
import unicodedata
import traceback
import urllib2
import sys
import urllib

log = CPLog(__name__)

import ast
import operator

_binOps = {
ast.Add: operator.add,
ast.Sub: operator.sub,
ast.Mult: operator.mul,
ast.Div: operator.div,
ast.Mod: operator.mod

def _arithmeticEval(s):
A safe eval supporting basic arithmetic operations.
:param s: expression to evaluate
:return: value
node = ast.parse(s, mode='eval')

def _eval(node):
if isinstance(node, ast.Expression):
return _eval(node.body)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Str):
return node.s
elif isinstance(node, ast.Num):
return node.n
elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp):
return _binOps[type(node.op)](_eval(node.left), _eval(node.right))
raise Exception('Unsupported type {}'.format(node))

return _eval(node.body)

class Base(TorrentProvider):

urls = {
'test': '',
'torrent': '',
'login': '',
'test' : '',
'login' : '',
'login_check': '',
'detail': '',
'search': '',
'download': '',
'search': ' %s',
'download' : '',

http_time_between_calls = 1 #seconds
auth_token = ''

def _search(self, movie, quality, results):
headers = {}
headers['Authorization'] = self.auth_token

for title in movie['info']['titles']:
TitleStringReal = str(title.encode("latin-1").replace('-',' '))

url = self.urls['search'] % TitleStringReal
url = url + '?cat=631&limit=100'
data = self.getJsonData(url, None, headers = headers)

for currentresult in data['torrents']:
if currentresult['categoryname'] in ['Film', 'Animation']:
name = currentresult['name']
splittedReleaseName = re.split('(?:\(|\.|\s)([0-9]{4})(?:\)|\.|\s)', name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

if len(splittedReleaseName) > 1:
cleanedReleaseName = ''.join(splittedReleaseName[0:-2])

match = re.compile(ur"[\w]+", re.UNICODE)
nameSplit = ''.join(match.findall(unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', cleanedReleaseName.upper()).encode('ASCII','ignore')))
titleSplit = ''.join(match.findall(unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', title.upper()).encode('ASCII','ignore')))

if titleSplit == nameSplit:
new = {}
new['id'] = currentresult['id']
new['name'] = name
new['url'] = self.urls['download'] % (currentresult['id'])
new['detail_url'] = self.urls['torrent'] % (currentresult['rewritename'])
new['size'] = tryInt(currentresult['size']) / 1024 / 1024
new['seeders'] = tryInt(currentresult['seeders'])
new['leechers'] = tryInt(currentresult['leechers'])
new['authtoken'] = self.auth_token
new['download'] = self.loginDownload


cat_backup_id = None

def _searchOnTitle(self, title, movie, quality, results):

# test the new title and search for it if valid
newTitle = self.getFrenchTitle(title, str(movie['info']['year']))
request = ''
if isinstance(title, str):
title = title.decode('utf8')
if newTitle is not None:
request = (u'(' + title + u')|(' + newTitle + u')').replace(':', '')
request = title.replace(':', '')
request = urllib2.quote(request.encode('iso-8859-1'))

log.debug('Looking on T411 for movie named %s or %s' % (title, newTitle))
url = self.urls['search'] % (request, acceptableQualityTerms(quality))
data = self.getHTMLData(url)

log.debug('Received data from T411')
if data:
log.debug('Data is valid from T411')
html = BeautifulSoup(data)

result_table = html.find('table', attrs = {'class':'results'})
if not result_table:
log.debug('No table results from T411')

torrents = result_table.find('tbody').findAll('tr')
for result in torrents:
idt = result.findAll('td')[2].findAll('a')[0]['href'][1:].replace('torrents/nfo/?id=','')
release_name = result.findAll('td')[1].findAll('a')[0]['title']
words = title.lower().replace(':',' ').split()
if self.conf('ignore_year'):
index = release_name.lower().find(words[-1] if words[-1] != 'the' else words[-2]) + len(words[-1] if words[-1] != 'the' else words[-2]) +1
index2 = index + 7
if not str(movie['info']['year']) in release_name[index:index2]:
release_name = release_name[0:index] + '(' + str(movie['info']['year']) + ').' + release_name[index:]
#if 'the' not in release_name.lower() and (words[-1] == 'the' or words[0] == 'the'):
# release_name = 'the.' + release_name
if 'multi' in release_name.lower():
release_name = release_name.lower().replace('truefrench','').replace('french','')
age = result.findAll('td')[4].text
log.debug('result : name=%s, detail_url=%s' % (replaceTitle(release_name, title, newTitle), (self.urls['detail'] % idt)))
'id': idt,
'name': replaceTitle(release_name, title, newTitle),
'url': self.urls['download'] % idt,
'detail_url': self.urls['detail'] % idt,
'age' : age,
'size': self.parseSize(str(result.findAll('td')[5].text)),
'seeders': result.findAll('td')[7].text,
'leechers': result.findAll('td')[8].text,

log.error('Failed to parse T411: %s' % (traceback.format_exc()))

def getLoginParams(self):
log.debug('Getting login params for T411')
return {
'username': self.conf('username'),
'password': self.conf('password')
'login': self.conf('username'),
'password': self.conf('password'),
'remember': '1',
'url': '/'

def loginSuccess(self, output):
jsonData = json.loads(output)
if jsonData.get('uid', '') != '':
self.auth_token = jsonData.get('token', '')
return True
log.debug('Checking login success for T411: %s' % ('True' if ('logout' in output.lower()) else 'False'))

return False
if 'confirmer le captcha' in output.lower():
log.debug('Too many login attempts. A captcha is displayed.')
output = self._solveCaptcha(output)

return 'logout' in output.lower()

def _solveCaptcha(self, output):
When trying to connect too many times with wrong password, a captcha can be requested.
This captcha is really simple and can be solved by the provider.
<label for="pass">204 + 65 = </label>
<input type="text" size="40" name="captchaAnswer" id="lgn" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="captchaQuery" value="204 + 65 = ">
<input type="hidden" name="captchaToken" value="005d54a7428aaf587460207408e92145">
:param output: initial login output
:return: output after captcha resolution
html = BeautifulSoup(output)

query = html.find('input', {'name': 'captchaQuery'})
token = html.find('input', {'name': 'captchaToken'})
if not query or not token:
log.error('Unable to solve login captcha.')
return output

query_expr = query.attrs['value'].strip('= ')
log.debug(u'Captcha query: ' + query_expr)
answer = _arithmeticEval(query_expr)

log.debug(u'Captcha answer: %s' % answer)

login_params = self.getLoginParams()

login_params['captchaAnswer'] = answer
login_params['captchaQuery'] = query.attrs['value']
login_params['captchaToken'] = token.attrs['value']

return self.urlopen(self.urls['login'], data = login_params)

loginCheckSuccess = loginSuccess

def loginDownload(self, url = '', nzb_id = ''):
if not self.login():
log.error('Failed downloading from %s', self.getName())
def getFrenchTitle(self, title, year):
This function uses TMDB API to get the French movie title of the given title.

headers = {}
headers['Authorization'] = self.auth_token
return self.urlopen(url, None, headers = headers)
url = "" % title
log.debug('Looking on TMDB for French title of : ' + title)
#data = self.getJsonData(url, decode_from = 'utf8')
data = self.getJsonData(url)
if data['results'] != None:
for res in data['results']:
yearI = res['release_date']
if year in yearI:
frTitle = res['title'].lower()
if frTitle == title:
log.debug('TMDB report identical FR and original title')
return None
log.debug(u'L\'API TMDB a trouve un titre francais => ' + frTitle)
return frTitle
log.debug('TMDB could not find a movie corresponding to : ' + title)
return None
log.error('Failed downloading from %s: %s', (self.getName(), traceback.format_exc()))
log.error('Failed to parse TMDB API: %s' % (traceback.format_exc()))

def acceptableQualityTerms(quality):
This function retrieve all the acceptable terms for a quality (eg hdrip and bdrip for brrip)
Then it creates regex accepted by t411 to search for one of this term
t411 have to handle alternatives as OR and then the regex is firstAlternative|secondAlternative
In alternatives, there can be "doubled terms" as "br rip" or "bd rip" for brrip
These doubled terms have to be handled as AND and are then (firstBit&secondBit)
alternatives = quality.get('alternative', [])
# first acceptable term is the identifier itself
acceptableTerms = [quality['identifier']]
log.debug('Requesting alternative quality terms for : ' + str(acceptableTerms) )
# handle single terms
acceptableTerms.extend([ term for term in alternatives if type(term) == type('') ])
# handle doubled terms (such as 'dvd rip')
doubledTerms = [ term for term in alternatives if type(term) == type(('', '')) ]
acceptableTerms.extend([ '('+first+'%26'+second+')' for (first,second) in doubledTerms ])
# join everything and return
log.debug('Found alternative quality terms : ' + str(acceptableTerms).replace('%26', ' '))
return '|'.join(acceptableTerms)

def replaceTitle(releaseNameI, titleI, newTitleI):
This function is replacing the title in the release name by the old one,
so that couchpotato recognise it as a valid release.

if newTitleI is None: # if the newTitle is empty, do nothing
return releaseNameI
# input as lower case
releaseName = releaseNameI.lower()
title = titleI.lower()
newTitle = newTitleI.lower()
log.debug('Replacing -- ' + newTitle + ' -- in the release -- ' + releaseName + ' -- by the original title -- ' + title)
separatedWords = []
for s in releaseName.split(' '):
# test how far the release name corresponds to the original title
index = 0
while separatedWords[index] in title.split(' '):
index += 1
# test how far the release name corresponds to the new title
newIndex = 0
while separatedWords[newIndex] in newTitle.split(' '):
newIndex += 1
# then determine if it correspoinds to the new title or old title
if index >= newIndex:
# the release name corresponds to the original title. SO no change needed
log.debug('The release name is already corresponding. Changed nothing.')
return releaseNameI
# otherwise, we replace the french title by the original title
finalName = [title]
newReleaseName = ' '.join(finalName)
log.debug('The new release name is : ' + newReleaseName)
return newReleaseName

config = [{
'name': 't411',
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