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Amargedon edited this page Nov 3, 2023 · 3 revisions

AltRank bot helper named

Type = trading pair

What does it do?

It will monitor LunarCrush's AltRank list and use the Top X to create pairs for your 3Comma's composite DCA bots to use.

How does it work?

Same as galaxyscore bot helper except with AltRank data.

Note: when you want to have more control over your data, or have more filtering options to determine which pairs should be set in your bot, use the MarketCollector and BotUpdater scripts.


The configuration file for altrank has the following settings:

  • timezone - timezone. (default is 'Europe/Amsterdam')

  • timeinterval - update timeinterval in Seconds. (default is 3600)

  • debug - set to true to enable debug logging to file. (default is False)

  • logrotate - number of days to keep logs. (default = 7)

  • 3c-apikey - your 3Commas API key value.

  • 3c-apisecret - your 3Commas API key secret value.

  • 3c-apikey-path - path to your own generated RSA private key, or empty.

  • lc-apikey - your LunarCrush API key value.

  • notifications - set to true to enable notifications. (default = False)

  • notify-urls - one or a list of apprise notify urls, each in " " seperated with commas. See Apprise website for more information.

  • [bot_]

  • maxaltrankscore - set this lower for galaxyscore bot helper so altrank score of coin gets evaluated too. (default is 1500)

  • numberofpairs - number of pairs to update your bot(s) with. Set to 0 if you want to have exactly the maximum active deals for each bot as pair amount. (default is 10)

  • originalmaxdeals - the max number of active deals you want to have in your bot.

  • allowmaxdealchange - indicates if the max number of active deals in the bot may be changed to a lower value.

  • allowbotstopstart - indicates if the bot may be stopped when there are zero trading pairs, and may be started when there are trading pairs again.

  • comment - free field you can use, for example for the name or description of the bot

Example: (keys are bogus)

timezone = Europe/Amsterdam
timeinterval = 3600
debug = False
logrotate = 7
3c-apikey = 4mzhnpio6la4h1158ylt2
3c-apisecret = 4mzhnpio6la4h1158ylt4mzhnpio6la4h1158ylt4mzhnpio6la4h1158ylt4mzhnpio6la4h1158ylt4mzhnpio6la4h1158ylt4mzhnpio6la4h1158ylt4mzhnpio6la4h1158ylt4mzhnpio6la4h1158ylt
3c-apikey-path = 
lc-apikey = z2cwr88jkyclno8ryj0f
numberofpairs = 20
notifications = True
notify-urls = [ "tgram://9995888120:BoJPor6opeHyxx5VVZPX-BoJPor6opeHyxx5VVZPX/" ]

maxaltrankscore = 250
numberofpairs = 10
originalmaxdeals = 8
allowmaxdealchange = True
allowbotstopstart = True
comment = my great bot

Example output
