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Deploying TopoLVM

An overview of setup is as follows:

  1. Deploy lvmd as a systemd service on Node OS.
  2. Prepare cert-manager for your Kubernetes cluster. This is for topolvm-controller.
  3. Determine how topolvm-scheduler to be run:
    • If your Kubernetes have control plane nodes, topolvm-scheduler should be deployed as DaemonSet.
    • Otherwise, topolvm-scheduler should be deployed as Deployment and Service.
  4. Add ignore label to system namespaces such as kube-system.
  5. Apply manifests for TopoLVM.
  6. Configure kube-scheduler to use topolvm-scheduler.
  7. Adjust CSIDriver config for Kubernetes 1.15 and earlier
  8. Prepare StorageClasses for TopoLVM.

Example configuration files are included in the following sub directories:

  • lvmd-config/: Configuration file for lvmd
  • manifests/: Manifests for Kubernetes.
  • scheduler-config/: Configurations to extend kube-scheduler with topolvm-scheduler.
  • systemd/: A systemd unit file for lvmd.

These configuration files may need to be modified for your environment. Read carefully the following descriptions.


lvmd is a gRPC service to manage an LVM volume group. The pre-built binary can be downloaded from releases page. It can be built from source code by GO111MODULE=on go build ./pkg/lvmd.

To setup lvmd:

  1. Prepare LVM volume groups. A non-empty volume group can be used because LV names wouldn't conflict.

  2. Edit lvmd.yaml if you want to specify the device-class settings to use multiple volume groups. See for details.

      - name: ssd
        volume-group: myvg1
        default: true
        spare-gb: 10
  3. Install lvmd and lvmd.service, then start the service.


cert-manager is used to issue self-signed TLS certificate for topolvm-controller. Follow the documentation to install it into your Kubernetes cluster.

Prepare the certificate without cert-manager

You can prepare the certificate manually without cert-manager. When doing so, do not apply certificates.yaml.

  1. Prepare PEM encoded self-signed certificate and key files.
    The certificate must be valid for hostname controller.topolvm-system.svc.

  2. Base64-encode the CA cert (in its PEM format

  3. Create Secret in topolvm-system namespace as follows:

    kubectl -n topolvm-system create secret tls mutatingwebhook \
        --cert=<CERTIFICATE FILE> --key=<KEY FILE>
  4. Edit MutatingWebhookConfiguration in webhooks.yaml as follows:

    kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
      name: topolvm-hook
    # snip
      - name:
        # snip
          caBundle: |  # Base64-encoded, PEM-encoded CA certificate that signs the server certificate
      - name:
        # snip
          caBundle: |  # The same CA certificate as above


topolvm-scheduler is a scheduler extender for kube-scheduler. It must be deployed to where kube-scheduler can connect.

If your Kubernetes cluster runs the control plane on Nodes, topolvm-scheduler should be run as DaemonSet limited to the control plane nodes. kube-scheduler then connects to the extender via loopback network device.

Otherwise, topolvm-scheduler should be run as Deployment and Service. kube-scheduler then connects to the Service address.

Running topolvm-scheduler using DaemonSet

The example manifest can be used almost as is. You may need to change the taint key or label name of the DaemonSet.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  namespace: topolvm-system
  name: topolvm-scheduler
  # snip
      hostNetwork: true               # If kube-scheduler does not use host network, change this false.
      tolerations:                    # Add tolerations needed to run pods on control plane nodes.
        - key: CriticalAddonsOnly
          operator: Exists
        - effect: NoSchedule
              - matchExpressions:
                  - key:    # match the control plane node specific labels
                    operator: Exists

Running topolvm-scheduler using Deployment and Service

In this case, you can use deployment-scheduler/scheduler.yaml instead of daemonset-scheduler/scheduler.yaml.

This way, topolvm-scheduler is exposed by LoadBalancer service.

Then edit urlPrefix in scheduler-policy.cfg to specify the LoadBalancer address.

How to tune the node scoring

The node scoring for Pod scheduling can be fine-tuned with the following two ways:

  1. Adjust divisor parameter in the scoring expression
  2. Change the weight for the node scoring against the default by kube-scheduler

The scoring expression in topolvm-scheduler is as follows:

min(10, max(0, log2(capacity >> 30 / divisor)))

For example, the default of divisor is 1, then if a node has the free disk capacity more than 1024GiB, topolvm-scheduler scores the node as 10. divisor should be adjusted to suit each environment. It can be specified the default value and values for each device-class in scheduler-options.yaml as follows:

default-divisor: 1
  ssd: 1
  hdd: 10

Besides, the scoring weight can be passed to kube-scheduler via scheduler-policy.cfg. Almost all scoring algorithms in kube-scheduler are weighted as "weight": 1. So if you want to give a priority to the scoring by topolvm-scheduler, you have to set the weight as a value larger than one like as follows:

  "kind" : "Policy",
  "apiVersion" : "v1",
  "extenders" :
      "urlPrefix": "",
      "filterVerb": "predicate",
      "prioritizeVerb": "prioritize",
      "nodeCacheCapable": false,
      "weight": 100, ## EDIT THIS FIELD ##
        "name": "",
        "ignoredByScheduler": true

Protect system namespaces from TopoLVM webhook

TopoLVM installs a mutating webhook for Pods. It may prevent Kubernetes from bootstrapping if the webhook pods and the system pods are both missing.

To workaround the problem, add a label to system namespaces such as kube-system as follows.

$ kubectl label ns kube-system

Apply manifests for TopoLVM

Once you finish editing manifests, apply them as follows.

If you want to apply topolvm-scheduler as a DaemonSet, run the following command:

kustomize build ./deply/manifests/overlays/daemonset-scheduler | kubectl apply -f -

Instead, if you want to apply topolvm-scheduler as a Deployment, run the following command:

kustomize build ./deply/manifests/overlays/deployment-scheduler | kubectl apply -f -

If you use cert-manager, run the following command in addition:

kubectl apply -f ./deploy/manifests/base/certificates.yaml

Configure kube-scheduler

kube-scheduler need to be configured to use topolvm-scheduler extender.

If your Kubernetes cluster was installed with kubeadm, then reconfigure it as follows:

kind: ClusterConfiguration
  name: config
kubernetesVersion: v1.18.2
    - name: "config"
      hostPath: /path/to/scheduler-config     # absolute path to ./scheduler-config directory
      mountPath: /var/lib/scheduler
      readOnly: true
    config: /var/lib/scheduler/scheduler-config.yaml

Otherwise, consult the manual of your Kubernetes cluster distribution.

Adjust CSIDriver config for Kubernetes 1.15 and earlier

If you are running Kubernetes 1.15 or prior, modify the CSIDriver as follows to account for features not supported on earlier versions:

kind: CSIDriver
  attachRequired: true

Prepare StorageClasses

Finally, you need to create StorageClasses for TopoLVM.

An example is available in provisioner.yaml.

See podpvc.yaml for how to use TopoLVM provisioner.