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Yeoman generator for parata.


Make sure you have GruntJS and Yeoman installed globally. Refer the respective documentation for installing the same.

Install generator-parata by using:

$ npm install -g generator-parata


Setup your application

Create a directory of your choice say:

$ mkdir myapp && cd $_

Run the yeoman generator by typing:

$ yo parata

Select your preferred options and finish the setup. Once you have finished running the above command your directory will look like this:

- myapp
    - package.json
    - Gruntfile.js

Create your first component

Let's say you would like to create a button component. Run the generator for creating the button component:

$ yo parata:component button

where., button is the name of your component.

This would generate two files in components/button/ called:

- myapp
  - components
    - button
      - example.html
      - style.scss

Note: If you were using less it would have created a file called: components/button/style.less

Build & Serve

  • Run $ grunt parata for building the components
  • Run $ grunt serve and point to http://localhost:8888 on your browser.

Regarding configuration options for parata, refer to


Run $ grunt watch, so that your scss / less files will be compiled automatically.