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Martin edited this page Sep 6, 2013 · 10 revisions


Add known results here when you have tested them.

If doesn't give a scrollable map interface, our app won't work either. Google says says that the following should work:

  • IE 7.0+ (Windows)
  • Firefox 3.0+ (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)
  • Safari 4+ (Mac OS X, iOS)
  • Chrome (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)
  • Android
  • BlackBerry 6
  • Dolfin 2.0+ (Samsung Bada)


  • iPhone: supported
  • iPad: presumed supported


  • Android: supported



Blackberry Q10 (and presumably all other BB10 OS devices): Works fully. Device is redirected to mobile site correctly. (Except that images not being geolocated - have not tested why.)

Pre-OS10: shows the list of devices, their model numbers (which is what the simulators are called by) and their OS numbers. Get the simulators at:

OS 7.0 should work:

  • Bold 9900 (OS 7.0) - Works perfectly. UI controls take up a lot of space, though, particularly the 'X' button for cancelling a start/finish marker. Upload and geolocation of photos also works fine, but afterwards, the URL goes to /location/photo/#330108/Photo%20successfully%20uploaded but screen is blank.

OS 6.0 should work:

  • Pearl 3G (9100) (OS 6.0) - Cannot drag the map at all (either on route-by-map or itinerary page). Geolocation on the route by address page doesn't get picked up. Manually adding two points results in a route that can be followed OK using Next/Prev. Layout all perfect otherwise.
  • Torch (9800) (OS 6.0) -

OS 5.0 devices will not work:

  • BB Storm 2 (9520-Vodaphone) (OS 5.0) - Will not work as Google Maps website not supported either
  • Bold 9000 (T-MobileEU) (OS 5.0) - Will not work as Google Maps website not supported either. Though!/rreveley/status/109572361266802688 and tweets the previous hour suggest that something is working.

Windows Phone 8

Seems to work well. (Samsung ATIV S)

Windows Phone 7

7.5 (Mango):!/londoncyclist/status/151998161857167360 states:

"it does kind of work actually. Although can't move map around but can zoom in and use turn by turn."

So sounds like the map isn't responding to drag event properly.


Basically won't work because the IE7-based browser doesn't support proper touch events for map. As this is a first release of WinMo7 this is basically indicative of an early release that we shouldn't worry about.

Have downloaded the (3GB!) dev kit and loaded the emulator. Findings are:

  • front page loads. No nice transitions, but layout and appearance fine.
  • Any kind of reloading (refresh, click back, close a popup) results in a blank screen; only clearing the cache fixes this.
  • Photomap works, with correct layout, and popup loads (EXCEPT that it can't be scrolled, and reloading fails!)
  • Route by address comes up with the search boxes but doesn't result in a map screen.
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