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Deploy a standalone Prometheus stack with Docker components on Aws EC2 server. Contain Alertmanager, Grafana and Prometheus


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Service catalog Prometheus stack

This stack will deploy a Prometheus, Alertmanager and Grafana Docker container on a Amazon EC2 instance with an EBS storage.


  • EC2 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
  • RDS Amazon Relational Database Service


In order to run this task, couple elements are required within the infrastructure:

  • Having a VPC with private & public subnets here
  • Having an S3 bucket with versioning to store Terraform remote states here
  • Having a bastion server to run Ansible like described here



Note The pipeline contains a manual approval between terraform plan and terraform apply. That means if you trigger a terraform plan, to apply it, you have to go on terraform apply job and click on the + button to trigger it.

Jobs description

  • terraform-plan: Terraform job that will simply make a plan of the stack.
  • terraform-apply: Terraform job similar to the plan one, but will actually create/update everything that needs to. Please see the plan diff for a better understanding.
  • deploy: Ansible job to deploy the application on EC2 server. In this case Prometheus, Grafana, ...
  • terraform-destroy: ⚠️ Terraform job meant to destroy the whole stack - NO CONFIRMATION ASKED. If triggered, the full project WILL be destroyed. Use with caution.


Name Description Type Default Required
ansible_vault_password Password used by ansible vault to decrypt your vaulted files. - ((custom_ansible_vault_password)) True
ansible_version Ansible version used in packer and cycloid-toolkit ansible runner - "2.9" True
aws_access_key Amazon AWS access key for Terraform. See value format here - ((aws.access_key)) True
aws_default_region Amazon AWS region to use for Terraform. - eu-west-1 True
aws_secret_key Amazon AWS secret key for Terraform. See value format here - ((aws.secret_key)) True
bastion_private_key_pair bastion SSH private key used by ansible to connect on AWS EC2 instances and the bastion itself. - ((ssh_bastion.ssh_key)) True
bastion_url bastion URL used by ansible to connect on AWS EC2 instances. - True
config_ansible_path Path of Ansible files in the config Git repository - ($ project $)/ansible True
config_git_branch Branch of the config Git repository. - master True
config_git_private_key SSH key pair to fetch the config Git repository. - ((ssh_config.ssh_key)) True
config_git_repository Git repository URL containing the config of the stack. - True
config_terraform_path Path of Terraform files in the config Git repository - ($ project $)/terraform/($ environment $) True
customer Name of the Cycloid Organization, used as customer variable name. - ($ organization_canonical $) True
env Name of the project's environment. - ($ environment $) True
extra_tags Dict of extra tags to add on aws resources. format { "foo" = "bar" }. - {} False
grafana_admin_password Define Grafana admin account password - "((custom_grafana_admin_password))" False
project Name of the project. - ($ project $) True
rds_password Password used for your rds (grafana) if needed - ((custom_rds_password)) False
stack_git_branch Branch to use on the public stack git repository - master True
terraform_storage_bucket_name AWS S3 bucket name to store terraform remote state file. - ($ organization_canonical $)-terraform-remote-state True



Name Description Type Default Required
bastion_sg_allow Amazon source security group ID which will be allowed to connect on Fronts port 22 (ssh). - `` False
create_rds_database create a rds database generaly used for grafana. false will not create the database bool true False
enable_https Open or not the HTTPS port on the EC2 instance. bool false False
keypair_name SSH keypair name to use to deploy ec2 instances. - cycloid False
private_subnets_ids Amazon subnets IDs on which create each components. Used when create_rds_database is true. array [] False
prometheus_disk_size Disk size for the Prometheus server. - 60 False
prometheus_type Amazon EC2 instance type for Prometheus server. - t3.small False
public_subnets_ids Amazon subnets IDs on which create each components. array `` True
rds_database RDS database name - grafana False
rds_disk_size RDS database disk size - 10 False
rds_password RDS password. expected value is "${var.rds_password}" to get it from the pipeline. - ChangeMePls False
rds_type RDS database instance size - db.t3.small False
rds_username RDS database username - grafana False
vpc_id Amazon VPC id on which create each components. - `` True


Name Description
prometheus_eip EIP of the Prometheus EC2 instance.
prometheus_secgroup_id Security group of the Prometheus EC2 instance.
rds_address Address of the RDS database.
rds_database Database name of the RDS database.
rds_engine engine type of the RDS database.
rds_port Port of the RDS database.
rds_username Username of the RDS database.


Name Description Type Default Required
alertmanager_domain_name Alertmanager dns name to configure. - "alertmanager.localhost" False
alertmanager_slack_api_url Configuration of the alertmanager slack receiver. - '' False
alertmanager_slack_channel Configuration of the alertmanager slack receiver. - '#mychannel' False
alertmanager_version Version of Alertmanager based on docker image tag - v0.18.0 False
grafana_domain_name Grafana dns name to configure. - "grafana.localhost" False
grafana_version Version of Grafana based on docker image tag - 6.2.5 False
install_alertmanager Install or not Alertmanager - true False
install_grafana Install or not Grafana - true False
install_prometheus Install or not Prometheus. - true False
nginx_auth_basic_files Provide default basic auth : prometheus / prometheus and alertmanager / alertmanager dict ... False
prometheus_data_retention Amount of datas that prometheus should keep - 60d False
prometheus_domain_name Prometheus dns name to configure. - "prometheus.localhost" False
prometheus_version Version of Prometheus based on docker image tag - v2.12.0 False
send_alert_to Override SMTP configuration used to send emails alerts configured in the default alertmanager receiver. - '' False
smtp_auth_password Configuration of the default alertmanager email receiver. - 'barfoo' False
smtp_auth_username Configuration of the default alertmanager email receiver. - '' False
smtp_from Configuration of the default alertmanager email receiver. - '' False
smtp_smarthost Configuration of the default alertmanager email receiver. - '' False
use_ssl Use SSL on prometheus stack, if true prometheus.crt and prometheus.key files but be added to files/nginx/ssl folder. - false False

SSL Certificates

To have the stack working, you will also have to upload/generate SSL certificates in "{{ playbook_dir }}/files/nginx/ssl/*" which will be located in "/etc/nginx/ssl/" on the monitoring server.

To create a self-signed certificate:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout prometheus-secure.key -out prometheus.crt -days 3650
# if needed remove the passphrase on the key
openssl rsa -in prometheus-secure.key -out prometheus.key
rm prometheus-secure.key

Please use the default names for the certificate & key, or override the following variables:

prometheus_certificate_name: prometheus.crt
prometheus_certificate_key_name: prometheus.key

Molecule tests

# Run molecule
molecule test


Deploy a standalone Prometheus stack with Docker components on Aws EC2 server. Contain Alertmanager, Grafana and Prometheus







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