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Programming methodology continues to rapidly change. There have been vast improvements in increasing the reliability of programs. Several interesting changes involve the use of interpreted languages compared to compiled languages. Some languages offered translations into an intermediate code representation. Some translate into machine specific code. The result is that interpreted languages are now approaching the speed of compiled languages. There are cases where interpreted languages are faster than compiled languages due to run-time optimization strategies. One such interpreted language is javascript: it is standards based, it runs quickly, and its syntax is familiar. javascript started in the Web browser and is now available on the server side too. Programming environments like nodejs and spidermonkey have made javascript available in many situations.

Along with the Web came a number of document markup languages, such as HTML. These languages provided a means of displaying documents on screen and could be formatted into print. Over time, HTML document information was separated from its display. The display of HTML documents were encoded in CSS. These languages seemed syntactically heavy and inappropriate for transmitting data between machines with limited bandwidth. This led to the development of JSON to represent simple data structures in an readable format that borrowed its structure from javascript. JSON is easily used to provide configuration information to programs, although JSON fields can appear in any order.

Given the complexity of HTML documents a number of authoring languages were developed, such as markdown. The purpose of the languages was to facilitate the generation of HTML documents. There are many other authoring languages that have been used in the past, such as TeX and troff. Although TeX pre-dates the Web, MathJax can be used to render TeX based math formulas.

One service that makes use of javascript and JSON is couchdb database management system server. It uses JSON for the configuration of its database and for delivering data to clients. couchapp is a client-server application framework based on a Web browser front-end and a couchdb back-end. A feature of this framework is that all the configuration can be written using Web standards: CSS, HTML, and javascript. Since couchdb uses HTTP and HTTPS communicating with Web browsers is relatively straight forward.

This seems an appropriate time to revisit the 'Literate Programming' idea of Knuth, published in 1984, in the context of Web standards.

markover.js is a javascript library implemented as a CommonJS module.

Literate Programming

This document is a literate program that can be used to make the markover application. It describes the source code used in markover and can generate the source code. That is, the same authoring document (the markover document) is used tangle itself into a program (the source code) and to weave itself into a viewable document (the display document). The markover document is written in markdown. The primary source code target is a javascript object. The javascript object might be used as a configuration file (in the form of a JSON object), or as a couchapp (as a JSON object or a CommonJS module), or a javascript library (a CommonJS module). The primary display document target is HTML, CSS and MathJax.

Other tools have targeted similar platforms, like the literate option in coffeescript. However, literate coffeescript lacks the ability to tangle code. The order of the code is constrained by the needs of the programming language compiler. markover is more similiar to Knuth's system by allowing greater flexibility in the order that the program is presented. But it doesn't provide as much flexibility as Knuth's system.

markover has enough flexibility to produce source code for many text based programming language. However, it is designed to work with a single javascript object.

markdown has had a number of extensions added to it. One set, called GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown), is used by markover. In GFM markdown a section of code is marked off, like this:

console.log('Hello, World!')

which is produced by:

console.log('Hello, World!')

The word after the fence normally identifies the language that the code block is written in. markover extends this syntax to include a field name. This is used to add the code block to the object field. When the field name is repeated, the additional code is appended to the object field. So, when markover processes a markdown document, it looks for lines starting with a fence, followed by an optional language id, a hash tag, an optional plus sign, followed by the field name. The source code is appended line by line until the closing fence is found. Code blocks that don't have a field name are ignored.

The optional plus sign is a flag that the field should be quoted in the output. This conveniently reduces the need to use a large number of escape characters in the markover document. By flagging a field as a quoted string, markover will make appropriate escape sequences. This keeps the structure of fields fairly neat and more consistent with the embedded languages that are sometimes used inside the strings.

For example:


will set the field 'foo' to be an array with two values. Whereas,


will set the field to the string "[1,2]".

There are a few special markers used in markover. A language of noweave indicates that the code block will not be included in the weave output. Field names of #first and #last are used to include arbitrary beginning and ending material, respectively. A missing language with a field name (like #foo) will default to json.

Markover fields

By convention markover documents have a few common fields. A title which names the document and a tag which is a one-line description of the document. You may include a version field as well.

Web Literate Programming

The current version of this document is:


That's all there is to know about the structure of markover documents. There are no specific dependencies on the target language.

File structure

For a CommonJS module there is usually some beginning and ending material that is needed. For this module, the object is written within an anonymous function so that the name space won't be polluted.

!(function() {

var markover = 

The trailing material allows the object to be used in several environments. This is attached to the anonymous function after the literate object is declared. It does several checks to determine which environment it is operating in.

if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof exports === 'object') {
    module.exports = markover
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
    define(function() { return markover })
} else {
    this.markover = markover

}).call(function () {
        return this || (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global)

Display Document

It seems like every system as standard boilerplate material that must be included. HTML documents has quite a bit.

Basic structure

Here is the typical start of an HTML document, which comes before the actual header.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" class="">

The HTML has a section the separates the header from the body of the document.


And some ending material.


Additional Header Material

These meta provide additional information about the display document encoding. Setting the viewport scale helps display the document on small screens.

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en">
  <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1">

MathJax configuration

The following code enables MathJax on the Web. It requires a configuration block before the MathJax code can be included. In order to avoid confusion with other uses of symbols, markover only uses \\( and \\) to delimit inline math equations.

  <script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
      showProcessingMessages: false,
      tex2jax: { inlineMath: [['\\(','\\)']] },
      TeX: { equationNumbers: {autoNumber: "AMS"} }
  <script type="text/javascript"

For example, here is an equation that will be processed with MathJax and appear as in-line equations in the text: \( x \lt y \) or gamma \( \Gamma \). However if MathJax isn't properly included, the in-line equations will still be readable. MathJax also provides display equations, such as:

$$ x \lt y $$

JQuery configuration

The display document makes some use of jquery. This tools handles most of the inconsistentcies between Web browser and simplifies the manipulation of HTML documents.

  <script type="text/javascript"

JQuery is used to load highlight.js parsers for the languages used in this document. There isn't a one-to-one relationship between languages and parsers. For example, the HTML parser is located in xml.

<script type="text/javascript">
  ["bash", "xml", "javascript", "json", "css", "markdown"].forEach(function(e) {
    var s = $('<script>')
    s.type = 'text/javascript'
    s.src = '' + e + '.min.js'

HTML stylesheet

The format of the display document is largely controlled by the CSS. Part of the CSS is based on the highlight.js rendering style. The following stylesheet details how the rest of the document is displayed.

Is this necessary? No. Instead of including the stylesheet here, you can link to a stylesheet in the header section. Or, parts of the the style can be included in the header. For example, there are standard highlight.js style sheets available on CDNs that can be included for the language syntax highlighting. In this case, I wanted a little more control over the presentation on screen and in print.

I've created a complete style sheet here. This style sheet will display well on a variety of screen sizes and in print.

Vanilla style

This first section resets all HTML elements to reasonable default values. This is used in the heading of the page and has selectors that effect elements throughout the document.

html, body, div, span, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
abbr, address, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, samp,
small, strong, sub, sup, var, b, i, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, a,
fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td,
article, aside, canvas, details, figcaption, figure,
footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section, summary, time, mark, audio, video {
  display: block;
  line-height: 140%;
  font-size: 100%;
  text-decoration: none;

a, code, span, b, i, em { display: inline; }

Preliminary Material

The following stylesheet operates within the content generated by applying weave to the source document. markover marks up 3 areas before the main document body: title, tag, and a table of contents.

Title and tag are each in a single element and only appear once in the display document.

#content {
  font-family: "HelveticaNeue-Light", "Helvetica Neue Light", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, "Lucida Grande", sans-serif; 

#content #title {
  clear: both;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 140%;
  font-weight: bold;
  margin: 2em 0 0 0;

#content #tag {
  clear: both;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 110%;
  margin: 0 0 1em 0;

The table of contents, in a single toc id, is slightly more complex. The table is on the left for wide windows only.

#content #toc {
  padding: 0 0 0 1em;
  max-width: 96%;
  page-break-after: always;

@media screen and (min-width: 641px) {
  #content #toc {
    float: left;
    max-width: 26%;

#content .tocsn { float: left; }
#content .tocsr { overflow: hidden; }

#content #toc ol {
  list-style-type: none;

#content #toc ol ol {
  margin: 0 0 0 1em;

Main body

The main document is in a single doc id. Make the toc and doc with the same margins.

The 'overflow: hidden' prevents the main text from flowing around the float content.

#content #doc,
#content #toc {
  margin: 0 1em 0 1em;

#content p { text-indent: 1em; }

#content code { font-size: 120%; }

#content pre code {
  font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
  font-size: 100%;

@media screen and (min-width: 641px) {
  #content #doc {
    overflow: hidden;
    max-width: 70%;

Field names are in a field class.

#content pre .field {
  margin: 1em 1em 0em 0em;
#content pre .field::after {
  content: " :=";

The code blocks are in the code tag and have classes that identify their language.

#content pre code {
  display: block;
  margin: 1em;
  padding: 1em;
  border: solid 1px #aaa;

@media screen {
  #content pre code {
    overflow: auto;
    max-height: 30em;

@media print {
  #content pre {
    page-break-inside: avoid;
  #content pre code {
    overflow: visible;
    word-wrap: break-word;

Each language uses a slightly different light background color.

@media screen {
  #content .lang-js { background-color: ivory; }
  #content .lang-md { background-color: lightyellow; }
  #content .lang-html { background-color: floralwhite; }
  #content .lang-json { background-color: honeydew; }
  #content .lang-css { background-color: cornsilk; }
  #content .lang-sh { background-color: lemonchiffon; }

The header font sizes are set.

#content h1,
#content h2,
#content h3,
#content h4,
#content h5,
#content h6 {
  margin: 0.5em 0em;
  page-break-after: avoid

#content h1 { font-size: 140%; }
#content h2 { font-size: 130%; }
#content h3 { font-size: 120%; }
#content h4,
#content h5,
#content h6 { font-size: 110%; }

These styles handle user interactions.

#content a:hover { color: #aaa; }

#content a:visited,
#content a { color: #000;}

@media screen {
  #content a {
    text-decoration: underline;

Links are displayed in the print document.

@media print {
  #content a {
    text-decoration: none;
  #content #doc a[href]:after {
    content: " (" attr(href) ")";
    font-size: 90%;

Highlight markup

highlight.js specific styles for code blocks. Basic type markup:

.hljs {
    overflow: auto;
    padding: 0.5em;
    color: #333;
.hljs-comment, .diff .hljs-header, .hljs-javadoc {
    color: #999;
    font-style: italic;
.hljs-keyword, .css .rule .hljs-keyword, .hljs-winutils, .nginx .hljs-title,
.hljs-subst, .hljs-request, .hljs-status {
    color: #333;
    font-weight: bold;
.hljs-number, .hljs-hexcolor, .ruby .hljs-constant {
    color: #088;
.hljs-string, .hljs-tag .hljs-value, .hljs-phpdoc, .hljs-dartdoc, .tex .hljs-formula {
    color: #d14;
.hljs-title, .hljs-id, .scss .hljs-preprocessor {
    color: #900;
    font-weight: bold;
.hljs-list .hljs-keyword, .hljs-subst {
    font-weight: normal;
.hljs-class .hljs-title, .hljs-type, .vhdl .hljs-literal, .tex .hljs-command {
    color: #458;
    font-weight: bold;

Additional markup

.hljs-tag, .hljs-tag .hljs-title, .hljs-rules .hljs-property, .django .hljs-tag .hljs-keyword {
    color: #000080;
    font-weight: normal;
.hljs-attribute, .hljs-variable, .lisp .hljs-body {
    color: #008080;
.hljs-regexp {
    color: #009926;
.hljs-built_in {
    color: #0086b3;

.hljs-symbol, .ruby .hljs-symbol .hljs-string, .lisp .hljs-keyword,
.clojure .hljs-keyword, .scheme .hljs-keyword, .tex .hljs-special,
.hljs-prompt {
    color: #990073;

Other uncommon specialize markup:

.hljs-preprocessor, .hljs-pragma, .hljs-pi, .hljs-doctype, .hljs-shebang,
.hljs-cdata {
    color: #999;
    font-weight: bold;
.hljs-deletion {
    background: #fdd;
.hljs-addition {
    background: #dfd;
.diff .hljs-change {
    background: #0086b3;
.hljs-chunk {
    color: #aaa;

Using CSS it is possibly to have a separate layout for print media. markover overrides certain values for print media.

@media print {
  .hljs {
    overflow: visible;
    word-wrap: break-word;
  .hljs-number, .hljs-hexcolor, .ruby .hljs-constant {
    color: #888;
  .hljs-string, .hljs-tag .hljs-value, .hljs-phpdoc, .hljs-dartdoc, .tex .hljs-formula {
    color: #ddd;
  .hljs-title, .hljs-id, .scss .hljs-preprocessor {
    color: #999;
  .hljs-class .hljs-title, .hljs-type, .vhdl .hljs-literal, .tex .hljs-command {
    color: #888;
  .hljs-tag, .hljs-tag .hljs-title, .hljs-rules .hljs-property, .django .hljs-tag .hljs-keyword {
    color: #888;
  .hljs-attribute, .hljs-variable, .lisp .hljs-body {
    color: #888;
  .hljs-regexp {
    color: #999;
  .hljs-symbol, .ruby .hljs-symbol .hljs-string, .lisp .hljs-keyword,
  .clojure .hljs-keyword, .scheme .hljs-keyword, .tex .hljs-special,
  .hljs-prompt {
    color: #999;
  .hljs-built_in {
    color: #888;
  .hljs-deletion {
    background: #ddd;
  .hljs-addition {
    background: #ddd;
  .diff .hljs-change {
    background: #888;

Program structure

This implementation is based on marked, which is a javascript markdown parser with a lot of flexibility. It provides a number of options that are very useful for markover.

weaveStream, tangleStream and untangleStream are based on nodejs stream transformation. They read from a source stream, transform the input, and write out to an output stream.


I'm using a lazy implementation of the nodejs stream transform. Instead of processing the input buffer piece by piece, I collect the entire stream into a pool. At the end, the entire pool is flushed to the output pipe. It takes a single argument which is a set of options which should include a convert function that converts a string into the transformed string. The default convert function does not transform the string. The options are passed to the convert function. pool calls the convert function in the context of the optional self object. This gives the convert function access to all the facilities of the identified object (methods and members).

function(options) {
  options = options || {}

  var dam = new require('stream').Transform()
  dam.options = options
  dam.options.convert = dam.options.convert || function(string, options) { return string }
  dam.options.self = dam.options.self || this

  dam.lake = []
  dam._transform = function(chunk, encoding, done) {

  dam._flush = function(done) {
    dam.push(, dam.lake.join(''), dam.options))
    dam.lake = []

  return dam

For displaying a document in HTML there are certain character sequences that must be escaped and then unescaped.

function (html, encode) {
  return html
    .replace(!encode ? /&(?!#?\w+;)/g : /&/g, '&amp;')
    .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
    .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
    .replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
    .replace(/'/g, '&#39;');
function(html) {
  return html.replace(/&([#\w]+);/g, function(_, n) {
    n = n.toLowerCase();
    if (n === 'colon') return ':';
    if (n === 'lt') return '<';
    if (n === 'gt') return '>';
    if (n === 'quot') return '"';
    if (n.charAt(0) === '#') {
      return n.charAt(1) === 'x'
        ? String.fromCharCode(parseInt(n.substring(2), 16))
        : String.fromCharCode(+n.substring(1));
    return '';


The tangle process is the most important process in markover.

The tangle process has to exist before markover can work. During my initial implementation I prototyped javascript code that could tangle a complex markdown document. Then I inserted the tangle prototype into a prototype markover document. After further adjustments I produced a markdown document that could be tangled into a functional identical tangle prototype. At this point I could make improvements to the document, tangle it, verify the results, and update the tangle process. If you don't have a tangle process, you can manually create a prototype by applying the tangle algorithm described here to this document. Once your prototype works, you can use it to produce the tangle process described in this document.

markover uses marked to parse markover documents. This parser has enough flexibility to implement the main features of markover: tangle and weave. I haven't investigated all the options that marked provides. But I have found a set of options that produce good results. The gfm option, which is 'GitHub Flavored Markdown' is particularly important to turn on. This option implements the fence style code blocks that markover is dependent on. All the renderer output functions are set to noop except for code.

Quoting is an important element of markover. It uses % escape sequences to convert native codes into escape codes.

The following fields describe all of the formating that the tangle process uses in creating source code from markover documents.


tangle Formatting

Once a markover document has been tangled, there are 3 results: the starting material, the fields, and the ending material. The starting and ending material are passed straight through.

The tangleFormat function handles the processing of the fields. The fields are stored in an object. For each field, the delimited field name is emitted and then the value. For javascript output the delimited field is in double quotes. For languages that don't use objects and fields, the delimited field name could be put in a source code comment. Not that fields are not in any particular order.

The final part of the processing is to translate the % escape sequences back to their original representation.

function(ff, fields, lf) {
  var res = [ff, this.tangleFormatPrefix]
  var firsttime = true
  var v
  for (var e in fields) {
    v = fields[e]
    if (firsttime) {
      firsttime = false
    } else {
    res.push(this.tangleFormatFieldPrefix + e + this.tangleFormatFieldSuffix)

   return res.join('')
     .replace(/%q/gm, '\"')
     .replace(/%n/gm, '\n')
     .replace(/%t/gm, '\t')
     .replace(/%s/gm, '\\')
     .replace(/%p/gm , '%')


Given a makeover source string tangleJSON returns the converted source code using marked. Options can have an array of field names that should be excluded from the output.

function (str, options) {
  options = options || {}
  options.exclude = options.exclude || []

We get a reference to the Renderer object so that it can be modified as needed.

  var marked = require('marked')
  var p = new marked.Renderer()
    renderer: p,
    gfm: true,
    tables: true,
    breaks: false,
    pedantic: false,
    sanitize: true,
    smartLists: true,
    smartypants: false

The main part of the rendered used in tangle is the code function which handles the code blocks. Code blocks without field names are ignored. Quoted code blocks are encoded in strings. Then the entire string is % escaped. Each code is stored as a triple of strings: field, quote, & text.

  p.code = function(code, lang, escaped) {

    if (!lang)
      return ''

    var field = lang.replace(/\S*#[+]?(\S*)/, "$1")
    if (lang == field)
      return ''

    var quote = lang.replace(/\S*#([+]?)\S*/, "$1")
    lang = lang.replace(/(\S*)#[+]?\S*/, "$1")
    if (lang == '') lang = 'json'

    if (quote == '+') {
      code = ('"' +
          .replace(/\\/gm, '\\\\')
          .replace(/\"/gm /*"*/, '\\"')
          .replace(/\n/gm , '\\n')
          .replace(/\t/gm , '\\t')
        + '"')

    var esccode = code
      .replace(/%/gm , '%p')
      .replace(/"/gm /*"*/, '%q')
      .replace(/\n/gm, '%n')
      .replace(/\t/gm, '%t')
      .replace(/\\/gm, '%s')

    return ',["' + field + '", "' + (quote == '+')  + '", "' + esccode + '"]'

All other rendering blocks are stopped.

  function noop() { return ''}

  p.blockquote = noop
  p.html = noop
  p.heading = noop = noop
  p.list = noop
  p.listitem = noop
  p.paragraph = noop
  p.table = noop
  p.tablerow = noop
  p.tablecell = noop
  p.strong = noop
  p.em = noop
  p.codespan = noop = noop
  p.del = noop = noop
  p.image = noop

marked does all the parsing at this point. The resulting set of triples is converted into an array of objects.

  var doc = '[' + marked(str).substring(1) + ']'
  var obj = JSON.parse(doc)
  var fields = {}
  var ff = ''
  var lf = ''

Each triple is decoded and appended to any existing text. There is a subtle difference in the quoted versus non-quoted appending: the quoted append inserts an escaped newline, while the non-quoted inserts a % escaped newline (which is converted into an actual newline in the output. Note that inserting these newlines prevents quote fields from being concatenated without a newline character.

  var res = obj.forEach(function(e) {
    var k = e[0]
    var q = (e[1] == "true")
    var v = e[2]
    var doit = true
    if (options.exclude.indexOf(k) != -1)
      doit = false
    if (doit) {
      if (fields[k] != undefined) {
        if (q) {
          v = fields[k].substring(0,fields[k].length-2) + '\\n' + v.substring(2)
        } else {
          v = fields[k] + '%n' + v
      fields[k] = v

Once all the fields are prepared, the special first and last field names are located and the results are formatted for output. If the sourcetarget options is given, then the quoted source document is stored at the location.

  if (fields["first"] != undefined) {
    ff = fields["first"]
    delete fields["first"]

  if (fields["last"] != undefined) {
    lf = fields["last"]
    delete fields["last"]

  if (options.sourcetarget) {
    fields[options.sourcetarget] = 
        ('"' +
          .replace(/\\/gm, '\\\\')
          .replace(/\"/gm /*"*/, '\\"')
          .replace(/\n/gm , '\\n')
          .replace(/\t/gm , '\\t')
          .replace(/%/gm , '%p')
        + '"')
  return this.tangleFormat(ff, fields, lf)


tangleStream can produce a transform object or apply it to stdin and stdout. The input stream is pooled, then tangled and pushed to the output stream.

function (opts) {
  var options = {convert: this.tangleJSON, self:this}
  for(var i in opts)
    options[i] = opts[i]
  var p = this.pool(options)

  if (!p.options.notstdio) {
    return true

  return p


The weave process complements tangle by producing a readable document that describes the program's operation. Many document systems, such as doxygen use the programming languages structure to attach documentation. Literate programming emphasizes the documentation structure over the programming structure. Since the tangle process provides field names for targets and allows fields to be concatenated, the markover document layout can be structured in the order that makes the most sense for the description of the program. Of course, parts of a program might be best described in the order the the programming language requires, and this can easily be done in markover as well.

The weave process maintains the order that the markover document is written in. It also weaves into the source code additional markup to clarify the syntax of the code.

weave headings

By processing the headings in the markover document a table of contents can be developed. As headings are rendered into HTML, they are appended to a toc. Each toc element starts as a triple: text, level, id. An array n is maintained to enumerate the headings.

function(text, level, raw, toc, prefix) {
  var i = raw.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w]+/g, '-')
  var n = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

HTML defines 6 levels of headings. This seems more than sufficient.

  if (level > 6) level = 6
  else if (level < 1) level = 1
  toc.push([text, level, i])

The n array is regenerated to reflect the current heading count.

  var l
  for (var x = 0; x < toc.length; x++) {
    l = toc[x][1]
    n[l] = n[l] + 1
    while (++l < toc.length)
      n[l] = 0

A section number is calculated from the n array and added to the toc element.

  var sn = n.slice(1, level+1).join('.') + (level == 1 ? '.' : '')

And the HTML rendering of the heading is returned, lightly formatted.

  return '<h'
    + level
    + ' id="'
    + prefix
    + i
    + '">'
    + sn + ' ' + text
    + '</h'
    + level
    + '>\n'

weave code highlighting

Highlighting code is handled by highlight.js. This utility function returns a code block that is highlighted according to the identified language.

function (lang, code) {
  var hljs = require('highlight.js')
  code = hljs.highlight(lang, this.unescape(code), true)
  return code


This function formats a code block for the HTML document. The formatting consists of labelling parts of the code with HTML tags with suitable classes. Code blocks that don't have an identified language are not highlighted.

function(code, lang, escaped, fields, prefix) {
  var c = code
  if (!lang) {
    return '<pre><code>'
      + this.escape(c)
      + '\n</code></pre>'

Code blocks that have a language, but don't have a field name are highlighted.

  var i = lang.indexOf('#')
  if (i == -1) {
    if (lang == "noweave") return ''
    return '<pre><code class="'
      + prefix
      + this.escape(lang, true)
      + '">'
      + this.weaveHighlight(lang, c).value
      + '\n</code></pre>\n'

Code blocks that have a field name are highlighted as well unless the language is noweave. Field names are appended and retained in weaving too. These field names can be used in the output of the HTML document. This is useful for the defining the structure of the HTML document.

  var field = lang.substring(i+1)
  lang = lang.substring(0, i)
  if (lang == "") lang = "json"

  if (field.substring(0,1) == '+') {
    field = field.substring(1)

  if (fields[field] == undefined) {
    fields[field] = c
  } else {
    fields[field] = fields[field] + '\n' + c

  if (lang == "noweave") return ''

  return '<pre><div class="field">'
    + field + '</div>'
    + '<code class="'
    + prefix
    + this.escape(lang, true)
    + '">'
    + this.weaveHighlight((lang != "" ? lang : "json"), c).value
    + '\n</code></pre>\n'

weave parsing

The markover parsing for weaving is done by marked. We start with the standard marked rendered and then modify routines to prepare the HTML generation.

function () {
  var marked = require('marked')
  var p = new marked.Renderer()

    renderer: p,
    gfm: true,
    tables: true,
    breaks: false,
    pedantic: false,
    sanitize: true,
    smartLists: true,
    smartypants: false

Create the toc, field, and self members to keep the needed state during parsing.

  p.field = []
  p.toc = []
  p.self = this

Process the heading with this object so that heading can access the utility functions. Do the same for code blocks. This returns the parser and the renderer.

  p.heading = function (text, level, raw) {
    return, text, level, raw, p.toc, this.options.headerPrefix)
  p.code = function (code, lang, escaped) {
    return, code, lang, escaped, p.field, this.options.langPrefix)

  return [marked, p]

weave document

This function formats the final HTML document using marked.

function (str, options) {
  options = options || {}
  var m = this.weaveMarked()
  var marked = m[0]
  var p = m[1]
  var doc =, str)

Utility function

  function f(l,d) { return this.unescape(p.field[l] || d) }

Format the basic elements of the document. Use reasonable default values where applicable.

  var title = f("title", "Weave Output")
  var tag = f("tag", "from weaving")
  var headstylesheet = f("headstylesheet", "")
  var stylesheet = f("stylesheet", "")

  var headline = f("head", "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>")
  var transitionline = f("transition", "</head><body>")
  var tailline = f("tail", "</body></html>") + '\n'

  var headtitle = '<title>' + title + ' - ' + tag + '</title>\n'
  var titleline = '<div id="title">' + title + '</div>'
  var tagline = '<div id="tag">' + tag + '</div>'

  var headstyleline = headstylesheet == '' ? '' : '<style>' + headstylesheet + '</style>'
  var styleline = stylesheet == '' ? '' : '<style>' + stylesheet + '</style>'

Create and mark up the table of contents. Open or close ordered list elements whenever there is a change in the heading level.

  var tocitems =, i, a) {
    var ll = 0
    var o = ''
    if (i > 0) ll = a[i-1][1]
    if (ll < e[1]) {
      while (ll++ < e[1])
        o = o + '<ol>'
    } else if (ll > e[1]) {
      while (ll-- > e[1])
        o = o + '</ol>'
    return (
            o + '<li><div class="tocsn">' + e[3] + '&nbsp;</div><div class="tocsr"><a href="#' + e[2] + '">'
	      + e[0] + '</a></div>'

Append enough ordered list ending tags and put the results in toc

  var toc = ''
  var ll
  var o

  if (p.toc.length > 0) {
    ll = p.toc[p.toc.length-1][1]
    o = ''
    while (ll-- > 0)
      o = o + '</ol>'
    toc = '<div id="toc"><h1>Contents</h1>\n' + tocitems.join('\n') + o + '</div>\n'

Return the assembled document. The bulk of the document is in the doc variable.

  var heading = ''
  var tailing = ''
  if (options.contentonly != true) {
    heading = headline + headtitle + headstyleline + styleline + transitionline
    tailing = tailline
  } else
    heading = styleline

  return (heading +
          '<div id="content">' +
             titleline + tagline + toc +
          '<div id="doc">' + doc + '</div>' +
          '</div>' + tailing)


weaveStream can produce a transform object or apply it to stdin and stdout. The input stream is pooled, then weaved and pushed to the output stream.

function (opts) {
  var options = {convert: this.weaveJSON, self:this}
  for(var i in opts)
    options[i] = opts[i]
  var p = this.pool(options)

  if (!p.options.notstdio) {
    return true

  return p


untangle is a utility that embeds a code block into a markover document. Basically it has a fence prefix and suffix.

function (opts) {
  opts = opts || {}
  var options
  options = {
    convert: function (str, options) {
      return '```\n' + str + '```\n'
    self: this

  for(var i in opts)
    options[i] = opts[i]

  var p = this.pool(options)

  if (!options.notstdio) {
    return true

  return p

Unix build instructions

To bootstrap try:

node -e "require('./markover').tangleStream()" < > markover1.js && node -e "require('./markover1').tangleStream()" < > markover2.js && diff markover2.js markover1.js && mv markover1.js markover.js

You can rebuild markover from this document (assuming it is called by running the following in a Unix shell:

node -e "require('./markover').tangleStream()" < > markover1.js && mv markover1.js markover.js

To weave:

node -e "require('./markover').weaveStream()" < > index.html

If you have used npm install to get this package then don't use the relative path.

GitHub and npmjs Note

markover documents do not display completely correctly on standard markdown renders used on GitHub and npmjs. The field names that are embedded in the code block fence are not interpreted. The MathJax processing is not rendered either. And, of course, there is no table of contents. Nevertheless the displayed markover document is readable.

The raw text of the markover documents are more readable. The raw text of the HTML display document is not very readable: the markdown text isn't too bad, but the code blocks are extremely difficult to read. The output CommonJS module is very readable. It is included in the source since it is needed to bootstrap markover.

Downloading the package and viewing the HTML document is the best way to see markover in action.

Concluding Remarks

markover offers authors the ability to write software in an order that is most suitable for understanding the code. It has facilities for presenting documentation on screen and in print with full access to TeX equation formatting. The markdown document is readable as plain text and easily manipulated with marked. Yet untangling source code into a markover document is trivial. Moving from traditional programming to literate programming can be done incrementally.

In writing markover I found that it very easy to add reminders. There was no extra effort to embed notes into 'structure comments'. While reviewing the markover document or the HTML document, I naturally revisited the notes to revise them or implement the ideas. Including references to related work is straight forward and will be help reader's interested in more detailed information. In short, writing markover in this style improved the implementation.

Is it possible to write documents for every program? Yes, to varying degrees. Experimental code might have little documentation. Difficult algorithms implementations might have a lot more. Code with many contributors might have more documenation. In any case, the software can start with little documentation and incremental be improved as needed.

Knuth's system offers parameterize macros. MathJax does have this ability in math mode. But this implementation only uses MathJax for the display document. Including this capability might be the next required step. markover has some ability to substitute field values in the HTML output. Perhaps the an escape sequence could be used in a code block to subsitute the contents of another field. A pair of backtick characters might be used for the escape sequence, like:

console.log("This is ``title``")

Care would be needed to avoid mutually recursive macro substitutions.

Adding a table of contents was straight forward given the capabilities of the marked library. Adding an index would be considerably more challenging. Another feature of Knuth's system is a trailing footnote that indicates what other sections of the document contributed to the current block of code. Using a series of regex pattern matching as in highlight.js could yield good results for a wide range of languages.

Unlike Knuth's system, markover has a fairly straight forward mechanism for tangling code. Knuth's system provides a lot more flexibility for re-ordering code and inserting code at arbitrary places in the code. markover is more restrictive, only providing the field names as targets for code blocks. It seems like this is enough flexibility and it allows the author to structure code blocks in a readable fashion that is copied into place producing fairly readable source code. If a more fine grain target is need, the source code can be divided into component functions or subroutines. Then each subroutine can be targeted separately.

Today there are sophisticate IDEs for javascript and other languages. The generated source files resemble the markover document. It should be possible for good programmers to work with the generated source files and modify the original document. A possible enhancement is to generate a source map file along with the source code. Tools like uglify2 can read input source map files and generate source map files for its mangled output. A tool like this could be included in markover itself.

In Knuth's system he went to some lengths to avoid using system libraries, much less 3rd party software. The development of the Web has turned this equation around. A tool like markover would be much more difficult to create without using libraries like marked and highlight.js. CDN providers improve user experience by downloading libraries quickly to their systems. The downside is the need to update programs as these resources change.


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