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Bruno P. Kinoshita edited this page Aug 22, 2019 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Cylc UI Wiki. The main audience of this documentation are developers of Cylc UI, Cylc UI Server, and related projects.

For the Cylc documentation, please visit the official project home page.

Use the sidebar to navigate the Wiki. Below sections have helpful tips for writing pages in this Wiki.

Writing table of contents

GitHub's Wiki system does not offer a macro or another solution for a table of contents. But you can easily create one.

Just add a section like ## Table of Contents, and then copy the whole markdown and paste in a web application such as this one, then copy the generated ToC under your newly created section.

Page hierarchy and sidebar

The sidebar of GitHub Wikis, by default, does not create any hierarchy. You will have only a flat list of pages created.

This project has a custom sidebar. Pro is that we can add hierarchy to our list. Con is that pages are not automatically added to the sidebar.

So, please, remember to add any page created to the Wiki sidebar (unless you intend to hide it so that it is accessible only via a direct link).

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