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Debugging Docker on Mac Chrome to Cypress connection time out

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Debugging Docker on Mac Chrome to Cypress connection time out

Build Docker image

See Dockerfile

npm run build

Which creates an image named cypress-chrome-vnc

Run Docker image

Switch into a folder with Cypress tests, for example grab cypress-test-tiny

git clone
cd cypress-test-tiny
docker run -p 5900 -e HOME=/ -v $PWD:/src -w /src cypress-chrome-vnc x11vnc -forever -create

It shows that VNC is running on local (to the container) port 5900, but we do not know the external container IP and port. To find it:

docker ps
... PORT>5900/tcp

Open VNC client, for example the free 'RealVNC' client from and enter url. Click to allow connecting over unencrypted connection without a password and see the desktop. You should have a terminal shell with outside files mapped into /src folder. Install Cypress (via npm i or npm i cypress) and you should be able to see its version.

Cypress version


Terminal $TERM is set to xterm

Cypress verifies, although with weird characters:

root@821ce58a7fb7:/src# $(npm bin)/cypress verify
npm info it worked if it ends with ok
npm info using npm@3.10.10
npm info using node@v6.11.1
npm info ok
It looks like this is your first time using Cypress: 1.1.2

 â  Verified Cypress! /src/node_modules/cypress/dist/Cypress

Chrome is there

root@821ce58a7fb7:/src# which chrome

Which is our shortcut shell script pointing at the actual Chrome

root@821ce58a7fb7:/src# cat /usr/bin/chrome
google-chrome --disable-gpu --no-sandbox "$@

Starting Chrome brings modal prompt

![Start Chrome][img/start-chrome.png]

I edited our shell script and added a flag to skip this prompt (VIM editor is installed in this image)

root@821ce58a7fb7:/src# cat /usr/bin/chrome
google-chrome --no-default-browser-check --disable-gpu --no-sandbox "$@

Note: running google-chrome application does NOT have these switches, and stops because we are running as root without --no-sandbox switch.

root@821ce58a7fb7:/src# google-chrome
[1343:1343:1206/] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See

Starting Cypress

DEBUG=cypress:launcher $(npm bin)/cypress open

It detects the original google-chrome application and NOT our /usr/bin/chrome shell script

cypress:launcher checking one browser chrome +0ms
cypress:launcher looking up chrome on linux platform +3ms
cypress:launcher looking using command "google-chrome --version" +6ms
cypress:launcher Google Chrome 62.0.3202.62 +449ms
cypress:launcher setting major version for {"name":"chrome","displayName":"Chrome","version":"62.0.3202.62","path":"google-chrome"}

The built-in Electron browser works fine, but the Chrome browser exits without any useful information.

cypress:launcher launching browser chrome to open http://localhost:35161/__/#/tests/integration/spec.js +3ms
cypress:launcher spawning browser google-chrome with args http://localhost:35161/__/#/tests/integration/spec.js --test-type --ignore-certificate-errors --start-maximized --silent-debugger-extension-api --no-default-browser-check --no-first-run --noerrdialogs --enable-fixed-layout --disable-popup-blocking --disable-password-generation --disable-save-password-bubble --disable-single-click-autofill --disable-prompt-on-repos --disable-background-timer-throttling --disable-renderer-backgrounding --disable-renderer-throttling --disable-restore-session-state --disable-translate --disable-new-profile-management --disable-new-avatar-menu --allow-insecure-localhost --reduce-security-for-testing --enable-automation --disable-infobars --disable-blink-features=BlockCredentialedSubresources --metrics-recording-only --disable-prompt-on-repost --disable-hang-monitor --disable-sync --disable-background-networking --disable-web-resources --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --safebrowsing-disable-download-protection --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --disable-component-update --disable-default-apps --load-extension=/.config/Cypress/cy/production/extensions/chrome,/src/node_modules/cypress/dist/Cypress/resources/app/packages/extension/theme --user-data-dir=/.config/Cypress/cy/production/browsers/chrome --proxy-server=http://localhost:35161

Hmm, moved alias check to be first, so it detects /usr/bin/chrome shell scripts. When clicking on the test, just keeps spinning "Opening ..." but nothing happens. Because the local folder is mapped to the Docker container, I can edit node_modules/cypress/dist/resource/ ... JS files directly. More log messages did not produce any output - seems there is some error getting swallowed when trying to launch the alias.

Opening alias hangs

Enabling all debug messages shows the swallowed error

  cypress:server launching project in browser Google Chrome (alias) +12ms
  cypress:server:events send error: {
    Error: Browser: 'Google Chrome (alias)' was not found on your system.

Available browsers found are: Google Chrome (alias), electron
    at Object.get (/src/node_modules/cypress/dist/Cypress/resources

 type: 'BROWSER_NOT_FOUND' } +6ms
  cypress:server:events sending ipc data { type: 'launch:browser',
   { id: 0.24828404789513425,
      { type: 'BROWSER_NOT_FOUND',
        name: 'Error',
        stack: 'Error: Browse

Ok, need to:

  • show this error BROWSER_NOT_FOUND when trying to launch browser by alias
  • fix browser search by name
  • seems if there is both an alias and original google-chrome we lose the second one, that is another problem.

Showing available browsers

You can see all the browsers detected in the system by running packages/launcher/index.js

root@821ce58a7fb7:/src# node node_modules/cypress/dist/Cypress/resources/app/packages/launcher/index.js
Launcher project exports
{ [Function: init]
  update: [Function: update],
  detect: [Function: detectBrowsers] }
âï¸ please use it as a module, not from CLI
detected 1 browser
[ { name: 'Google Chrome (alias)',
    version: '62.0.3202.62',
    path: 'chrome',
    majorVersion: '62' } ]

Hmm, seems server code has "normalize" browser name code that just changes the detected browser name. For example name could be "Google Chrome (alias)" but it is displayName. Hmm.

getBrowser = (name) ->
  switch name
    ## normalize all the chrome* browsers
    when "chrome", "chromium", "canary"
    when "electron"

Seems on Linux platform we get confused by name vs displayName. On Mac we get correct info

detected 3 browsers
[ { name: 'chrome',
    displayName: 'Chrome',
    version: '62.0.3202.94',
    path: '/Applications/Google Chrome',
    majorVersion: '62' },
  { name: 'chromium',
    displayName: 'Chromium',
    version: '60.0.3110.0',
    path: '/Applications/',
    majorVersion: '60' },
  { name: 'canary',
    displayName: 'Canary',
    version: '65.0.3286.0',
    path: '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary',
    majorVersion: '65' } ]


Debugging Docker on Mac Chrome to Cypress connection time out


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