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/ bumpercar Public archive

[ARCHIVED] Easily update settings and trigger builds across projects and CI providers


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Make it easy to bump versions and re-run CI builds across many projects and CI providers.

CircleCI semantic-release renovate-app badge

bumpercar = require("@cypress/bumpercar")

# configure a new Bumpercar
car = bumpercar.create({
  providers: {
    travis: {
      # find/create one here:
      githubToken: "github-token-for-user-with-repo-privileges"
    circle: {
      # find/create one here:
      circleToken: "circle-token-for-user-with-project-privileges"

# bump your ENV vars with ease
car.updateProjectEnv("cypress-io/cypress-download", "circle", {
  VAR_1: "lo"
  VAR_2: "and"
  VAR_3: "behold"

.then ->
  # kick off a new build/run with your new vars
  car.runProject("cypress-io/cypress-download", "circle")


This module supports

  • Travis
    • setting environment variables
    • fetch last build by id
    • restart build by id
  • CircleCI
    • setting environment variables
    • starting a build
  • AppVeyor
    • setting environment variables
    • starting a build
  • Buildkite
    • setting environment variables
    • starting a build


  • npm test runs the unit tests once
  • npm run watch keeps watching for file changes and reruns the tests


Run commands with DEBUG=bumper environment variable. To see debug messages from the unit tests, run with DEBUG=test environment variable.