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Zod parser plugin for Typera.

— Just like native Parser, but with Zod (instead of io-ts).


The plugin is declined in its Express flavour only for now.

yarn add @chimanos/typera-express-zod
# or
npm install @chimanos/typera-express-zod



import { Parser, Response, Route, URL, route } from 'typera-express'
import { z, ZodSchema, ZodFormattedError } from 'zod'
import { ZodParser } from '@chimanos/typera-express-zod'

interface User {
  id: number
  name: string
  age: number

// Partial User schema { name: string, age: number }
const userBodySchema = z.object({
    name: z.string(),
    age: z.number()

const updateUser: Route<
  | Response.Ok<User>
  | Response.NotFound
  | Response.BadRequest<ZodFormattedError<User>>
> = route
  // Use userBodySchema to parse request body
  .handler(async (request) => {
    const user = await updateUserInDatabase(,
      // Fully typed from userBodySchema output !

    if (user === null) {
      return Response.notFound()

    return Response.ok(user)

Just like your usual native Typera.Parser, but with a Zod schema — instead of io-ts codec.

Extended Zod features


ZodParser is compatible with most Zod features, including coerce and extended methods (like min(n) or email() for example).

— Particularly useful when decoding query strings

const querySchema = z.object({
  limit: z.coerce.number().min(0).max(50)
  skip: z.coerce.number().min(0).optional()

// ...
// ...

DTO Typings

If you want to extract your payloads typings for external usage, just use Zod [z.infer] method.

const userBodySchema = z.object({
    name: z.string(),
    age: z.number()

type UserBodyPayload = z.infer<typeof userBodySchema>

// ...

Error handling

By default, when encountering an validation error, ZodParser produces a response of type :


— with T being the the underlying type of the given schema (ZodSchema<T>) and ZodFormattedError being the return type of zodError.format().

If you'd prefer to zodError.flatten() errors, you can do so by instanciating a custom parser, like so :

// FlattenedError Type
import { typeToFlattenedError } from 'zod'

const userBodySchema = z.object({
    name: z.string(),
    age: z.number()

const updateUser: Route<
  // ...
  | Response.BadRequest<typeToFlattenedError<User>>
> = route
  // ...
    // Flatten error and return it into 400
    (err) => Response.BadRequest(err.flatten())
  // ...

API Reference

Classic parsers

ZodParser provides the 4 methods

  • query(schema)
  • body(schema)
  • headers(schema)
  • cookies(schema)

Each of them will

  • validate the respective against a given Zod Schema,
  • and either
    • if OK return it through the relative request.XXXX key;
    • if KO early return a 400 Bad Request error response


Parameter Type Description
T Generic Type Optional(inferred). The return type
schema ZodSchema<T> Required. The zod schema to validate against
Details Validate the query string according to the given [Zod] schema. Respond with `400 Bad Request` if the validation fails. The result will be available as `request.query` in the route handler.

The input for this parser will be the query string parsed as Record<string, string>, i.e. all parameter values will be strings. If you want to convert them to other types, you will probably find the coerce method from Zod useful (e.g. z.coerce.number(), etc.)


Parameter Type Description
T Generic Type Optional(inferred). The return type
schema ZodSchema<T> Required. The zod schema to validate against
Details Validate the request body according to the given [Zod]( schema. Respond with `400 Bad Request` if the validation fails. The result will be available as `request.query` in the route handler.

The input for this parser will be the request body, parsed with the body parser of your choice. With Express you probably want to use body-parser, and with Koa the most common choice is koa-bodyparser. Note that these are native Express or Koa middleware, so you must attach them directly to the Express or Koa app rather than use them as typera middleware.

⚠️ You must use a Express or Koa body parsing middleware for
`Parser.body` to work.


Parameter Type Description
T Generic Type Optional(inferred). The return type
schema ZodSchema<T> Required. The zod schema to validate against
Details Validate the request headers according to the given [Zod] schema. Respond with `400 Bad Request` if the validation fails. The result will be available as `request.query` in the route handler.

Header matching is case-insensitive, so using e.g. X-API-KEY, x-api-key and X-Api-Key in the codec will all read the same header. However, the parse result will of course be case sensitive. That is, the field in request.headers will have the name you specify in the [io-ts] codec you pass to Parser.headers, with case preserved.

The input for this parser will be the headers parsed as Record<string, string>, i.e. all parameter values will be strings. If you want to convert them to other types, you will probably find the coerce method from Zod useful (e.g. z.coerce.number(), etc.)


Parameter Type Description
T Generic Type Optional(inferred). The return type
schema ZodSchema<T> Required. The zod schema to validate against
Details Validate the request cookies according to the given [Zod] schema. Respond with `400 Bad Request` if the validation fails. The result will be available as `request.query` in the route handler.

The input for this parser will be the cookies parsed as Record<string, string>, i.e. all parameter values will be strings. If you want to convert them to other types, you will probably find the coerce method from Zod useful (e.g. z.coerce.number(), etc.)

Advanced parsers

Each of the above functions also have a P flavor that allows the user to override error handling. In addition to a zod schema, these functions take an error handler function that receives a ZodError and produces an ErrorResponse.

queryP(schema, errorHandler)

ZodParser.queryP(schema, errorHandler)
Parameter Type Description
T Generic Type Optional(inferred). The return type
ErrorT Generic Type Optional(inferred). The generated error type
errorHandler (ZodError) => Response<number, ErrorT> Required. Error handler
schema ZodSchema<T> Required. The zod schema to validate against

bodyP(schema, errorHandler)

ZodParser.bodyP(schema, errorHandler)
Parameter Type Description
T Generic Type Optional(inferred). The return type
ErrorT Generic Type Optional(inferred). The generated error type
errorHandler (ZodError) => Response<number, ErrorT> Required. Error handler
schema ZodSchema<T> Required. The zod schema to validate against

headersP(schema, errorHandler)

ZodParser.headersP(schema, errorHandler)
Parameter Type Description
T Generic Type Optional(inferred). The return type
ErrorT Generic Type Optional(inferred). The generated error type
errorHandler (ZodError) => Response<number, ErrorT> Required. Error handler
schema ZodSchema<T> Required. The zod schema to validate against

cookiesP(schema, errorHandler)

ZodParser.cookiesP(schema, errorHandler)
Parameter Type Description
T Generic Type Optional(inferred). The return type
ErrorT Generic Type Optional(inferred). The generated error type
errorHandler (ZodError) => Response<number, ErrorT> Required. Error handler
schema ZodSchema<T> Required. The zod schema to validate against


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