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This is a platform to collect information and reviews about whether businesses are accommodating of customers with special needs.

Here is a scenario where this sort of information might be useful: Imagine you are a parent of a child who is on the autism spectrum and that you are out of town visiting relatives. Your child has cut his/her own hair and you need to find a barber to give your child a haircut. Searching Yelp for good salons or barber shops won't give you sufficient information. You want to find a barber who will be accommodating of your child's special needs.

This is where RevTilt comes in.

As a parent you can easily find businesses that are autism-friendly. RevTilt is a platform to share and find reviews specific to your family member's special needs. These reviews are provided along side existing mainstream reviews on sites like Yelp.

For now this project is devoted entirely to autism, but our goal is to accommodate other special needs as well.


Bugs / Issues

If you find a bug or something that could improve the user experience, please file an issue on this github project, so our contributors/maintainers can get started fixing them. :-)

Even if you plan on filing a patch for the issue yourself it'd be great if you could still file an issue so that we don't have people duplicating work unnecessarily.

Submitting Pull Requests

  1. Fork this project
  2. Make a feature branch git checkout -b feature
  3. Make your changes and commit them to your feature branch
  4. Submit a pull request

Where did this all get started?

RevTilt (then called Puzzled) won first place at the AT&T Hackathon on Hacking Autism in April 2013.


So far there have been stories about RevTilt written by the LA Times, CNN, and SFGate. Click here for a complete list.

Getting your development environment setup

You will need to create a .env file in the RevTilt directory. You should have the following variables defined.

SMTP_DEV_EMAIL=*where all development emails should be sent*
SMTP_USERNAME=*sending gmail address*
SMTP_PASSWORD=*sending gmail password*
BING_MAPS_API_KEY=*key from the bingmpasportal*
NEWRELIC_LICENSE_KEY=*key from new relic*

API Keys

Install gems and setup your database

$ bundle install
$ rake db:create # first time only
$ rake db:migrate # whenever you update the database schema
$ rake db:test:prepare
$ foreman start
$ bundle exec guard # to run spork and tests


Virtual Private Server (like Digital Ocean or Linode)

  • Provision a new server using the Puppet manifests, which will be published shortly.
  • If you prefer to write your own provisioning using something like Chef, you need to have PostgreSQL, Nginx, Node.js, and Ruby v2.0.0 installed.
  • Once everything has been provisioned you need to create a few files that are not included in this repository because they contain sensitive information.
  • Create your database on your server.
  • Create a lib/capistrano/templates/database.yml.erb by copying lib/capistrano/templates/database.yml.erb.example and including the appropriate database credentials.
  • Create a lib/capistrano/templates/env.production and lib/capistrano/templates/env.vagrant using the same values that you have in your .env file.
  • Change the IP address(es) in the config/deploy/production.rb and config/deploy/vagrant.rb to match your server(s).
  • For your first deploy to production use $ cap production deploy:setup deploy, be sure to answer 'yes' when asked whether you would like to overwrite the .env file on your server.
  • From then on you should only need to use $ cap production deploy


  • Add the variables in .env to Heroku using heroku config:add. You can find further explanation here.
  • For logging be sure to uncomment the last lines in the config/environments/production.rb
  • Then to deploy use $ git push heroku master, assuming you have configured your Heroku remote.


Find Autism Friendly Places







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