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2023 04 03 meeting notes

Ziwen Liu edited this page Apr 3, 2023 · 3 revisions

iohub Meeting Agenda 04/03/23

From last time

  • Easy viewing of OME-NGFF data - napari-ome-zarr and recently developed napari-iohub plugin (Ivan, Ziwen)
  • Define viewer needs for projects using iohub as io library: mantis, opencell, infected cell, microDL (Ivan, Shalin)


  • Brief neuroglancer showcase (Jordao)
  • TIFF writer implementation and assignment (#99) (Soorya, Rachel)
  • Update OME-TIFF reader to use the latest tifffile (#66, #94) (Ziwen)
  • Python SLURM API discussion --- if there's enough time, not that important (Jordao)
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