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API Simple freq distribution tokens

Tomas Machalek edited this page Jan 6, 2023 · 3 revisions

HTTP API / Simple frequency distribution for positional attributes (tokens)


  • URL: /freqs
  • HTTP Method: GET

URL Query arguments

name description
q concordance persistence ID (starts with ~)
fcrit freq. criterion (e.g. lemma/e 0~0>0, see Sketchengine documentation](
freq_type tokens
fmaxitems Max. number of listed items. Please note that it is still possible to move to a different page.
format json


  • HTTP status: 200 OK (if without errors)
  • content type: application/json

Important entries

name (path) description
Blocks Frequency results (array)
Blocks[i] Frequency results entry
Blocks[i].Total Total number of items in the result
Blocks[i].Head Array of respective columns (typically - 1) value of a respective structural attr., 2) absolute frequency, 3) ipm
Blocks[i].Items Array of individual lines
Blocks[i].Items[i].Word[0].n Value of a respective structural attribute
Blocks[i].Items[i].freq Absolute frequency
Blocks[i].Items[i].rel Instances per million (ipm)

Please note that the Blocks array contains only a single result set (=table of items). The array type is kept for backward compatibility.

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