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ChaoHui Zheng

This B+Tree is implemented in c++ using template, which allows you to use different data types for key and value. Additionally, you can specify the maximum number of children using template. One of the examples could be Tree<double, string, 5>. It tells the template that the data types of key and value are double and string respectively, and the maximum number of children the internal node hold is 5. If the third template parameter is not specified, 5 will be used.

B+Tree Member functions

Function Name Explanation
insert(key, val) Insert a record into B+Tree. It the key exists in the tree, the value will be overwritten by current value
find(key) Return an iterator to the record equal to the given key. If the key doesn't exist, it returns end()
erase(key) Remove the record equal to the given key from B+Tree. Nothing happens if key doesn't exist
erase(it) Remove the record from B+Tree given an iterator.
erase(rit) Remove the record from B+Tree given a reverse iterator
contains(key) Return true if key exists in B+Tree
size() Return the size of B+Tree
empty() Return true if the B+Tree is empty
clear() Clear the entire B+Tree
lower_bound(key) Return an iterator pointing the record whose key is greater than or equal to a given key. If there's no such a record, it returns end()
upper_bound(key) Return an iterator pointing the record whose key is greater than a given key. If there's no such a record, it returns end()
get_keys() Return a vector of all keys in B+Tree
get_vals() Return a vector of all values in B+Tree
at Access elements. It has the same behavior of map
operator[] Access elements. It has the same behavior of map If the key doesn't exist and mapped value is not assigned to the return reference value, the size of B+Tree still gets increased by one with a default value
begin() Return iterator to beginning
end() Return iterator to end (one pass the last record)
rbegin() Return reverse iterator to reverse beginning
rend() Return reverse iterator to reverse end (one before the first record)

iterator/reverse_iterator Member functions

Function Name Explanation
get_key() Return the key
get_val() Retrun the value
set_val(val) Set the value
advance(distance) Move the iterator by distance. More precisely, if distance is greater than 0, operator++ get called for "distance" times. If the distance is less than 0, operator-- get called for "distance" times


You can find the code at here

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "b+tree.h"
using namespace BPlusTree;
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  Tree<double, string> t;
  Tree<double, string>::iterator it;
  Tree<double, string>::reverse_iterator rit;

  t.insert(4, "A");  // insert (4,A) into B+Tree
  t.insert(2, "B");  // insert (2,B) into B+Tree

  t[1] = "C";        // insert (1,C) into B+Tree
  t[0] = "D";        // insert (0,D) into B+Tree

  cout << t[2] << endl;
  try {
    cout << << endl;  // 3 is not in B+Tree. It will throw out_of_range exception.
  } catch (std::out_of_range e){
    cout << e.what() << endl;
  cout << t.contains(2) << " " << t.contains(5) << endl;

  // ascending order
  for (it = t.begin(); it!= t.end(); ++it) {
    cout << it.get_key() << " -> " << it.get_val() << endl;
    it.set_val("J"); // set the value to J

  // descending order
  cout << endl;
  for (rit = t.rbegin(); rit!= t.rend(); rit++) {
    cout << rit.get_key() << " -> " << rit.get_val() << endl;


The result is as follows.

B+Tree: iterator is out of range
1 0
0 -> D
1 -> C
2 -> B
4 -> A

4 -> J
2 -> J
1 -> J

A tool program

A tool program is written for you to let you to insert and delete records, and print the B+Tree info. We will use double and string as key and value data types, respectively. It has the following commands. You can find the code at here

INSERT/I key val ...   - Insert a (key, val)
ERASE/E key ...        - Erase the record given a key
FIND/F key ...         - Print the pair given a key
SIZE/S                 - Print the size of tree
KEYS/K                 - Print keys
VALS/V                 - Print vals
TRAVERSE/T A|D         - Traverse the tree and print the pair. A|D is to in ascending or descending order
LB key ...             - Print the pair whose key >= the given key
UB key ...             - Print the pair whose key >  the given key
CLEAR/C                - Clear the tree
UNIX> make
c++ -O3 -std=c++14 -Wall -Wextra -g -Iinclude/ -c -o obj/main.o src/main.cpp 
c++ -O3 -std=c++14 -Wall -Wextra -g -Iinclude/ -o bin/main obj/main.o
c++ -O3 -std=c++14 -Wall -Wextra -g -Iinclude/ -c -o obj/example.o src/example.cpp 
c++ -O3 -std=c++14 -Wall -Wextra -g -Iinclude/ -o bin/example obj/example.o
UNIX> bin/main  "B+tree:"
B+tree: I  1 A   2 B   3 C   10 ABC   8 JACK   50 MARY   21 HUNTER
B+tree: KEYS
1.00 2.00 3.00 8.00 10.00 21.00 50.00 
B+tree: VALS
1.00 -> A
2.00 -> B
3.00 -> C
8.00 -> JACK
10.00 -> ABC
21.00 -> HUNTER
50.00 -> MARY
50.00 -> MARY
21.00 -> HUNTER
10.00 -> ABC
8.00 -> JACK
3.00 -> C
2.00 -> B
1.00 -> A
B+tree: FIND 1 2 
1 -> A
2 -> B
B+tree: ERASE 1
B+tree: FIND 1 2
key 1 doesn't exist
2 -> B
B+tree: LB 2.5 
2.5 lower_bound: 3.00 -> C
B+tree: LB 2
2 lower_bound: 2.00 -> B
B+tree: UP 2 
2 upper_bound: 3.00 -> C
B+tree: CLEAR
B+tree: SIZE
size: 0


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